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探讨建构高校学报编辑部办公自动化体系的必要性、可行性,分析该体系的主要组成部分,指出建立办公自动化体系的优势与制约其发展的因素,并就其可操作性问题提出一些对策与建议。  相似文献   
竞业禁止是西方发达资本主义国家在实行市场经济过程中为保护公平合理竞争而创造出来的一种有效保护商业秘密的制度,本文结合我国实际,分析在我国实行合理竞业禁止的必要性、合理性,并着重阐述了在我国建立、健全合理竞业禁止机制所要包含的几个主要内容,对我国建立健全有关法律法规提供了参考意见.  相似文献   
In the contemporary multicentric world, sovereign states have to manage carefully the construction of their image, defining their role and aspirations. With the re-definition of the state centric politics, stories become relevant: communication is a form of power, and networked forms of communication are becoming progressively a way to conquer the transnational public spheres. Through strategic narratives of foreign politics, states try to set up the ‘tales’ of international affairs and foreign strategies, to suggest a world vision, a causal interpretation, determining frames that affect transnational actors’ position in the international environment. Sovereign states develop these kind of frame using tools and theories referred to the commercial branding tradition to promote and support their own policies and identity. We decided to investigate how that process is made through information diffusion on digital platforms.

In this work, it has been analyzed the content presented through Twitter posts by the Foreign Ministries accounts of four different States dissimilar for geopolitical positioning and security concerns (USA; Israel; France; Sweden), for a period of three months (9/1/2015-11/30/2015); leading to the identification of different models and characteristic patterns of self-representation.

The thematic content analysis, based on the identification of macrocategories and micro-issues, has led to the identification of different models and characteristic patterns of self-representation, determined by domestic vicissitudes, and has shown some regularities, caused by the branding vocation of autobiographical online contents.  相似文献   

In current Chinese health insurance programmes, there are two types of cost-sharing methods: the time-of-service copayment policy and the reimbursement policy. In contrast to the copayment participants, reimbursement participants need to pay for all medical expenses in advance. We study the effect of the reimbursement policy on the utilisation of healthcare services in China. The theoretical analysis indicates that the medical consumption of low income households will be less than the optimal consumption level when enrolled in a reimbursement programme instead of a copayment programme. Empirically, using data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), we find that the total inpatient expenditure of the reimbursement participants is 12.7% lower than that of copayment enrolees, and the reimbursement arrangement negatively impacts low-income and rural populations. Therefore, reimbursement participants, those who are financially constrained, are more likely to suffer the up-front payment burden and finally reduce their healthcare needs.  相似文献   
This article argues that reforms of higher education finance for undergraduates in England introduced by the Blair government in 2006 provided a progressive strategy for achieving the central objectives of higher education of quality (better), access (wider) and size (larger). Reforms in 2012 are a not a strategy but a collection of ad hoc arrangements. They include the good (a higher fees cap, a higher interest rate on student loans, better information and improved support for part‐time study), the bad (abolishing most taxpayer support for teaching in the arts and humanities and the social sciences, and raising excessively the threshold at which loan repayments start) and the unspeakable (abolishing Education Maintenance Allowances and AimHigher). The reforms are fiscally costly and hence perpetuate the central problem of capped student numbers, and will not stand the test of time. The concluding section outlines the next White Paper.  相似文献   
英国文化外交:提升国家软实力的成功之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际竞争和海外利益驱使下,独具特色的英国文化外交起步于20世纪30年代。数十年来,英国文化外交并不满足于语言、对象和机构设置上的比较优势,而是适时将外交动因从文化帝国主义调整为文化国际主义,不断扩展文化的内涵,并在重视精英路线的基础上努力开拓大众路线。英国以比较优势为后盾,积极创新文化外交的实践特色,将其文化、政治价值观和外交政策三种资源有效地转化为软实力,使得英国的"帝国余晖"仍深刻地影响着世界。英国通过文化外交的路径提升国家软实力的成功经验,值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   
吴桃  沙建华 《民族学刊》2020,11(6):36-41, 157-158
位于武陵山区石柱土家族自治县的金铃乡银杏村,是集少数民族、革命地区、集中连片的特困地区。一方面该村以自然山水风光为资源禀赋,以培育民族文化精神高地为乡村振兴“铸魂”、“赋能”;以“非遗文化+扶贫”的路子,激活了乡村的内生动力;文化扶贫直抵人心取得了“点石成金”的效果,让土家人充分享受到文化释放的红利。另一方面,该村作为“民族团结进步示范村”,以做深做实民族团结工作为抓手,充分让民族政策惠及土家万户,生动地实现了民族团结之花在土家大地上常开常盛。一个个串联成珠的实践案例,为武陵山打赢脱贫攻坚战更好地接续乡村振兴发挥了活标杆的示范引领作用,向世人展示一幅色彩斑斓的美丽乡村新图景。  相似文献   
在日益复杂的商业环境中,民营企业的可持续发展面临着新的更高的要求,通过党建工作提升企业文化实力已成为民营企业发展的关键,本文从数理的角度分析了民营企业党建工作对企业文化实力的影响度,并对新时期的民营企业党组织建设做出一系列可行的建议.  相似文献   
当今时代,软实力成为国家综合实力的重要组成部分,在国际竞争中的地位提高。文章概括了文化软实力的基本特点,简要描述中国自改革开放近三十年来,软实力取得的进步。但与发达国家相比,中国软实力的现状并不容乐观。文章提出从三个方面提升中国的文化软实力,重点论述了中国提升软实力的目标是为了促进和平崛起,而不是搞文化霸权主义。  相似文献   
建设创新型园区是当前和今后一个时期落实建设创新型国家战略目标的一个重要内容。推进创新型园区建设应以园区社会可持续发展为前提,力求在“全面、协调、可持续”发展的基础上,加快提高自主创新能力。  相似文献   
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