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从高校学生的阅读导向谈图书馆的教育职能 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
王颖 《浙江树人大学学报》2003,3(2):78-80
以浙江树人大学图书馆为例,分析2001年该校大学生的借阅规律,在此基础上,探计当代大学生的阅读走向,并阐述图书馆教育职能的特点。 相似文献
舒志武 《华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2004,3(4):88-95
讨论了杜甫七律首尾联中似对非对的对仗现象.认为之所以有这些特殊现象出现,一方面是因为受对称平衡传统文化习惯心理的影响,诗人不得不对仗;另一方面也是因为诗人想摆脱过于讲究对偶平衡的诗赋传统,寻找一种既可灵动地表达诗意又不丢弃诗歌形式之美的对仗方式. 相似文献
融合教育作为当代国际特殊教育领域不可逆转的趋势和潮流,为教育变革乃至整个社会的发展提供着新的机遇与挑战。作为义务教育阶段融合教育的基础,学前融合教育目前面临着提高学前残疾儿童入学率和提高融合教育质量的双重任务。我国学前融合教育现阶段尚存社会整体接纳度依然不够、区域发展不均衡、普通幼儿园接纳能力不足和学前融合支持体系极不完善的问题。为适应当下人民群众对优质教育的需求,办好有中国特色的融合教育,未来要从多途径推动融合教育观念普及;推进融合教育向学前阶段倾斜;加强对特殊教育素养人才的培养;积极构建合理的学前融合支持体系四个方面加快推动我国学前融合教育的高质量发展。 相似文献
Parametric models for interval censored data can now easily be fitted with minimal programming in certain standard statistical software packages. Regression equations can be introduced, both for the location and for the dispersion parameters. Finite mixture models can also be fitted, with a point mass on right (or left) censored observations, to allow for individuals who cannot have the event (or already have it). This mixing probability can also be allowed to follow a regression equation.Here, models based on nine different distributions are compared for three examples of heavily censored data as well as a set of simulated data. We find that, for parametric models, interval censoring can often be ignored and that the density, at centres of intervals, can be used instead in the likelihood function, although the approximation is not always reliable. In the context of heavily interval censored data, the conclusions from parametric models are remarkably robust with changing distributional assumptions and generally more informative than the corresponding non-parametric models. 相似文献
Let X1X2,.be i.i.d. random variables and let Un= (n r)-1S?(n,r) h (Xi1,., Xir,) be a U-statistic with EUn= v, v unknown. Assume that g(X1) =E[h(X1,.,Xr) - v |X1]has a strictly positive variance s?2. Further, let a be such that φ(a) - φ(-a) =α for fixed α, 0 < α < 1, where φ is the standard normal d.f., and let S2n be the Jackknife estimator of n Var Un. Consider the stopping times N(d)= min {n: S2n: + n-1≤2a-2},d > 0, and a confidence interval for v of length 2d,of the form In,d= [Un,-d, Un + d]. We assume that Var Un is unknown, and hence, no fixed sample size method is available for finding a confidence interval for v of prescribed width 2d and prescribed coverage probability α Turning to a sequential procedure, let IN(d),d be a sequence of sequential confidence intervals for v. The asymptotic consistency of this procedure, i.e. limd → 0P(v ∈ IN(d),d)=α follows from Sproule (1969). In this paper, the rate at which |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) converges to α is investigated. We obtain that |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) - α| = 0 (d1/2-(1+k)/2(1+m)), d → 0, where K = max {0,4 - m}, under the condition that E|h(X1, Xr)|m < ∞m > 2. This improves and extends recent results of Ghosh & DasGupta (1980) and Mukhopadhyay (1981). 相似文献
张岳林 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》2000,17(2)
鱼类的自然属性一旦和人类相联系就有了社会属性 ,两者的结合即产生了鱼文化。鱼文化在我国的历史上及人们的饮食、风俗、美术等方面都有各种表现。在表现为各种生熟海鲜的同时反映出了鱼的馔食文化 ,在表现为各种鱼祭鱼信仰的同时演化出了鱼的风俗文化 ,在表现为各种图画造型的同时展现出了鱼的美术文化。探讨鱼文化的表现领域、规律属性等 ,对于挖掘民俗文化、建设和丰富人们的文化生活等 ,都有重要的文化史价值和现实意义 相似文献
讨论教育回报时,职业教育和普通高中教育之间所存在的实质性区别往往被学者忽略。本文使用中国家庭动态调查2010年基线调查数据来分析职业教育与普通高中教育在收入回报上的差异。结果表明,在控制教育类型的选择性因素和个人工作经验等变量的情况下,接受职业教育者比接受普通高中教育者有更多的收入回报。不过,收入回报的差异随教育世代而变化,改革开放早期接受职业教育者比接受普通高中教育者拥有较高的回报, 1990年后接受职业教育者的收入回报已没有优势。本文认为,职业教育有回报优势源自于他们在高等教育供给不足的特定历史背景下更有可能从事专业技术性工作,而职业教育回报优势的消失则是因为高校扩招所带来的职业教育文凭价值相对降低。 相似文献
We propose a new type of multivariate statistical model that permits non‐Gaussian distributions as well as the inclusion of conditional independence assumptions specified by a directed acyclic graph. These models feature a specific factorisation of the likelihood that is based on pair‐copula constructions and hence involves only univariate distributions and bivariate copulas, of which some may be conditional. We demonstrate maximum‐likelihood estimation of the parameters of such models and compare them to various competing models from the literature. A simulation study investigates the effects of model misspecification and highlights the need for non‐Gaussian conditional independence models. The proposed methods are finally applied to modeling financial return data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 86–109; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
Matthew Freund Ph.D. Nancy Lee M.S.W. Terri Leonard M.A. 《Journal of sex research》2013,50(4):579-591
This paper describes the sexual behaviors of 101 male clients with female street prostitutes. An earlier study (Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989) was limited to sexual behaviors of street prostitutes themselves. Interviews were given by 62% of the clients approached. The clients were mature men (mean = 39.8 years), long‐term residents of Camden, NJ (mean = 19.2 years), and currently or previously married (78/101). Racial composition was similar to the general population of the area, 65% white, 33% black, 2% Asian. Clients reported a mean of 5.3 years of using prostitution, with 81% having been clients of Camden prostitutes for more than a year. Most were regular (or repeat) clients; 93% monthly or more frequently, and 63% weekly or more frequently. About one‐half (55%) reported sex with the same prostitute or same small group of prostitutes. The primary meeting place was the street (78/101) and 43% of the sexual encounters took place in the clients' cars. Ejaculation into the vagina was most frequently reported (43/101), followed by ejaculation into the mouth (39/101) Reports of condom use were substantial; 72% for vaginal and 33% for oral intercourse (mean = 58% of encounters). 相似文献
沈端民 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,24(4):99-103
货币是应人类商品交换的需要而产生的一种工具.人类创造这种工具的目的在用其为自己的利益服务.货币交换也是一种游戏,人们几乎在开展货币交换时,就在制定相应的游戏规则.李白深刻揭示货币运行的规律,并遵循交换的"游戏" 规则,从多方面利用货币为人类服务:或充分利用货币的使用价值以福利人;或积极发挥货币交换的职能作用以愉悦人;或努力促进货币循环流通的运动以激励人;或深刻揭示货币充当等价商品的本质以沟通人. 相似文献