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1959—1961年是中华人民共和国历史上最严重的经济困难时期,尤其是农业遭到了灭顶之灾,生产“瘫痪”,农民们的生活质量出现了历史上罕见的低下水准。本人通过对河南省南阳地区9个村庄的调研,详细的论述了1959—1961年村庄里人们生产的真实状况,通过这个侧面的书写,必将深化学术界对于这段历史的研究。   相似文献   
张晓峰 《唐都学刊》2010,26(4):117-121
在中国农村,由于几千年的封建历史,传统影响根深蒂固,基层政权在治理模式上仍然带有强烈的人治色彩,法律的作用微乎其微,基层政府对农村的实际控制力削弱。而要改变目前的现状,唯一的出路就是将乡土情结融入农村基层政权建设法治化轨道。  相似文献   
关于新农村建设中女村官培养长效机制的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
单媛 《创新》2010,4(3):38-41
女村官是广大农村妇女的杰出代表。在社会主义新农村建设中,培养女村官有利于填补村治资源流失后的农村干部人才的需要,有利于激发广大农村妇女投身新农村建设,有利于发挥女性特征,在新农村建设中起独特作用。当前女村官的现状是:总量不足,比例较低;地区发展不平衡;参政层次普遍较低,实际作用发挥欠缺;后备力量不足。为了改变这一现状,使更多优秀的农村妇女进入两委班子,需要建立一整套女村官培养长效机制,包括法律政策机制、财政机制、组织人事机制、学习培训机制等。  相似文献   
村镇银行的发展和完善不仅关系到农民的生产、生活,而且关系到农村与农业的进步与发展。文章深入剖析黑龙江省村镇银行的发展现状,针对其在发展中存在的主要问题,提出具体的对策建议,旨在寻找一条适合黑龙江省村镇银行发展与完善之路,以促进黑龙江省农村经济发展。  相似文献   
The educational inclusion of rural–urban migrant children in Chinese urban schools has been promoted in the past decades. This paper provides a contextualized interpretation of recent policy developments governing large Chinese cities and evaluates its impact upon the status of migrant children's education. Drawing on data collected from 1,331 migrant children in urban inclusive schools, this study compared current migrant children's family backgrounds and psychological sense of belonging at school in relation to educational outcomes at the primary education level. Results showed that migrant children's socioeconomic status (SES) levels were slightly higher than their counterparts in inclusive schools and a salient SES stratification of migrant students was found. This correlates with students’ reports of fewer incidences of discrimination than hypothesized. Furthermore, capital in migrant families was positively associated with the psychological sense of belonging and academic achievement. These results reveal a significant change to migrant students’ SES as a result of the recent population control policy pertaining to China's large cities since 2014. Implications for research and educational practice, especially with at‐risk migrant students of low‐SES, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles and interconnections among community organizations belonging to local disaster coalitions in Midwest in supporting older residents. Representatives from 44 organizations participated in one-time survey. Most were non-profit (68%) or federal/state/local government agencies (23%). The analyses of 761 relationships showed stronger collaborations in assessment (average strength=2.88 on a 5-point scale), emergency response (2.72), and planning (2.61); and weaker collaborations in co-sponsoring programs (1.71) and supporting older residents (2.03). The extent of collaboration (network density) to support older adults was also low. Coalitions may enhance network density and centralization by developing sub-committee structure and strengthening existing collaborations.  相似文献   
Urban ecosystems, considered centres of economic, social and cultural development, face a multitude of environmental and socio-economic challenges, which impact on quality of life. Effective management of the urbanization process is believed critical to improving quality of life and realizing sustainable development. The ecosystem perspective provides a holistic approach, needed to address the complexly interconnected issues, which arise from urban development. Central to the mapping and characterization of urban ecosystems is the delineation of their boundaries, which are made less transparent by growing urbanization. This exposes the limitations of a dichotomous approach. An urban intensity index is a critical tool which supports urban ecosystem studies by facilitating analysis of effects along the urban–rural gradient. In this study, Urban Intensity is estimated and ranked from most to least intense for communities across Trinidad and Tobago, using multivariate statistical analysis of physical data from the built environment. This statistically validated index, designed for Trinidad and Tobago, should have wider applicability to other disciplines and countries.  相似文献   
陈锋 《社会》2015,35(3):95-120
农村税费改革以后,国家资源的不断输入为农村发展和乡村治理带来新的契机。然而,资源输入乡村社会,基层组织却无法有效承接,并遭遇官民不合作的困境。基层组织主要呈现出两种样态:消极作为与难以作为,以及富人和灰黑势力主政后的摆平式“积极”治理。两种治理形态皆导致国家公共资源的耗损,基层组织的权威与合法性进一步下降。在资源不断输送的利益链条中,权力寻租者、地方富人与灰黑社会势力、谋利型的机会主义农民等几个行动主体相赖相生,形成分利秩序,普通民众被排除在外,乡村治理出现内卷化。从根本上说,这是国家在压力型体制与有效治理之间产生的张力,并在推动乡村社会从整体性支配向技术治理转型中产生的结果。这一转向试图建立新的公共规则,却使得乡村治权弱化,缺乏公共规则实践的强制力保证,造成国家、基层组织与农民三者之间的利益与责任的连带制衡关系发生断裂,乡村治理陷入新困境。  相似文献   
应星李夏 《社会》2014,34(5):1-40
中共在建党初期就移植了俄共(布)的民主集中制作为自身的组织制度。这一制度在中国革命的实践中经历了艰难的调适过程。1927 年大革命失败后,中共准备在乡村组织暴动时,组织原则和组织能力就面临着严峻的挑战。组织江西万安暴动的领袖曾天宇,代表了中共早期地方领袖的一种类型,其领导的万安暴动所暴露出的党内组织矛盾也具有一定的典型性。本文将中共党史、社会史以及民国政治史结合在一起,综合运用文件档案、组织史资料、忆述材料、地方史志、报刊等诸多史料,通过对曾天宇的生活史与精神气质的勾勒以及对万安暴动背景与过程的考察,揭示出中共早期组织形态中存在的三重张力:职位关系与个人因素之间的张力;组织纪律的有效性与地方领袖的自主性之间的张力;革命组织与传统资源及地方利益之间的张力。这些张力为同时期的一系列中共党内组织事件提供了解读的逻辑。  相似文献   
城镇化进程对经济和社会产生了巨大影响。通过计算中国省际层面2000—2012年城镇化率、农村贫困发生率和农村基尼系数,利用面板数据固定效应模型,研究中国农村贫困、农村不平等和城镇化的关系。研究发现:农村贫困发生率随着城镇化率提高而下降,城镇化率每提高1%,农村贫困发生率会降低2.87%;农村收入不平等随城镇化水平提高呈弱倒U型变化。同时,不同地区城镇化对农村贫困、农村收入不平等的影响也呈现不同趋势。在未来城镇化战略中,实施农村减贫政策时应兼顾调整收入分配政策,降低农村收入不平等。  相似文献   
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