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经济危机下的长株潭“两型产业”构建探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前愈演愈烈的全球性经济危机,给长株潭"两型产业"的构建带来了前所未有的挑战与机遇.作为全国"两型社会"建设改革试验区,长株潭如何在迎接挑战中抓住机遇,化"危"为"机"并趁"机"而上,加快"两型产业"的构建步伐,文章对此作了深人探析.  相似文献   
应中国民间文化保护与立法之需,凡主要在中国少数民族民众生活圈内经久传承,并被其较广社会面奉为一统的文化事象,均可界定作"少数民族民间文化".鉴于历史和现实等原因,"少数民族民间文化"的类别,除物质、精神、行为等目外,还应增加"人才文化"一目.对"少数民族人才文化"实施法律保护,势在必行,刻不容缓.  相似文献   
张自忠的死,是民族危机的召唤,也是他用以"明志"的一种方式.张自忠的死是十分理性的,同时又是十分感性的.张自忠的死引起了不同民族、不同集团、不同阶层的巨大反响,折射出社会主要矛盾的各个方面.研究张自忠将军之死,对于我们认识抗日战争时期的中国社会有着深刻的意义.  相似文献   
We study the effect of alternative parental teaching strategies on the propensity to save and the amount saved during adulthood. Using a panel dataset from the Dutch DNB Household Survey we find that parental teaching to save increases the likelihood that an adult will save by 16%, and the saving amount by about 30%. The best strategy involves a combination of different methods (giving pocket money, controlling money usage, and giving advice about saving and budgeting). The effect of parental financial socialization is persistent with age, but decays at elder age for the propensity to save.  相似文献   
In this essay, data from the 2006 wave of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79-2006), and the two stage least squares (2SLS) estimation technique are used to investigate the relationship between health outcomes and the willingness of individuals (age 41–50) to save. Health perception, physical component score, mental component score, depression score and the diagnosis of a variety of health problems are used as health measures for the analysis described in this essay. We find that health perception and physical component score are positively related to the willingness of individuals to save; while the diagnosis of major health problems is negatively related to the willingness of individuals to save. The effect of mental component score and depression score on individuals’ willingness to save differs significantly between males and females. A higher mental component score is found to be positively related to the willingness of females to save; while depression score is found to affect the willingness of females to save negatively. Both mental component score and depression score are not related to the willingness of male respondents to save.  相似文献   
1911年10月10日,辛亥革命爆发。此时远在德国游学的蔡元培得到革命军已攻克武昌、汉阳等消息时,竟"喜而不寐",决计回国。回国之后,立即开始走访故旧、调和南北,不分早晚地奔波于沪宁道上。中华民国临时政府于1912年1月1日在南京宣告成立,蔡元培任教育部总长。但是政府内派系纷争,政见不一,蔡元培感到难有作为,于是辞职,并于1912年9月16日再次赴德游学。此后,几度往返于国内外。蔡元培在辛亥革命前后的行止作为,在世人面前展现了一个爱国者为救国救民、上下求索的漫漫之路。虽一路坎坷,困难重重,志士初衷不改,操守不变,为后人所景仰。  相似文献   
段建海 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):112-115
"救亡图存"的时代主题,孕育了近代爱国主义的主题特点,这就是救国与兴国的合奏.救国即挽救民族危亡,具有现实紧迫性;兴国即促进中国现代化,具有长远根本性.两者相互依存,相互支持,成为中华民族的两大任务.在处理其关系时,既兼顾两者又要突出重点,在动态过程中促进救国与兴国的良性互动.  相似文献   
王渭清  张弘 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):55-57
张衡的赋体作品清晰地展示了这位集科学家、文学家、士大夫于一身的天才的心路历程 ,时代的缩影、士大夫的生存状态、文学的自觉 ,在其赋作中一并得到了准确生动的表现。  相似文献   
吕刚 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):94-95
沙陵是活跃在我国现当代诗坛 ,有着长达半个多世纪诗龄的老诗人。其后期诗歌的精神指向大都集中在对生命自身价值及意义的反观与沉思 ;诗歌创作成为诗人进行自我生命拯救与突围的一种方式。  相似文献   
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