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The discrete stable family constitutes an interesting two-parameter model of distributions on the non-negative integers with a Paretian tail. The practical use of the discrete stable distribution is inhibited by the lack of an explicit expression for its probability function. Moreover, the distribution does not possess moments of any order. Therefore, the usual tools—such as the maximum-likelihood method or even the moment method—are not feasible for parameter estimation. However, the probability generating function of the discrete stable distribution is available in a simple form. Hence, we initially explore the application of some existing estimation procedures based on the empirical probability generating function. Subsequently, we propose a new estimation method by minimizing a suitable weighted L 2-distance between the empirical and the theoretical probability generating functions. In addition, we provide a goodness-of-fit statistic based on the same distance.  相似文献   
We consider the estimation of the conditional quantile function when the covariates take values in some abstract function space. The main goal of this article is to establish the almost complete convergence and the asymptotic normality of the kernel estimator of the conditional quantile under the α-mixing assumption and on the concentration properties on small balls of the probability measure of the functional regressors. Some applications and particular cases are studied. This approach can be applied in time series analysis to the prediction and building of confidence bands. We illustrate our methodology with El Niño data.  相似文献   
We propose a new method to estimate the cumulative hazard function and the corresponding distribution function of survival times under randomly left-truncated and right-censored observations (LTRC). The new estimators are based on presmoothing ideas, the estimation of the conditional expectation m of the censoring indicator. An almost sure representation for both estimators is established, from which a strong consistency rate and asymptotic normality are derived. It is shown that the presmoothed modification leads to a gain in terms of asymptotic mean squared error. This efficiency with respect to the classical estimators is also shown in a simulation study. Finally, an application to a real data set is provided.  相似文献   
The bivariate distributions of three pairs of ratios of in¬dependent noncentral chi-square random variables are considered. These ratios arise in the problem of computing the joint power function of simultaneous F-tests in balanced ANOVA and ANCOVA. The distributions obtained are generalizations to the noncentral case of existing results in the literature. Of particular note is the bivariate noncentral F distribution, which generalizes a special case of Krishnaiah*s (1964,1965) bivariate central F distribution. Explicit formulae for the cdf's of these distribu¬tions are given, along with computational procedures  相似文献   
An approximation is presented that can be used to gain insight into the characteristics – such as outlier sensitivity, bias, and variability – of a wide class of estimators, including maximum likelihood and least squares. The approximation relies on a convenient form for an arbitrary order Taylor expansion in a multivariate setting. The implicit function theorem can be used to construct the expansion when the estimator is not defined in closed form. We present several finite-sample and asymptotic properties of such Taylor expansions, which are useful in characterizing the difference between the estimator and the expansion.  相似文献   
The notion of cross-product ratio for discrete two-way contingency table is extended to the case of continuous bivariate densities. This results in the “local dependence function” that measues the margin-free dependence between bivariate random variables. Properties and examples of the dependence function are discussed. The bivariate normal density plays a special role since it has constant dependence. Continuous bivariate densities can be constructed by specifying the dependence function along with two marginals in analogy to the construction of two-way contingency tables given marginals and patterns of interaction. The dependence function provides a partial ordering on bivariate dependence.  相似文献   
The basic idea of an interaction spline model was presented in Barry (1983). The general interaction spline models were proposed by Wahba (1986). The purely periodic spline model, a special case of the general interaction spline models, is considered in this paper. A stepwise approach using generalized cross validation (GCV) for fitting the model is proposed. Based on the nice orthogonality properties of the purely periodic functions, the stepwise approach is a promising method for the interaction spline model. The approach can also be generalized to the non-purely-periodic spline models. But this is no done here.  相似文献   
The literature on sequential estimation problems for negative exponential populations has been reviewed here, We attempt to bring in all the published and unpublished materials known to us in a fairly coherent fashion. Both the concepts and theoretical findings are discussed.  相似文献   
The article describes an operational Bayesian approach to making inferences for the spectral density function for univariate autoregressive processes and for the AR operator of multivariate autoregressive processes. The derivation of the approach is described. Numerical examples, including the Wolfer Sunspot numbers, are used to demonstrate the practical usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   
For the linear-exponential distribution with increasing hazard rate, exact and explicit expressions for means, product moments and percentage points of order statistics are obtained. Some recurrence relations for both single and product moments of order statistics are also derived. These recurrence relations would enable one to obtain all the higher order moments of order statistics for all sample sizes from those of the lower order  相似文献   
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