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通过变异系数分析和结构相似系数的分析,可以在相当的程度上说明,我国目前在区域经济发展过程中存在的冲突主要体现在两个方面:区域间的发展差距问题和重复建设与区域间经济联系的不正常现象。为缓和并协调好区域发展中存在的这些冲突与矛盾,应做好如下工作:加快产业区际转移与积极发展地区产业集群,选准主导产业并推动区域间的协调发展,推进地区专业化分工并借此实现产业结构升级,加快技术进步与技术改造并借此合理地培育起区域的竞争优势。  相似文献   
随着新经济增长理论研究的深入 ,人力资本已经成为经济增长研究中越来越重要的一个因素 ,而教育无疑是人力资本形成的首要条件 ,另一方面 ,平等地接受教育是现代社会中的基本人权之一 .在国内的文献中 ,还没有发现有从宏观角度对我国居民受教育情况以及它与长期经济发展的关系进行研究 .笔者提出了衡量居民中受教育程度和受教育分布平均程度的两个指标 ,对我国各省居民中的受教育情况进行了测量  相似文献   
本文针对全国人大科教文委员会组织起草的《民办教育促进(草案)》,提出了三条建议:一、“民办公助”和“国有民办”类型学校,应定性为民办学校,纳和法律调节范围;二、滚动各界校产增值部分,不宜一律归学校所有;三、高等教育自学考试助学,应纳入学历教育范围,与普通高等教育、成人高等教育在法律上享有平等地位。  相似文献   
In this study, I examine the contributions of childrens schooling to fertility decline in Africa. I use cross-sectional data collected in the late 1980s to look at how household child schooling patterns and community access to schools affect contraceptive use among rural Ghanaian women. My results indicate that the schooling of children is associated very strongly with increased use of modern and traditional contraceptive use and thereby suggest that educational policy has played a role in initiating and sustaining fertility decline in Ghana and possibly elsewhere in Africa.  相似文献   
农民工的流动儿童生存环境与就学的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李朝晖 《南方人口》2006,21(4):40-47
本文从湖南省湘潭市部分农民工的流动儿童就学状况出发,对其生存环境与就学率及学校取向影响作了简要分析,得出几点结论:其一,以户籍为基础的教育财政体制是农民工的流动儿童就学难的根源,有必要建立与人口流动性相配套的财政投入机制来解决教育经费的区域划拨矛盾;其二,农民工流动性过强、公立学校借读费过高以及文化教育程度的限制导致了流动儿童失辍学率居高不下,政府应当逐步弱化按教育成本投入确定的入学收费制度,通过继续教育来提升农民工家长的文化素质,为孩子创造相对稳定宽松的学习环境;其三,民办学校办学资格的缺失及城乡歧视形成的心理负荷导致流动儿童教育质量低下,政府应当渐近性地完成民办学校合法化整改工作,在城市主导价值观念下加速流动儿童的城市融合过程。  相似文献   
宁欣  张天虹 《河北学刊》2003,23(4):164-168
中央官学正式建制始于汉武帝创立太学 ,此后历朝继续扩充和不断完善 ,逐渐形成多学科、多层级、建制完备的中央官学体系。中央官学适应不同时期政治和文化统治的需要不断进行调整 ,这些调整与变化不仅反映了教育体制和文化学术思想的变化 ,更深刻地反映了社会变化与社会阶层的流动轨迹。本文主要勾勒了汉唐时期中央官学招收对象的变化 ,论述了官学由贵族等级制向平民普及性的转变 ,它是中古时期社会变化和社会阶层流动的表现。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the relationship between migrants income and their human capital,and has implications to strengthen schooling education and occupational training for migrant workers.The study compares educational repayment rate among different population groups,shows education has significant impacts on migrant workers income with low contribution rate.The educational repayment rate of migrant workers is lower than urban residents.Working age hardly influences migrants income,while for those with hig...  相似文献   
提高人才培养质量,是高等学校的永恒主题.海南大学建校22年来,不断推进教育教学改革,包括率先实行人事分配制度改革,竭力推进合作办学和后勤社会化改革,精心推进教学改革,大力推进科研改革等,从而逐步形成了"持续推进改革,大胆创新图强,着力提高质量"的办学特色.  相似文献   
运用人力资本理论对收入函数进行方差分析,用城镇地区不同收入等级家庭收入比值表示收入差距,从理论和实证角度分析劳动力教育水平对收入差距的影响。分析表明,教育水平对收入差距变动趋势的影响是二次的,收入差距随着教育水平的提高经历扩大、减少到绝对减少的3个阶段。分析结果表明,应通过引入平等竞争机制,促进就业,提升人力资本投资回报,建立统一健全的劳动力市场,让市场机制在劳动力资源配置和评价中起基础性作用。  相似文献   
In this paper we propose a new estimator for a model with one endogenous regressor and many instrumental variables. Our motivation comes from the recent literature on the poor properties of standard instrumental variables estimators when the instrumental variables are weakly correlated with the endogenous regressor. Our proposed estimator puts a random coefficients structure on the relation between the endogenous regressor and the instruments. The variance of the random coefficients is modelled as an unknown parameter. In addition to proposing a new estimator, our analysis yields new insights into the properties of the standard two‐stage least squares (TSLS) and limited‐information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimators in the case with many weak instruments. We show that in some interesting cases, TSLS and LIML can be approximated by maximizing the random effects likelihood subject to particular constraints. We show that statistics based on comparisons of the unconstrained estimates of these parameters to the implicit TSLS and LIML restrictions can be used to identify settings when standard large sample approximations to the distributions of TSLS and LIML are likely to perform poorly. We also show that with many weak instruments, LIML confidence intervals are likely to have under‐coverage, even though its finite sample distribution is approximately centered at the true value of the parameter. In an application with real data and simulations around this data set, the proposed estimator performs markedly better than TSLS and LIML, both in terms of coverage rate and in terms of risk.  相似文献   
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