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Whereas period life expectancy constitutes an intuitive indicator of the survival conditions prevailing at a particular period, this paper argues that, given the existence of welfare interdependencies, that widespread indicator is nonetheless an incomplete measure of the longevity achievements relevant for human well-being. The central importance of coexistence for human-beings implies that usual life expectancy measures should be complemented by joint life expectancy indicators, which measure the average coexistence time under particular survival conditions. After a study of the theoretical foundations of ‘single’ and ‘joint’ life expectancy indicators, it is shown that joint life expectancy measures tend to enrich significantly the comparison of longevity achievements across countries and periods. Moreover, the introduction of joint life expectancy indicators—as a complement to conventional life expectancy measures—into multi-variable indexes such as the United Nations’ HDI is also shown to affect international rankings of standards of living to a non negligible extent.
Gregory PonthiereEmail:
Demographic and Health Survey data from nine African countries make it clear that HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge has been increasing. Still, in many cases, fewer than half of adult respondents can identify specific prevention behaviors. Knowledge is lowest in rural areas and among women. HIV testing generally remains rare but is highly variable across countries, likely reflecting differences in the supply of testing services. In most cases, schooling and wealth impacts on prevention knowledge have either been stable or have increased; hence, in the majority of contexts, initial disparities in knowledge by education and wealth levels have persisted or widened.
David E. SahnEmail:
综述了参与’99湖南岳阳两湖屈原与楚文化学术研讨会的专家学者的主要研究成果,介绍了有关世纪之交屈原研究的回顾与展望方面的成果。  相似文献   
冯雪峰是“修正主义文艺”批判运动第一阶段( 1956~ 1962)主要的批判对象.作 为唯一的参加过长征的左翼文艺理论家,冯雪峰于1957年遭遇清算,除了他那不合时宜的革命 现实主义理论的启蒙倾向,还有一个重要的原因,就是19世纪30年代已然形成、长期以来没 能解决的宗派主义从中作祟.  相似文献   
刘丽文 《求是学刊》2000,(5):99-106
本文认为,《左传》“多叙鬼神之事,预言祸福之期”现象的产生不是偶然的,而是尚未脱离神职的史官,或者说与宗教文化有千丝万缕联系的史官文化在探究天(神)人关系时的必然现象。《左传》既大讲鬼神对人的控制,又渲染道德决定人的归宿,本文通过对这一看似矛盾现象的系统分析认为,《左传》通过对鬼神预言结果的道德阐释,以高超的技巧将看似杂乱无章的神秘预言纳入到了一个“天德合一”的模式中,从而建构了一个天命控制人类历史,道德决定人的命运的完整的天命观体系;这种把天命神学纳入历史道德领域的努力,是《左传》作者为解释春秋战国之际的历史变迁而做的理论准备,这种试图以建构体系的方式阐释天人关系、历史规律的尝试也是值得肯定的。  相似文献   
论日常生活和日常认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日常生活是一种基础和本真的生活,它具有个人性、基础性、经验性、自发性和重复性等特点。日常认识是日常生活的一个有机组成部分,日常生活决定着日常认识,日常认识反过来又影响和制约着日常生活。和日常生活相适应,日常认识具有大众性、平凡性、直观性、表层性和不自觉性等特点。  相似文献   
汉乐府民歌:生命的悲歌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖晓阳 《唐都学刊》2000,16(3):41-45
在汉乐府民歌中,歌者倾诉了感慨时世的忧愤、遭遇孤独的悲愁;抒发了面对死亡的哀伤、生命脆弱的感叹;感人命难保,须及时行乐,觉求仙虚妄,当直面死亡。将对生的悲愁、对死的哀伤、对永恒的追寻,化作了一曲生命的悲歌。  相似文献   
无论是就哲学体系 ,还是就其框架下的主导概念、范畴和问题而言 ,当前哲学界对马克思文本、典籍的发掘堪称中国特色马克思主义哲学建设的一个时代象征。学者们以典籍为基点 ,进而拓展到对马克思主义哲学的内在本质、基本内容、核心精神和在中国的发展的探索 ,并最终把阐释典籍文本的当代意义落实为终极关怀 ,这昭示了当代哲人对历史、对学术的客观精神的追求和对哲学智慧的向往  相似文献   
对两权分离改革范式的十大实证性批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两权分离改革范式的根本错误 ,不仅在于理论上缺乏行为分析性 ,更在于在实践中所引发的众多难题 :颠倒了自然人产权奠定法人产权的历史关系 ;没有解决国企所有者缺位的核心问题 ;延误了我国非国有企业的制度建设与全面成长的历史机遇 ;违背了世界经济发展的历史事实和基本趋势 ;没有彻底触动政治体制 ;没有解决不合理的社会关系 ;增大了我国制度变迁与经济发展的交易费用 ,没有解决国企企业家成长的制度问题 ;导致经济发展中短期化行为放大 ;社会资产缺乏理性投向。两权分离改革范式导致中国至今的经济改革走样 ,给经济发展带来现实与潜在的巨大危机与困难  相似文献   
The efficiency of education in East and Southeast Turkey (E&SE) has long been a subject of debate. Both regions are similar to each other and different from the other regions in terms of economy, culture, ethnic origin, and languages spoken. Sahin (1997) studied the efficiency of education in the E&SE and proposed that illiteracy is significantly the highest in both regions, the female student population is significantly lower, and students are significantly less successful in nationwide general proficiency examinations (OSS and OYS) compared to all the other regions. Social sources of failure were studied in terms of the distinguishing characteristics of both regions, from both practical and theoretical standpoints. The findings indicated inequality of educational opportunity rooted in geographical, economical, social (cultural, linguistic), and political factors.  相似文献   
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