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社会的发展要求信誉的提高与之相适应,社会信誉的建设是中国特色社会主义政治文明建设的一项重要内容。由于受主客观因素的影响,信誉缺失已成为社会转型时期的一种道德病态。文章从社会信誉的作用和特征入手,提出相应的对策:构建社会信誉制度,加强社会信誉的立法,加大对失信行为的处罚力度,打造诚信政府,等等。  相似文献   
发展社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义政治文明是全面建设小康社会的重要目标;完善和发展多党合作制度是社会主义政治文明建设的重要内容。文章运用唯物辩证法与系统论对社会主义政治文明与物质文明、精神文明之间的辩证关系,社会主义政治文明与多党合作制度的科学内涵和发展方向等问题进行了理论探讨和哲学思考。  相似文献   
西方资本主义生态现代化之路向是以全球性生态空间修复策略、时间修复策略掺杂生态霸权主义谋划而展现自身的生态叙事合法性的。它所证成的合理性,实质上不过是资本逻辑的生态隐性呈现及非正义剥夺。拒斥“资本丛林”成为新的生态文明创造的基本方向。从实践的生态本体论、认识论以及价值论出发,以构建“地球生命共同体”为鹄的,中国式现代化生态文明创造构筑了一个“人与自然是生命共同体”“人类命运共同体”“人与自然的生态伦理共同体”逐次展开的新路径。它摒弃人与自然对立关系的思维模式,建构了作为对象性的本质力量的生态主体性,塑造了以总体性环境正义为特征的伦理样态,实现了对资本主义生态空间生产的时代超越。中国式现代化生态文明创造的包容性与发展性为其能持续引领全球生态文明提供了可能。  相似文献   
挖掘改革开放的世界社会主义意蕴,对于提升改革开放的自觉、自信与把握世界社会主义的前途命运具有重要意义。改革开放不仅开创了中国特色社会主义,而且为世界社会主义的理论发展、实践推进与制度文明提供了经验借鉴。首先,改革开放是对人类解放的当代诠释,凝聚了世界社会主义的价值共识与实践旨归;其次,改革开放开创了“命运共同体的社会主义”新形态,为世界社会主义迈向“真正的共同体”铺就了可行进路;再次,改革开放彰扬了马克思主义的正义逻辑,为全球正义的社会主义道路的构建奠定了基础;最后,改革开放是对人类文明的新拓展,有效地释放了世界社会主义的新文明属性,引领着世界社会主义文明的时代趋向。  相似文献   
党的十八、十九大均指出,生态文明建设功在当代、利在千秋。十九大进一步明确提出要构建“政府主导、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障”的生态文明建设新局面。《环境保护公众参与办法》的出台为公众参与环境保护提供了强有力的制度保障,但公众的参与程度与许多因素有关。在积极发动和鼓励公众参与生态文明建设的过程中,政府可发挥新媒体协商平台的作用,提高新媒体的回应能力,为公众参与生态文明建设提供保障;公众应借助新媒体互动平台的功能,进一步提升生态意识,践行生态行为,自觉维护生态环境;环保组织要发挥新媒体的聚焦作用,推动环保组织的成长壮大。  相似文献   
建设美丽中国、实现中华民族永续发展、建设具有中国特色社会主义,必须抓好生态文明建设。习近平生态文明建设思想以马克思辩证唯物主义原理和我国传统的儒家、道家文化根基中的生存智慧作为哲学依据,是顺应时代要求的新论断。这个思想有着生态自然观与生态经济观相统一、规律性与目的性相统一、继承性与创新性相统一、科学性与实践性相统一的思想特点。有此思想指导,我国全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义的伟大胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦必然指日可待。  相似文献   
The Chinese road has deep historical roots. Its most striking feature is that it is marked by historical continuity rather than rupture, and the main force behind this continuity is its intrinsic dynamism and vitality. Unlike the paradigm of Eurocentrism or “Discovering History in China,” the comparative analytical paradigm discovers China through long-term comparisons with corresponding countries in the same time and space in an effort to find positive elements in the history of the Chinese road and to refute the long prevalent theory of Chinese stagnation. Seen over the course of world history, the impetus for the creation of the world’s most brilliant agrarian civilization was endogenous. This impetus was not a momentary “explosive force” but a sustainable institutional drive whose main constituents were the independent farming household, endogenous government capacity and adaptive national governance. In addition to the main theme of “permanent change,” Chinese development had a secondary theme of “cyclical change” which cannot be ignored. The roots of Chinese development are buried deep in the genes of this agrarian nation in the form of sticky institutions, bureaucratic inertia, arbitrary power, etc. Historical continuity provided a foundation for China’s creative revolution and development in modern times, ultimately laying down a socialist development road with Chinese characteristics, although this remains an unfinished relay process.  相似文献   
The cost of an uncontrolled incursion of invasive alien species (IAS) arising from undetected entry through ports can be substantial, and knowledge of port‐specific risks is needed to help allocate limited surveillance resources. Quantifying the establishment likelihood of such an incursion requires quantifying the ability of a species to enter, establish, and spread. Estimation of the approach rate of IAS into ports provides a measure of likelihood of entry. Data on the approach rate of IAS are typically sparse, and the combinations of risk factors relating to country of origin and port of arrival diverse. This presents challenges to making formal statistical inference on establishment likelihood. Here we demonstrate how these challenges can be overcome with judicious use of mixed‐effects models when estimating the incursion likelihood into Australia of the European (Apis mellifera) and Asian (A. cerana) honeybees, along with the invasive parasites of biosecurity concern they host (e.g., Varroa destructor). Our results demonstrate how skewed the establishment likelihood is, with one‐tenth of the ports accounting for 80% or more of the likelihood for both species. These results have been utilized by biosecurity agencies in the allocation of resources to the surveillance of maritime ports.  相似文献   
Although alternative forms of statistical and verbal information are routinely used to convey species’ extinction risk to policymakers and the public, little is known about their effects on audience information processing and risk perceptions. To address this gap in literature, we report on an experiment that was designed to explore how perceptions of extinction risk differ as a function of five different assessment benchmarks (Criteria A–E) used by scientists to classify species within IUCN Red List risk levels (e.g., Critically Endangered, Vulnerable), as well as the role of key individual differences in these effects (e.g., rational and experiential thinking styles, environmental concern). Despite their normative equivalence within the IUCN classification system, results revealed divergent effects of specific assessment criteria: on average, describing extinction risk in terms of proportional population decline over time (Criterion A) and number of remaining individuals (Criterion D) evoked the highest level of perceived risk, whereas the single‐event probability of a species becoming extinct (Criterion E) engendered the least perceived risk. Furthermore, participants scoring high in rationality (analytic thinking) were less prone to exhibit these biases compared to those low in rationality. Our findings suggest that despite their equivalence in the eyes of scientific experts, IUCN criteria are indeed capable of engendering different levels of risk perception among lay audiences, effects that carry direct and important implications for those tasked with communicating about conservation status to diverse publics.  相似文献   
自20世纪70年代以来,全球化的历史语境推动了四次大的文明复兴运动,其中中国文明的复兴是极为重要而独特的。中国文明是人文文明,其基本特征是以辩证理性为指导,与多元文明相融合的创新精神。中国文明的复兴将对世界产生重要作用。  相似文献   
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