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黔南布依族苗族自治州惠水县西南部,由于特殊的地理环境和历史背景,一些布依族村寨较好地保留了原始习惯法文化.龙泉寨是惠水县的一个自然寨,当地的婚姻习惯法制度在当代发生了重要变迁,但仪式婚制度与国家法多元并存,仍然发挥着重要的作用,存在传统上寨老调解婚姻纠纷的习惯法制度残余.当地布依族婚姻习惯法在结婚和离婚制度方面存在与国...  相似文献   
明朝中叶,白银在流通领域已取得支配地位,以银为主、以铜为辅的货币体系开始形成。对于这一符合历史客观规律的事实,明中叶的一批官僚、士大夫却视而不见,提出了一系列重钱轻银的看法和主张。究其由,这些思想首先是当时自然经济占主导地位的必然反映,其次是为适应维护封建统治的需要而产生的。尽管这些思想中有考虑民生疾苦、揭露用银中的弊害等合理因素,但只是对表面现象的本能关注。特别是他们主张用行政命令来改变客观规律以达到其倡行铜钱的目的,不仅无法实现,反而反映了这一时期我国经济思想发展的停滞与落后。  相似文献   
马克思创立的科学的劳动价值论,以人的劳动本质作为理论的根本出发点,从而决定了这个理论必然建立在唯物辩证法的基础上,其中包括:科学的抽象方法;辩证的分析方法;逻辑与历史相一致的方法等。正确认识和掌握这些方法,有助于在劳动价值论的讨论中分清正确和谬误,划清唯物主义和唯心主义的界限,坚持和发展劳动价值论。  相似文献   
本文主要论述了在科学发展观指导下我国民族地区如何推行素质教育的问题,并分别就民族地区素质教育的紧迫性,在推行中所遇到的困难及相应对策进行了论述和分析。素质教育是一项系统工程,不能等,也不能急,要真正实现素质教育必须协调好社会各层面的关系,做到统筹兼顾,才能实现可持续发展。  相似文献   
Despite the recognition of cultural influences on emotional development, very little is known regarding emotion regulation in children from different cultures. This study examined beliefs regarding social acceptability and regulatory behaviors in 80 children (aged five to six years and eight to nine years) from two urban communities (suburban and old city) in Gujarat, India. The children's explicit reasons and their preferred methods of expression and control were also investigated. The results revealed that the children considered others to be less accepting of their expressions of anger and sadness and, in turn, they reported controlling their anger and sadness more than their physical pain. The remarkable congruence between children's beliefs regarding acceptability and reported behaviors was consistent with the notion that cognitions that focus on evaluations of others are particularly salient in guiding socioemotional behavior in a collectivist culture like India. Within‐culture differences were also imperative, indicating that the children in the old city considered others to be less accepting of all of their expressions, and reported controlling these expressions more than the children in the suburban community. These differences are discussed in the context of variations in broader cultural values (i.e., the extent of collectivist orientation and adherence to Hindu ideology) in the two communities.  相似文献   
中国政治文化的历史转型即由专制政治文化向民主政治文化的历史变迁.民本思想是中国传统政治文化的主要内容之一.明清之际启蒙思想家对君主专制制度的批判,实现了对传统民本思想的理性超越,开启了中国政治文化历史转型的先声;近代以来,随着西学东渐,民本思想又成为中国人接受西方民主思想的中介和桥梁;而五四新文化运动是一场深刻的人性解放运动,提出了全面改造中国传统政治文化的历史任务.随着市场经济和全球化的推动,中国的民主化进程加快,我们要弘扬新文化运动的启蒙精神,在消除封建残余思想影响的同时,改造和利用民本思想,并与民主文化相融合,这是实现中国政治文化历史转型的重要途径.那种企图用所谓"新民本"思想作为政治文化建设目标的想法,实际上是一种历史倒退.  相似文献   
哲学命题"立象尽意"被借用到诗学领域之后获得崭新内涵,即对"言外之意"的强调与追求;在韵味、兴趣、神韵和境界等学说的传承之中,诗歌语言自身的审美价值逐步被淡化,乃至最终被意象美与意境美的夺目光彩所遮蔽.虽然传统诗学对诗歌格律声色之美也给予了细致分析,赋比兴理论也可视为对"立象尽意"的补充,但都被"辞达而已"这一实用性要求所消弭.认识"立象尽意"重意轻言的缺陷,对现代汉语诗学的建设有重要意义.  相似文献   
金代初期的诗坛是“借才异代”的时期。许多汉族士人因各种原因羁留于金朝,对乡国的怀念和仕金的无奈时时流露于笔下,表现为其诗歌中浓重的乡关之思和无奈仕金又心怀愧疚以及仕与隐的彷徨与痛苦,形成了这一特定历史时期特殊的人文景观。在这些金初诗人中,以宇文虚中和蔡松年为代表,他们的心态体现了金初诗人的典型心态。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study examining correlates of urban African American youth HIV knowledge. The influence of family level factors (e.g., family communication, parental AIDS knowledge and myths regarding HIV transmission, along with family composition and family income) are examined. In addition, the current study explores the influence of racial socialization processes, specifically the influence of religious/spiritual coping, extended family caring, cultural pride reinforcement and racial awareness teaching (Stevenson, 1994; 1995; 1997) on youth HIV knowledge. Multivariate analyses revealed a significant association between youth HIV knowledge and being reared in a single parent home. Further, in every model, controlling for all types of racial socialization processes, family communication was significantly associated with youth HIV knowledge. Implications are drawn regarding the development of culturally and contextually specific HIV prevention programming for African American youth and their families.  相似文献   
建立领导干部的退休制度是邓小平培养接班人思想的重要内容之一。通过建立顾问委员会作为过渡措施以顺利建立退休制度是邓小平的一个重要政治设计。在邓小平的一再倡导和身体力行下,各级领导干部的退休制度普遍建立并逐步完善起来,对于保证党的事业的长盛不衰、国家的长治久安,有着极为重要而又长远的现实和历史意义。  相似文献   
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