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思维具有历史的特征.而理性思维只是人类思维的一个阶段.因此,理性思维及与之相对应的理性哲学都无法超越自身的历史局限.理性哲学缺失与当下生活的对应的根本原因就在于理性极限.而理性的偏见与虚妄的悲剧价值预设正是这种极限的表现.打破理性极限的前提是将理性还原于历史中并具体列出突破理性哲学的叙述方案.  相似文献   
董小宛入宫说始于清末之见不确,仅仅一部《红楼梦》就能证明早在乾隆年间即存在董小宛入宫说,而导致此说产生、传播的,则当是对顺治末年吴梅村《清凉山赞佛诗》的误解。  相似文献   
当代文学创作和文学评论对女性意象的描写与分析多从女性所处的现实社会环境入手,即按因果规律来解释女性意象,使得作品和评论中的女性意象缺乏人性美,未达到人性审美层次。女性个体不应仅仅从外部和个体分析,还应当从女性心理结构入手,分析女性深层心理因素。  相似文献   
论高校教师的职业倦怠   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同个体、不同类型的职业倦怠其产生原因各不相同,归结起来,高校教师产生职业倦怠的主要原因有四个:学术权利和行政权利的不均衡;高校教师职称评聘、业绩考核制度存在弊端;高校教师录用和选聘过程缺乏有力的人才测评以及社会对高校教师报赏的失衡。因此,缓解和克服高校教师的职业倦怠也要从这几个方面考虑。  相似文献   
<冬明历>是明清时代流传较广、影响较大的民间宗教经书之一,其史料价值弥足珍贵.很长一个时期以来,由于<冬明历>的完整版本一直未被发现,因此对于该书的具体内容和性质,学界多有不识,偶有论及者,或失之偏颇,或流入想像和臆测.本文主要以新近发现的抄本<冬明历>为第一手材料,考察了<冬明历>一书的基本结构及其相关问题,并在明末清初民族冲突的大背景下,重点探讨了民间宗教"夷夏之辨"、反清复明、帝王观的流变与满汉混同等相关问题,为更加深入、全面地认识明末清初的民族与宗教问题提供一种新的研究视角.  相似文献   
2002年6月26日,澳籍华人于京军所改编的室内乐《图画展览会》由澳大利亚室内乐团在悉尼歌剧院首演,获得成功。本文对其中的“漫步”主题配器进行分析。于京军先生的“漫步”主题用中提琴抒发个人感受,应用“音色旋律”的方法,制造“踏板”效果,采用拼贴手段细致地、准确地表现一个中国人对“漫步”主题音乐内容的理解,使人产生耳目一新的感觉。分析于京君在第一次出现的“漫步主题”中的室内乐配器,能使我们得到有益启示。  相似文献   
During imminent threat crises, such as natural disasters, publics have minutes to decide how to respond after receiving a warning. This study advances understanding of publics’ crisis communicative and noncommunicative behaviors in the context of tornadoes through combining and extending two theories: the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) model and the situational theory of problem solving (STOPS). Findings from a survey of Southeast U.S. residents (n = 1,585) indicate that STOPS is internally consistent and accurate at measuring its intended outcomes of communicative action in problem solving. However, the STOPS measures do not have a significant relationship with the desirable outcome for imminent threat crisis communication: individuals following government’s protective action guidance about tornadoes. In comparison, the expanded SMCC model predicts individuals’ self-reported compliance. Finally, variables from the SMCC model and tornado-specific variables were integrated into the STOPS model to explain individuals’ communicative engagement. Implications for theory and public relations practice are discussed.  相似文献   
This study provides a unique perspective in the field of cross-cultural management by exploring the relationship between “cultural dissonance”—the gap between cultural values and actual practice—and effective leadership attributes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Incorporating cultural dissonance into implicit leadership theory, the study uses measurements of dissonance on nine cultural dimensions to identify particular leadership preferences in seven MENA countries. The overall findings suggest that societies prefer leaders who counterbalance cultural dissonance by allowing space for negotiations by members of society to reduce disparities between cultural values—“the way things should be”—and actual practices—“the way things are.” The greater the disparity between cultural values and practices, the greater the citizens' desire that leaders act as agents of change by creating space for negotiation.  相似文献   
余光中《乡愁》和洛夫《边界望乡》为台湾乡愁诗歌的“双壁”。两位诗人都有着颠沛流离的人生经历,又不约而同走过由“西化”向传统回归的诗歌创作之路,时空阻隔所产生的乡愁为《乡愁》和《边界望乡》共同表现的内容。余光中《乡愁》在一静态的情境中创造完成,所表现出的乡愁情感具有普适性、共通性;诗作结构整齐,节奏静缓,意象朴素明朗,语言体现了一种纯净之美。坚持创造性为诗歌生命,洛夫近乡情怯而作《边界望乡》,抒发的是极具诗人个体性的乡愁体验;诗行参差,结构跌宕,节奏激越,意象新奇,诗歌语言散发出魔性的色彩。  相似文献   
岑参是盛唐最具代表性的边塞诗人,一生两度出塞,历时五六年,对边地生活有深刻的体验和积极的反思,创作了七十多首边塞诗,其中作于凉州的七首诗,情感意蕴丰厚,广为传诵。这七首诗或记行踪述战事;或抒壮志发乡思;或怀前贤念友朋;或描名胜、绘风情。诗歌呈现出慷慨悲凉的情感特点,表露了诗人在凉州时期复杂的心境,堪称诗人前半生艰辛跋涉的心灵史诗;同时岑参以诗歌为媒介把凉州的物候地貌、风土人情,异域文化传输到内地,推动了民族间的文化融合,岑参的凉州诗又有文献传播和保存的重要意义。  相似文献   
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