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This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported.  相似文献   
在长征过程中,朱德作为党和红军的重要领导人之一,实行宗教信仰自由,与宗教界建立统一战线,实行政教分离,打击分化反动的宗教人士,对宗教问题作出了有益的贡献。  相似文献   
试析宗教伦理的涵义和问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理解宗教有两种思路:一是狭义的,将宗教视为和其他各种社会文化现象,如政治、经济、哲学、艺术等并列而不同的另一种独特的社会精神生活现象;二是广义的,将宗教理解为整个社会文化生活的基础,理解为人性或生命存在的形而上学根基。根据两种宗教思路,宗教伦理有两种释义:着眼于个性形态,指在宗教领域和宗教活动中,由信奉者群体遵守的,从特定信仰体系里引申出来的一套伦理规范,与政治伦理、经济伦理等一样,属于一种特殊的伦理领域或伦理形态。着眼于共性意蕴,关涉的是对于人的存在来说具有某种普遍意义的价值生存模式,将人的整个社会伦理生活秩序指向了某种终极意义或终极信念。依此,宗教伦理学的基本问题是探讨人类生存的伦理秩序和信念根基之间的关系,一是人心道义秩序与信念根基之间的关系,二是社会伦理秩序与意义共识之间的关系。  相似文献   
宗法文化在安多藏区亦有全面表现,涉及政权、教权、血缘传递、婚姻缔结、生养死葬等诸多方面。教权强化了政权和族权,政权保障了教权和族权,族权则延续了教权和政权。安多藏区的宗法文化体现出边缘性及混融性两个突出特点。  相似文献   
民间祭祀与社会生活,是一直处于流动、变迁和发展之中的.随着社会的发展,旧的意识不会马上随之消失,它在扬弃,在既克服又保留中得到传承,在一代又一代人的心理深处传承不息.但只是要经历激烈的社会变动,或者一个相当长的时期,由于时间、地点、条件的变化,由于社会的不断发展,民间祭祀也会随之发生变异,有的甚至逐渐被社会淘汰.  相似文献   
信仰是建立在理性判断基础之上的,而迷信则是盲目地信奉;宗教信仰是自然力量和社会力量在人们意识中的虚幻、歪曲的反映,是神本主义的,具有虚幻性和荒谬性,而科学信仰则是对自然、社会和思维的客观规律的正确认识,是人本主义的,具有科学性、规律性和历史必然性;共产主义是人类社会历史发展的必然,共产主义信仰是人类历史上最科学、最崇高、最值得为之奋斗和引以自豪的信仰,共产党人把实现共产主义作为自己的崇高理想和目标,不仅代表了最广大人民的根本利益,而且表明了共产党人所从事的事业是人类历史上最伟大、最壮丽的事业。  相似文献   
本文通过对少数民族文学及批评中的宗教意识的不同层次分析,认为目前少数民族文学批评中宗教意识的价值定位及阐释应注意宗教意识下的民族现代化、文化认同及超越等问题.文学批评中的宗教意识研究必须要同现代性的社会日常生活联系起来,过于强调少数民族文学中宗教意识的原始性和神圣价值是对当下少数民族文化及精神生活的简单化认同.  相似文献   
石窟随佛教产生而产生,随佛教东渐而传入中土,并广泛传播,与本土文化相溶合形成特有的艺术形式。通过考察现有石窟造像遗存,可以了解到:石窟中的造像艺术风格是伴随着时代的发展和地理环境的变化而变迁的;造像的形象及体态动作、表情、手语,都表达了极为丰富的佛教精神内涵及佛经典籍内容;佛教宗派在历史上的兴衰对石窟的主题内容有极大影响;佛教造像中的服饰、容貌、表情等的变化与佛教本土化过程紧密相关。  相似文献   
This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported.  相似文献   
藏族文化的某些成分即藏文文献是通过哪些渠道,进入、渗透到蒙古草原的?笔者对这一问题进行了深入的研究,认为这一文化的传播主要是以口耳相传、文本流传、文人墨客的介入等三个方式蔓延的。这一过程的延续自始至终贯穿着无数参与者的直接与间接、有形与无形、有意识与无意识的传播活动。  相似文献   
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