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在萨满教名目繁多的仪式活动中,一个重要的仪式类别是愈合仪式,即治疗仪式。萨满教宗教治疗仪式由物质、语言、行为、声音等一系列象征符号组成,这些象征符号彼此依托,共同构成一个完整的象征体系。萨满通过综合性的表演,象征性地达到与超自然沟通的目的,从而假借神灵的力量治病驱邪,在与求治者的互动中,使求治者实现由病态、偏离到健康、正常的转换。  相似文献   
伊斯兰教蕴涵着丰富的伦理观念,在构建社会主义和谐社会这个大背景下探讨显得尤为必要。伊斯兰教对于穆斯林在人际交往、家庭、商业、生态等方面的处理上都有着明确的道德规范与规定。强调伊斯兰教伦理观,可以整合有利的伦理资源,这对于和谐社会及其构建而言,无疑具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
英国文学在其发展过程中深受基督教,尤其是《圣经》的影响,即使是面向青少年读者的小说《纳尼亚传奇:狮子女巫魔衣橱》也在其中体现了很多宗教意义和象征意义。  相似文献   
Health and social care professionals need sufficient religious literacy in order to handle the complexities of religious beliefs and practices, including the growing numbers who identify with other belief systems and those who claim to identify with no religion. The extent to which the need for religious literacy has been formalized was examined in an analysis of regulatory frameworks for health and social care professionals in the United Kingdom. Although all but one of the regulators make some reference to religion and beliefs, they are silent on the question as to what is meant by religion and beliefs. Some standards include a requirement not to impose one's own beliefs on others, but there is very little requirement to develop a reflective and self‐critical awareness of one's own stance. Likewise, some standards refer to knowledge and skills required, but greater specificity is required for these to be meaningful.  相似文献   
Despite much research work on the effect of social capital or the production of social capital along ethno-linguistic or racial dimensions, there is hardly any study in this line along the much fragmented character of Indian ethnicity. This article studies the impact of ethnicity along caste and religious dimensions on the growth of social capital in the Indian context. A simple theoretical model indicates that individual ethnicity formed out of individuals' separate pairwise connections with people, who are either of the same ethnic dimension or of different ethnic dimensions, is the only factor affecting endogenous social capital growth. Empirical results suggest that all forms of individual social capital are higher for people who are of the same caste or religion. It also shows that individuals' ethnicity with the same caste or religion is the only factor influencing high performance on the productivity of aggregate social capital in general and nonstructural form of social capital in particular.  相似文献   
后殖民理论是一种带有鲜明的政治性和文化批判色彩的学术思潮,上世纪90年代应用在宗教学研究领域,提出了一些颇有争议的观点。后殖民批评家指出,宗教学的创立和基督教中心主义以及殖民主义的情怀不可分割,从奥托到伊利亚德的宗教比较研究中对自成一类(sui genre)宗教的特性的强调有很强的本质主义色彩,而目前盛行的多元宗教观也有西方意识形态霸权的因素。后殖民宗教学批评其实是对西方宗教学的发展做整体检讨,这些批评虽有偏颇,但对中国宗教学者理解宗教提供了某种启发性的思路,提醒我们要警惕那种所谓中立的全知化的研究方法,避免将宗教抽象为符号和静态的文本,而是要将其和具体处境结合起来,将信仰和实践、理论和生活关联起来,在研究中进行多学科的整合。宗教研究者需要不断自我反省和自我批评,排除习惯性的思维对宗教研究的干预和蒙蔽,坚守启蒙导向,警惕帝国主义和殖民话语,同时也要保留对宗教真理的同情,尊重不同进路的宗教研究。  相似文献   
遮面服饰是一种具有宗教极端思想色彩的宗教服饰。强迫妇女穿着遮面服饰不仅侵犯公民宗教信仰自由权利,而且还传播宗教极端思想,威胁社会稳定,具有严重社会危害性。我国《刑法》规定的非法剥夺公民宗教信仰自由罪和寻衅滋事罪均不能对此种行为予以有效打击。立法机关应借鉴法国《禁止在公共场所穿着遮面服饰法案》的规定,修改刑事立法以有效打击此种行为。  相似文献   
Dating the decline of Christianity in Britain has a vital bearing on its explanation. Recent work by social historians has challenged the sociological view that secularization is due to long‐term diffuse social processes by asserting that the churches remained stable and popular until the late 1950s and that the causes of decline lie in the social and cultural changes associated with the 1960s. We challenge this interpretation of the evidence. We also note that much of the decline of the churches is explained not by adult defection but by a failure to keep children in the faith. Given the importance of parental homogamy for the successful transmission of religious identity, the causes of decline in one generation may well lie in the experiences of the previous generation. We focus on the disruptive effects of the 1939–45 war on family formation and use survey data to argue for a staged model of decline that is compatible with the conventional gradual view of secularization.  相似文献   
薛熙明  杨茜好  马创 《民族学刊》2015,6(1):71-79,117-120
散杂居民族地区是中国"大杂居,小聚居"民族分布格局的重要组成部分。既有的宗教地理研究关注于特定社会情境下族群或宗教团体间所发生的空间冲突和博弈,而缺乏对族际和谐交往过程中的宗教文化空间的研究。通过对滇中纳古镇一个回汉杂居社区的考察发现,不但在回族为主体的穆斯林群体内部可以形成稳定的伊斯兰社会文化空间,而且在回汉族际交往的过程中,这一社会文化空间也会得到进一步扩展,同时也形成了族际间和平共享公共空间的格局。历史时期的回族文化主体地位,当代回族经济实体的强大,以及回汉在宗教信仰上的相互尊重,都使得伊斯兰文化成为纳古社区的文化表征和化解族际之间文化隔阂的有效途径。  相似文献   
在艾略特看来,宗教已经不是传统基督教教义上的宗教,而是一种特殊意义的情感道德宗教。艾略特受到其幼年接受的宗教思想的影响,希冀以妥协的方式来缓和女性意识与男权制度之间的矛盾,这限制了其女性意识的发展。艾略特的宗教思想在一定程度上束缚了其女性意识,使其处于女权运动的边缘。  相似文献   
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