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中国之侠从<韩非子>最初为其命名起,就有明显的组织、经济、行为、危害性等"四大特征"而与黑社会性质组织相似.但韩非显然遮蔽了侠的历史合理性和进步性,因此司马迁曾致力于以"仁"、"义"重新塑造侠的道德形象,使侠在文化和审美理想的层面上表现出先进性来.但在具体的历史现实中,侠在西汉就已经完成了从义侠到黑道的堕落蜕变,从此在现实和想象层面沿着不同的道路发展,并随时纠结在一起.今天的打黑除恶专项斗争表现,对于深深植根于传统的中国侠文化,亦应一分为二,作两面观.  相似文献   
吉发涵 《文史哲》2002,1(3):15-21
通过对建国之后几次新诗格律研讨所进行的回顾与反思,可以看出在现代汉语条件下重建诗歌格律的艰巨性和必然性,所得出的结论是:现代汉语语音标准应是重建现代汉语诗歌格律的唯一语音标准,对现代汉语声调重新进行科学的平仄划分是建立现代汉语诗歌格律的首要条件,现代汉语诗歌格律应当是对近体诗格律的扬弃与发展。  相似文献   
This paper addresses trends in education-specific unemployment risks at labor market entry in West Germany from the mid-1970s to the present. In line with previous research it shows that vocationally qualified school-leavers have relatively lower unemployment risks than school-leavers with general education. Over time, the gap in unemployment risks between the low-educated and medium- and highly educated labor market entrants substantially widened for both sexes. The literature identifies two different mechanisms for this trend: structural or cyclical crowding out. While in the former scenario low-educated become increasingly unemployed due to an oversupply of tertiary graduates and displacement from above, in the latter their relative unemployment risk varies with the business cycle. The results provide evidence for cyclical rather than structural crowding-out in West Germany. Since macroeconomic conditions became generally worse over time, this strongly explains the widening unemployment gap between the low-educated and all other education groups.  相似文献   
歌唱要牢牢抓住两个最本质的东西:一个是气息,一个是声音。歌唱中气息的支点是声音的出发点,气和声相辅相成;声音的大小、强弱、快慢的变化是随着气息的变化而变化的,气息的支点与声音的支点相互贯通,协调配合,最终使整部作品能够达到至善至美的艺术境界。  相似文献   
吉林方言向标准普通话靠拢过程中,存在着大量的中介语,中介语音表现尤为突出,出现了舌尖音的中介音、舌尖音舌面化中介音以及舌尖音卷舌化中介音,还有各种声调中介语等等。中介语的大量存在给普通话测试带来的评分困扰,在普通话测试中,对吉林地区方言中介语现象我们应认真分析,根据中介音的过渡程度而作出不同标准的测定。  相似文献   
多孔橡胶粉改性沥青降噪路面材料吸声特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究多孔橡胶粉改性沥青路面降噪吸声特性,利用驻波管分别对30mm、40mm、50mm厚,孔隙率为20%的多孔橡胶粉改性沥青混合料试件和孔隙率为4%的普通沥青混合料试件进行了不同频率下吸声特性试验.分析了试件厚度、声波频率、材料、孔隙率、表面形态等对试件吸声特性的影响及材料吸声机理,并按1/3倍频测定了不同情况下材料的吸声系数.研究结果表明,随试件厚度的增加吸声系数增大;随入射声波频率增大,材料的吸声系数呈先增大后减小的趋势;多孔隙橡胶粉改性沥青混合料试件比普通沥青混合料试件吸声效果明显提高.因而证明,用多孔隙橡胶粉改性沥青混合料铺筑路面具有较好的降噪效果.  相似文献   
政府在追求经济增长的同时还兼顾环境效益。为探讨政府的现金补贴政策对排放依赖型生产商的决策以及对环境效益的影响作用,构建政府的现金补贴函数。结果表明:(1)排放依赖型生产商会根据政府的补贴程度在3种排放权获取渠道(政府分配的配额、自身的排放处理或市场购买)间进行选择;(2)随着现金补贴政策的推出,环境效益得到明显提升,且提升空间与政府可调控的补贴参数紧密相关。通过数值分析进一步说明了模型的应用。  相似文献   
侦查讯问程序在刑事诉讼中存在价值之一就是获取犯罪嫌疑人的口供,为查明犯罪事实提供一定的依据.正是这种价值取向导致了侦查人员在讯问过程中为了取得口供而不惜采取非法手段,侵害犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益.我们应该尽快完善同步录音录像制度,将其推广到整个刑事侦查讯问领域.  相似文献   
In surveys carried out by interviewers trained according to the key principle of standardized interviewing it is assumed that the interviewer has only limited impact on the time a respondent needs to answer questions. In the paper the effects of interviewers and respondent characteristics on interview speed are analyzed simultaneously by means of a three-level random coefficient model. Data from the fifth round of the European Social Survey (ESS) are used. In twelve participating countries (CAPI) timers were implemented at several places in the questionnaire. Based on this time information the interview speed (number of questions asked per minute) was measured for each respondent during five modules of the questionnaire. The results support most of the expectations concerning the effects of the respondent characteristics. However, the results also indicate that, for all countries, interviewers strongly determine the interview speed and that interview length is not a simple linear function of the number of questions in a questionnaire.  相似文献   
Abstract. We consider the properties of the local polynomial estimators of a counting process intensity function and its derivatives. By expressing the local polynomial estimators in a kernel smoothing form via effective kernels, we show that the bias and variance of the estimators at boundary points are of the same magnitude as at interior points and therefore the local polynomial estimators in the context of intensity estimation also enjoy the automatic boundary correction property as they do in other contexts such as regression. The asymptotically optimal bandwidths and optimal kernel functions are obtained through the asymptotic expressions of the mean square error of the estimators. For practical purpose, we suggest an effective and easy‐to‐calculate data‐driven bandwidth selector. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of the local polynomial estimators and the proposed bandwidth selector. The estimators and the bandwidth selector are applied to estimate the rate of aftershocks of the Sichuan earthquake and the rate of the Personal Emergency Link calls in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
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