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对德国职业教育的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国职业教育体系完善,法律法规健全,实施的是双元制职业教育模式、集团化办学模式和以行动为导向、能力为本位的教学模式。目前我国职业教育取得一些成绩也存在不足,应在借鉴德国职业教育体系和"双元制"职业教育模式的基础上,注重健全我国的职业教育体系,不断完善我国职业教育相关法律法规,同时加强校企间的互动合作和专兼职相结合的高素质教师队伍的培养,以构建合理的课程体系,推进职业教育集团化建设的发展。  相似文献   
进城农民群体被看做是缩小城乡收入差距、促进社会和谐发展的关键群体,虽然相关研究深化了有关进城农民劳动力收入决定因素的认识,但是,针对教育和工作经验对中国进城农民收入影响的研究较少,且缺乏对影响是否持续呈线性的研究。基于明瑟扩展方程,结合典型地区数据,分析发现教育和工作经验对进城农民收入具有显著的正向影响,工作经验与收入之间存在倒"U"型关系,而教育与收入之间不存在倒"U"型关系。在分析结论的基础上提出了完善进城农民教育和培训体系等建议。  相似文献   
科举制在晚清废除是其自身弊端和近代中国特定的社会环境因素共同作用的结果。科举制的废除对中国社会产生了重大影响,不仅加速了中国教育近代化以及中国新兴知识分子的形成,而且究科举精髓被西方现代文官制度的借鉴,甚至我们今天的公务员考试也在某种程度上与科举制有相似性。此外,科举废除所产生的诸如社会秩序的动荡、传统知识人对国家向心力的丧失,等等。所以,科举废除是利是弊,我们需要从两方面来评价。  相似文献   
Over the past few years, some articles in this journal began to propose avenues of inquiry that would go beyond the long lasting subculture/post-subculture debate. This article aims to contribute to this emerging literature through examining the semi-independent role of ‘schooling’ in shaping specific patterns of youth (sub)cultural participation with specific reference to the role of high school rock music in Taiwan. I analyse how certain schooling structures and institutions – such as academic ranking and exams – frame the way students engage in their rock activities, and how this facilitates the popularity of heavy metal rock and the replication of exam culture in students’ rock subculture. Extending Shildrick and Macdonald’s use of the term ‘leisure career’, I suggest that an in-depth analysis of the interplay between young people’s ‘educational career’ and their focused leisure activities can be useful in understanding how specific patterns of decision making shape young students’ everyday culture and contribute to the distinctiveness of their subcultural participation.  相似文献   
通过对选取的研究对象进行全面地问卷调查,进而对延长学制学生(主要是留级生)的基本信息、学习态度、自律自控、管理现状等信息进行分析,提出以保留延长学制学生主体地位为指导思想的导师制、优生帮扶、专门的自习教室和家长陪读等对策。  相似文献   
The New Zealand media sensationalises the issue of teenage drinking. It also frames school formals (balls or proms) and associated after parties as problematic sites, since young people may drink to excess at such events. This article explores the alcohol consumption patterns of a group of year 13 students on the night of their school formal. Adults' permissive attitudes towards their own and young people's alcohol consumption on the night are discussed to highlight how drinking is almost necessary for socialisation in a New Zealand context. The majority of student participants reported that they drank in moderation on the night and some were intolerant of intoxicated peers. This poses a challenge to New Zealand media depictions of the school formal and after party as ‘drunken affairs’. Some international students did drink to excess at unofficial after parties organised by students and/or parents in two of three participating schools. Rather than this reflecting negatively on the students concerned, such behaviour can be read as a reflection on New Zealand's binge drinking culture. This article concludes with suggestions for how schools can create safer after parties which may reduce the chances of young people engaging in ‘risky’ drinking behaviours at such events.  相似文献   
根据2005年吉林省的微观数据,本文应用微观经济计量方法分析了义务教育法的实施对我国居民教育和收入的影响。研究结果表明:义务教育法的实施,使得我国居民受教育年限增加0.3年左右,使得农村8.0%左右潜在退学者和城镇2.2%以上潜在退学者完成了九年义务教育.进而使得农村居民和城镇居民的高中教育普及率增加2.5%和6.9%左右。这说明义务教育法的实施对于我国居民受教育水平的提升具有明显的促进作用;义务教育法的实施.没有改变农村居民和城镇女性居民的教育收益率.但使得城镇男性高中学历人口年均教育收益率增加了4.5%,说明义务教育法的实施仅对城镇高中学历居民的收入起到促进作用。  相似文献   
本文阐述了社会转型时期俄罗斯高等教育学制结构,分析了俄罗斯研究生培养的特点以及提高研究生教育质量所采取的措施。  相似文献   
This study provides insights to the school experiences of Latino male students through an exploration of how they describe their beliefs about education and how they engage in school for academic success. Data is drawn from interviews and surveys conducted with Latino males that participated in New York University’s Black and Latino Male School Intervention Study (BLMSIS) between 2006 and 2011. The findings revealed a dynamic interplay among how the students ‘do school’ (behavioral engagement), their intellectual involvement (cognitive engagement), and their strong beliefs in the education for social mobility shaped schooling for them. This focus on the experiences of young Latino males seeks to assist researchers, policymakers, and practitioners alike design and implement programs and policies to promote their educational progress and success.  相似文献   
投资办学:我国民办教育的本质特征   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
目前,我国民办教育走的是一条投资办学的特殊发展道路。这条路既不同于我国历史上的私学之路,也不同于西方的私立教育之路。投资办学是我国现有民办教育的本质特征,而国家现行的有着浓厚捐资办学性质的民办教育政策与民办教育投资办学的实际有较大的出入,需要作进一步的思考和调整。  相似文献   
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