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辨伪是古籍整理的重要工作。本文在总结历代学人关于辨伪理论及方法的基础上,以古籍整理实践中的九个典型实例,具体说明辨伪的方法:考证作者的生平事迹,审核作品的思想内容,检验作品的语言风格,查阅历代的相关书目,寻找各种有用的旁证等,以期尽可能恢复古籍原貌。  相似文献   
在苏雪林的文学批评中,比较手法的运用是极为显著且常见的。中国古典文学深厚的积淀,西方文学文化的深刻熏陶,使其比较之法不仅仅涉及到同时期、同流派作家之间的平行比较,更有以古典文学为借鉴的古今比较,及以西方文学为参照的中西比较。这种多层次、多方面的比较,使中国现代文学在苏雪林的评论中处于一个广阔而又立体的环境中,这一方面突显了苏雪林的敏锐观察力,同时也折射出了中国现代文学在中西纵横交错中的独特魅力。  相似文献   
我国《侵权责任法》延续了《民法通则》的规定,将赔礼道歉作为侵权责任承担方式之一种。从赔礼道歉责任承担方式在我国的产生来看,其有一定的历史时代原因;但在现代法的背景之下,该种责任承担方式不仅在理论上争议颇多,而且造成了司法实践中问题重重,其作为一种责任承担方式的合理性值得怀疑,将其从法律责任还原为道德责任实属必要。  相似文献   
武术的动作都要求具有攻防技击特点,无论是套路演练形式,还是技击格斗形式,都是以踢、打、摔、拿、击和刺等技击法为主要内容。在教学过程中,对攻防实用技术、组织与教法的研究,应有它一套独特方法。从一般教学过程到特有的组织方法,以及必须坚持的几项原则进行学术探讨,对改革课堂教学模式,优化教学方法,提高技术功作质量,圆满地完成教学任务起着积极重要的作用。  相似文献   
从管理学课程教学的一般特点出发,针对学生的特点与学习要求,结合社会经济与管理学自身的发展趋势,着重从教学内容、教学方法、教学条件与考核方式等方面来阐述了管理学课程教学改革的思考与实践,以期培养具有创新意识和开拓精神的管理人才。  相似文献   
文学之用存在于它的"无用"之中,即在于大用,而非世俗之所谓急功近利之用。本文从文学与语言、文化素养及交际能力等要素间相互关系入手,就英语专业文学教育的功能及功能实现的方法作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
Single cohort stage‐frequency data are considered when assessing the stage reached by individuals through destructive sampling. For this type of data, when all hazard rates are assumed constant and equal, Laplace transform methods have been applied in the past to estimate the parameters in each stage‐duration distribution and the overall hazard rates. If hazard rates are not all equal, estimating stage‐duration parameters using Laplace transform methods becomes complex. In this paper, two new models are proposed to estimate stage‐dependent maturation parameters using Laplace transform methods where non‐trivial hazard rates apply. The first model encompasses hazard rates that are constant within each stage but vary between stages. The second model encompasses time‐dependent hazard rates within stages. Moreover, this paper introduces a method for estimating the hazard rate in each stage for the stage‐wise constant hazard rates model. This work presents methods that could be used in specific types of laboratory studies, but the main motivation is to explore the relationships between stage maturation parameters that, in future work, could be exploited in applying Bayesian approaches. The application of the methodology in each model is evaluated using simulated data in order to illustrate the structure of these models.  相似文献   
话语研究不仅关心人们如何言说,而且更为重视分析决定言说方式的深层动因。“非遗”保护既是一个社会各阶层权力角逐的场域,又是一个可通过不断协商达成共识的平台。人们对于“非遗”保护的认识人言言殊的根本原因在于参与“非遗”保护的社会各阶层各自的利益诉求并不完全一致。“非遗”保护工作正是在争论中逐渐确立了自身的工作目标、指导原则、实施方案,体现了极强的话语建构性。“非遗”作为一种传统生活方式的隐形载体,活态传承性是其精髓与灵魂;“非遗”保护必须以人为本,只有让“非遗”与现实的人民群众的日常生活发生联系和耦合,“非遗”保护才可能取得实效。  相似文献   
This article considers in-sample prediction and out-of-sample forecasting in regressions with many exogenous predictors. We consider four dimension-reduction devices: principal components, ridge, Landweber Fridman, and partial least squares. We derive rates of convergence for two representative models: an ill-posed model and an approximate factor model. The theory is developed for a large cross-section and a large time-series. As all these methods depend on a tuning parameter to be selected, we also propose data-driven selection methods based on cross-validation and establish their optimality. Monte Carlo simulations and an empirical application to forecasting inflation and output growth in the U.S. show that data-reduction methods outperform conventional methods in several relevant settings, and might effectively guard against instabilities in predictors’ forecasting ability.  相似文献   
Bayesian statistical inference relies on the posterior distribution. Depending on the model, the posterior can be more or less difficult to derive. In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in complex settings where the likelihood is analytically intractable. In such situations, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) provides an attractive way of carrying out Bayesian inference. For obtaining reliable posterior estimates however, it is important to keep the approximation errors small in ABC. The choice of an appropriate set of summary statistics plays a crucial role in this effort. Here, we report the development of a new algorithm that is based on least angle regression for choosing summary statistics. In two population genetic examples, the performance of the new algorithm is better than a previously proposed approach that uses partial least squares.  相似文献   
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