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This paper studies the problem of convex hull constraint in conventional empirical likelihood. Specifically, in the framework of regression, a balanced augmented empirical likelihood (BAEL) procedure through adding two synthetic data points is proposed. It can be used to resolve the under-coverage issue, especially in small-sample or high-dimension setting. Furthermore, some asymptotic properties for proposed BAEL ratio statistic are established under mild conditions. The proposed approach performs robust to different random errors by choosing a robust loss function. Extensive simulation studies and a real example are carried out to support our results.  相似文献   
废除死刑已经成为当今世界的共同趋势,作为剥夺犯罪分子生命的死刑已经成为世界各国立法和司法所关注的焦点。基于对目前国际形势的考量,结合我国科学发展观这一政治背景,从死刑的实然性、民意、人权以及如何限制适用死刑等理性角度对存废死刑问题进行思考。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an iterative process, that can be implemented using GLIM, for fitting generalized linear models with linear inequality parameter constraints, when the maximum likelihood estimates exist and are unique. A one-step estimate is also introduced and some diagnostic measures are obtained. Finally an example is given for illustration.  相似文献   
The paper looks at the problem of comparing two treatments, for a particular population of patients, where one is the current standard treatment and the other a possible alternative under investigation. With limited (finite) financial resources the decision whether to replace one by the other will not be based on health benefits alone. This motivates an economic evaluation of the two competing treatments where the cost of any gain in health benefit is scrutinized; it is whether this cost is acceptable to the relevant authorities which decides whether the new treatment can become the standard. We adopt a Bayesian decision theoretic framework in which a utility function is introduced describing the consequences of making a particular decision when the true state of nature is expressed via an unknown parameter θ (this parameter denotes cost, effectiveness, etc.). The treatment providing the maximum posterior expected utility summarizes the decision rule, expectations taken over the posterior distribution of the parameter θ.  相似文献   
给定一个网络G,欲求一个所有通路的边数不超过给定的正整数k且权最小的生成树.在此给出的近似算法是从一个可行树出发,经过改进的程序,求出其近似解——局部最优解可行树,并具体给出了一个分枝定界算法.  相似文献   
介绍了采用钢套管振压成孔灌注桩对多层宿舍楼建筑软弱地基处理的优越性.在对桩基设计、施工、检测论述的同时,着重强调了施工中应注意事项及保证质量的技术措施.  相似文献   
交流电动机软起动控制器的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍交流电动机升压限流软起动技术和软起动控制器,给出交流电动机软起动的基本概念,分析升压限流软起动的基本原理,并对软起动控制器的软硬件设计作介绍,重点讨论了以8098单片机为核心,以无触点可控硅为主要控制器件的软起动控制器的硬件结构,给出了软件主体结构框图和核心程序——同步信号产出的中断服务程序的设计思想和方法。  相似文献   
软土地基加固方法很多,工程中科学选择经济适用的方法比创造新的方法更有实际意义。根据系统工程数学方法,建立适用于软土地基方案选择的模型,并结合某港口工程的软土地基处理方案的实例,说明系统工程理论的应用。  相似文献   
目前中国非国有经济的高速增长主要得益于内部融资,而外部金融支持却很少,这与资本自由流动的属性及其存在的前提是相矛盾的。造成这种局面的主要原因是资本供给方面的约束,即融资主体存在着“预算软约束”,信贷市场中存在着非市场化的“隐含契约”关系及证券市场的不完善。  相似文献   
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