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What do clients/patients want or value from their encounters with healthcare providers? Based on ethnographic research conducted with individuals suffering from drug addiction and mental health issues, this article argues that clients/patients treasure “everyday” or “human” interaction with medical staff. Everydayness is accomplished through three generic social processes: **co‐silence, inclusion in back‐stage activity, and physical dramatizations of authenticity. These processes and other ordinary interactional strategies for “being human together” should be seen as vital tools for recovery.  相似文献   
周斌 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(4):78-82
分析中国古代立法的指导思想,应置之于中国古代德主刑辅的儒家治国方略的历史维度中进行。德礼教化作为一种伦理功能,其实效性必须依赖于法律保障,否则只能是虚有其表的抽象观念。唐律以刑罚为后盾不遗余力地推行伦理教化、加强礼教的合法性与强制性,其根本目的在于实现伦理教化在现实社会中的实际效用。  相似文献   
本文运用人类学理论方法,对在云南少数民族民居建筑中普遍存在、内容多元、形式丰富、极富功利色彩的民居灵物进行与之有结构性关联的少数民族宇宙观、宗教仪式禁忌和空间象征几个范畴的解读,以阐释民居灵物所蕴含的丰富的地方性知识和其背后的文化意义.并时与之相关的中国少数民族文化遗产保护的现状与策略提出个人观点.  相似文献   
Some contemporary women can experience non-ordinary states of consciousness when childbearing. The purpose of this paper is to bring a ‘transpersonal’ frame to these non-ordinary states of consciousness (hereafter: NOSC). Transpersonal psychology is an interdisciplinary movement in Western science that studies ‘religious’, ‘peak’ or ‘healing’ experiences in different cultures and social contexts. Between 2001 and 2006 in Auckland, New Zealand, while engaged in anthropological fieldwork, I collected stories from mothers, fathers, and midwives who had participated in transpersonal events during childbirth.I will compare the local women's NOSC with ethnographic accounts of spirit-possession and its relationship to indigenous midwifery then revisit and reconstruct the witch-hunts of Medieval Europe from this perspective. Midwives are encouraged to learn to identify and support women's NOSC during labour and birth as many women find strength and wisdom by passing through these states in labour. The subject is also critical to men, whether they are present with women and birth as fathers or health professionals. The hoped for result of this inquiry is to revalorise NOSC among birth-giving mothers, and to educate birth attendants in this field.  相似文献   
从唐玄宗朝皇帝生日定为全国性节日开始,经过数百年的发展,至宋代皇帝圣节礼制最终成熟定型。唐代诞节礼制作为圣节贺寿的形成阶段,有一个发展演变过程。就贺寿对象而言,从玄宗千秋节的突出皇权中心,到逐渐接纳民间的生日祝贺父母习俗,并最终形成了圣节为皇帝、皇太后同时贺寿的圣节礼制。就皇帝对百官群臣的诞节赏赐而言,从玄宗朝的重物质、尚豪奢向中晚唐五代的重精神、尚荣誉转变,同时又接纳了民俗节日进衣的传统,至宋代则以赏赐衣物为主。就百官臣子的进献内容而言,从千秋节设计的甘露、醇酎、金镜、绶带等贺寿礼物,很快演变成豪华进献,并变相成为赋税之一种——诞节银。圣节礼制在宋元明清政治与社会生活中有着重要影响。其节日之设计与演变,对当代节日文化建设有着重要的借鉴和教训价值。  相似文献   
Bicentennial celebrations were held in the United States in 1976 and in Australia in 1988. Here, I compare talk about national identity by organizers of bicentennials in each country. The commemorations were similarly designed to enact unity while attempting to avoid apathy and dissension. They show a common repertoire of cultural claims which help address the shared constraints of their cultural production. There were also differences in the way different sorts of claims were developed. For Australians, international recognition was much more important than for Americans; for the Americans, founding moment history was much more important than for the Australians. Americans treated political values as foundational in imagined community, and the land had low salience; the reverse was true for the Australians. But both sets of organizers stressed diversity and shared spectacle to recognize, coopt, and imaginatively transcend salient cultural and political difference. The analysis suggests that there is an internationally available repertoire of claims about national identity which includes themes of international recognition, history, abstractly inclusive characteristics like political values or the land, and claims about diversity and spectacle.  相似文献   
释奠古礼起源甚早,属于非时而祭的简约之礼,具有不忘先祖、敬祖归功的礼仪内涵。周代的释奠古礼存在两个受祭系统:先祖先王(多于“庙”中举行),先圣先师(于“学”中举行)。“学”中所行的释奠礼显示出重视人事经验、知识智慧的理性倾向和文教意味,是中国文化由巫到史的历程在礼仪上的具体体现。伴随着孔子及儒学在国家意识形态中地位的提升,历经汉、魏、晋,释奠古礼最终由对先圣先师的群体祭祀演进为专祀孔子之礼。释奠孔子新礼结合了祭祀礼典与讲经活动,南北朝、隋唐时期更形成为规范隆重、自由辩论的学术盛会,以及国家礼仪文化展示盛典,具有了崇圣重师、继承道统、昌明经学的新的礼仪内涵。当代继承和发展优秀礼文化,应处理好礼仪展示和精神承传的关系,发挥释奠礼在增强文化认同和凝聚人心方面的功能。  相似文献   
在漫长的历史长河中,罗布人创造了独具特色的传统文化,孕育了浓郁醇厚的民族风情。人生礼仪是罗布人传统文化中的重要组成部分,主要包括起名仪式、摇篮庆典、割礼、婚礼、葬礼等礼仪。从形式上看,罗布人的人生礼仪与周边地区的其他维吾尔族大致相似,但仪式的内容却有着很多完全不一样的特点。在人生礼仪上表现出来的社会伦理观、渔猎生活以及歌谣对唱习俗,不仅反映了他们在生活进程中自然形成的生活习惯与文化传统,而且体现了罗布人独特的历史风貌和文化意义。  相似文献   
We argue that interaction ritual (IR) theory provides a temporal and interactional point of origin from which to trace an influential IR chain that became a deciding factor in the unification of Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove under federal control within present‐day Yosemite National Park. The emotions generated by the rituals of Roosevelt's and Muir's camping trip in May, 1903 in the short term, however, failed to result in a lasting consensus on ideology. This is a point that Roosevelt's lack of support for Muir in the subsequent controversy over the damming of the Hetch Hetchy Valley clearly documents. A video abstract is available at http://tinyurl.com/myv74yd  相似文献   
丧葬活动中包含着丰富的礼仪,这些丧葬礼仪和意识之间的关系是复杂的。在甘肃陇中地区的丧葬习俗中,现代性的丧葬礼仪程序不多,却保留着丰富的传统丧葬礼仪。在该地区形式多样的丧葬礼仪背后潜藏着人们的几种意识,这些意识包括灵魂意识、亲情意识、恐惧意识和狂欢意识。丧葬活动中的这种礼仪和意识之间的关系,在民俗学和民间文化研究中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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