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解决农村贫困问题与全面建设小康社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决农村贫困问题的途径在于:对现有的扶贫方式予以创新;加强贫困地区的基础设施建设;注重提高贫困人口的素质;切实减轻农民负担;加快城镇化进程,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动;引导贫困人口主动参与扶贫活动。  相似文献   
企业家的角色主要定位于企业的决策者、企业的创新者,企业风险的承担者。我国企业家队伍随着改革开放与市场经济发展起来,基本现状为:队伍不断发展壮大,成长环境不断改善提高;才能得到发挥,价值得到一定体现;但部分企业家自身素质依然低下。问题形成主要来自于三大机制因素:选拔任用机制不健全;监督约束机制不健全;激励机制不完善。解决问题的关键当然在于三大缺陷机制的健全完善,加强对企业家与世贸规则接轨的素质的全面培训。  相似文献   
Tree health is a critical parameter for evaluating urban ecosystem health and sustainability. Traditionally, this parameter has been derived from field surveys. We used multispectral remote sensing data and GIS techniques to determine tree health at the University of California, Davis. The study area (363 ha) contained 8,962 trees of 215 species. Tree health conditions were mapped for each physiognomic type at two scales: pixel and whole tree. At the pixel scale, each tree pixel within the tree crown was classified as either healthy or unhealthy based on vegetation index values. At the whole tree scale, raster based statistical analysis was used to calculate tree health index which is the ratio of healthy pixels to entire tree pixels within the tree crown. The tree was classified as healthy if the index was greater than 70%. Accuracy was checked against a random sample of 1,186 trees. At the whole tree level, 86% of campus trees were classified as healthy with 88% mapping accuracy. At the pixel level, 86% of the campus tree cover was classified as healthy. This tree health evaluation approach allows managers to identify the location of unhealthy trees for further diagnosis and treatment. It can be used to track the spread of disease and monitor seasonal or annual changes in tree health. Also, it provides tree health information that is fundamental to modeling and analysis of the environmental, social, and economic services produced by urban forests.  相似文献   
目睹朝鲜一步一步被日本吞并的悲剧,梁启超认为,朝鲜国内腐朽的封建专制制度及落后的国民性是导致这一悲剧发生的根本原因。梁启超的分析为激发当时朝鲜民众奋起反抗日本侵略,争取民族独立提供了重要的思想力量,也为近代中国风起云涌的启蒙与救亡运动提供了一面镜子。  相似文献   
20世纪40年代中国民主党派选择与中国共产党合作,共同推翻蒋介石国民党政权的统治。中国民主党派的这一政治选择不仅原于国民党的独裁统治、中国共产党的统一战线政策、中国民主党派自身的先进性等政治层面的因素,更蕴涵着价值取向层面的因素——对强国富民这一理想的不懈追求。对这一历史问题的探讨,不仅对中国民主党派史的研究具有学术价值,而且对今天的执政党——中国共产党有着重要的历史启示。  相似文献   
20世纪二三十年代,中国出现了一次关于“何以立国”的争论,争论的核心是“以工立国”还是“以农立国”。此次争论包括了耳熟能详的一些经济学家、哲学家、政治家等社会名流,以章士钊为代表的“守旧派”、梁漱溟、晏阳初等乡村建设运动者为代表的“改良派”和以董时进为代表的“创新派”坚持“以农立国”,他们的出发点是中国对于农国地位以及农国精神的维护;吴景超、张培刚、孙倬章则是“以工立国”派的重要拥趸,他们主要着眼于现实,提出只有建立强大的工业基础才能挽救民族于危亡之中。此外“非名流”乃至“草根”阶级也参与到了论战中,与他们相比,“名流”论战者有着更为宏观、全局性和深层次的把握。传统认为“工农之争”的论战以“以工立国”派的胜利而告终,然而从不同的视角看,“以农立国”的观点不无道理,甚至对于现阶段经济的发展仍有指导意义。  相似文献   
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of front‐line practices regarding emergency removals in Finnish and Irish child protection. It examines how the responses to children's immediate danger are framed by legislation and how front‐line practitioners assess the child's situation and make emergency placement decisions. The data consist of interviews with 16 Irish and 33 Finnish social workers. These child welfare protection systems respond differently to a task that appears to be similar. The Irish team‐based practice rests on the social workers' shared assessment of the child's needs, and the formal decision is made by the courts (or police officers at night‐time); and the Finnish practice involves only one single social worker who makes both the assessment and the removal decision. The Irish system is tightly time regulated, whereas the Finnish system provides a more flexible time frame. Both approaches put a lot of stress on social workers' practice, which also includes creative workarounds (e.g., “planned emergency removals” in Finland). Future research will need to explore these features from the point of view of a child's right to protection.  相似文献   
Non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) and the government of Nepal have made some effort to reduce poverty in Nepal by creating women's affiliation groups, some of which are micro‐credit organizations. Using capabilities as defined by Amartya Sen (Development as freedom, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2000), which includes employment opportunities, women's ownership in productive resources such as land and/or homes, educational opportunities, and women's participation in decision‐making in the family, this study evaluated the extent to which women's ethnic group or caste affiliation affected a woman's likelihood of being empowered by participation in these groups. We analyzed a sample of 8,973 women which was taken from the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. Previous research has demonstrated that participation in gender‐based groups is correlated with higher economic status. This study adds to the literature on women's affiliation groups by investigating the impact of structural factors, such as caste and ethnicity, on women's self‐help group participation (women's groups and credit groups).  相似文献   

The concept and practice of remote work in library technical services is not new, but the scale and speed of the transition to remote work for many libraries due to the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. This column provides an overview of pre-pandemic literature on remote work in library technical services and briefly examines the history, planning, case studies, technology and equity concerns, challenges, and potential benefits of remote work. Initial connections are drawn between existing literature and the impact of the pandemic on remote work, and future directions for research and discussion are offered.  相似文献   
“重陆轻海”与“通洋裕国”之海洋观刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清两朝正处于世界性海洋历史发展的"千古变局"时代,但统治者沿袭传统模式,在立国思想上"重农抑商"、"重陆轻海",在国防战略上以"禁海"代替海防,禁海迁界、"守土防御",反映其海洋观念的淡薄;而东南沿海地方官员,尤其郑成功"通洋裕国"思想的提出和实践,显露出"以商立国",向海洋空间发展的意涵;传统时代"重陆轻海"与"通洋裕国"所反映的海洋观念,对国家民族发展的影响在某种程度上可以忽略不计,但大航海时代,海洋作为人类的第二生存空间影响到世界历史走向和发展格局时,"重陆轻海"观念所带来的深层影响会因此而改变国家和民族的命运。  相似文献   
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