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Gareth Dale 《Globalizations》2018,15(7):924-940

This article explores the concepts of spontaneity and spontaneous order, in particular their deployment by Friedrich Hayek and Karl Polanyi. Although in many respects these thinkers were poles apart, the article identifies a point of convergence. They both mobilize the concept of spontaneity in a manner that naturalizes a particular social process: for Hayek, the market economy, for Polanyi, society’s protective movement that arises in reaction against the market economy. To contextualize the uses of spontaneity by Hayek and Polanyi, I trace its evolution, with reference to Leibniz, Mandeville, and the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment. Having sketched the ways in which earlier thinkers understood spontaneity, I turn finally to Hayek and Polanyi. I argue that their invocations of spontaneity and spontaneous order contribute to a downplaying of relations of domination and exploitation. While Hayek sees the market system as the exemplar of spontaneous order, for Polanyi, the concept of spontaneity underpins his belief that the protective countermovement is a ‘natural’ reaction to the evils of market society; as such, power relations pass beneath the radar.  相似文献   
产业自生竞争力是产业自我成长、发展的内在动力,具有内生性、客观性和盈利性,主要由资源配置能力、产业组织效率和产业创新能力要素构成。产业自生竞争力有利于产业资源配置和组织结构优化,为产业发展战略和增强竞争力提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   
作为古典自由主义集大成者的哈耶克,突破了以往仅在道德层面讨论自由的传统,把自由概念由哲学概念转变为社会科学的概念,这主要是因为其自由概念具有广泛的理论基础。哈耶克在继承古典自由主义主张个人主义的传统下,同时指出了个人理性的有限性,指出文明的进步绝非理性预先设计的结果,而是有赖于社会演化过程中自生自发的社会秩序。作为哈耶克自由概念的三大理论基础,研究个人主义、反唯理性和自生自发的秩序是深入认识其自由思想的前提条件,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
经验调查呈现出:土地流转与农村社会阶层的关联问题。研究发现:地权变革是农村各阶层利益的再分配与重组过程。已经严重分化的农民及其对土地不同程度的依赖和流转意愿是土地流转在农村实践的社会基础。自发流转塑造出中间阶级,是农村社会的中坚力量,其发挥着“中间价值”的功能,这种流转模式基于自愿并使流转双方互利共赢,当前地权变革理应给予足够的重视。而土地大规模流转则消解中间阶层,从而引发村治困境及农村社会动荡等系列问题,对这种流转模式,在“过密型”农业仍将继续存在的前提下,必须谨慎对待。  相似文献   
王船山主张自发秩序、反对国家干预,彰显了其经济自由主义思想。王船山继承了老子"无为"思想,认为政府对经济进行过多的干预,其结果可能适得其反。王船山对商人和商贸的作用进行了充分地肯定,反对国家对贸易的垄断,呼吁国内、国际之间实行毫无阻碍的自由贸易。  相似文献   
意识形态理论是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分,该理论的形成和唯物史观的创立是同一过程的两个不同侧面.在这一过程中,“自发分工”起着尤为重要的作用.通过“自发分工”的逻辑建构,马克思在存在论层面上阐述了意识形态产生、形成和终结的过程,实现了意识形态的“存在论”策反.马克思认为,作为虚假意识的意识形态:它源起于“自发分工”;它的真正内涵是“活动”;它没有自己独立发展的历史;它的终结之途径是“革命”而非“批判”.  相似文献   
“垮掉一代”禅之旅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"垮掉一代"借助东方哲学尤其是禅宗思索改革社会的良方。从习禅、写禅、化禅三方面进行研究,可以看到禅宗在"垮掉一代"中的全面渗透。"垮掉一代"身体力行地进行禅宗实践,如打坐、沉思、去寺院研习禅经、开设禅堂,甚至担任禅寺住持,不仅将禅理应用于日常生活,而且以禅入诗,在诗歌中大量使用禅典,将禅宗思想融入诗歌创作,提倡强调直觉的具有禅宗美学特质的自发式写作。虽然"垮掉一代"深受禅宗思想影响,但并非生搬硬套,而是深深打上了美国本土烙印,形成独具美国特色的"垮掉禅"。  相似文献   
The gang rape of a young physiotherapy student on a moving bus in December of 2012, in Delhi, India, brought forward a series of countrywide protests. These protests were unique compared with prior protests in India, leading to a need to re-examine the political importance of social movements in the subcontinent. Using data from 748 newspaper reports on the demonstrations that took place from December 2012 to April 2013, this paper examines the unique characteristics of the rape protests and their implications on the birth of a new repertoire in social movements. For the first time in Indian history, women's rights and violence against women occupied the forefront of national politics, and was no longer limited to agendas of feminists and women's groups. The protests were not led by a specific interest group, but were spontaneous and horizontal in nature, with participants from various social and political backgrounds. This paper argues that with the help of technology and new social media that a new repertoire of protests emerged: a horizontal, spontaneous, mass movement across interest groups.  相似文献   
目的 :分析肺结核病变与自发性气胸的关系 ,以提高诊疗水平。方法 :回顾性分析 1997年 1月至 2 0 0 2年 10月 10 4例肺结核并自发性气胸发生于同侧或对侧的机率、临床表现、治疗与预后之间的关系。结果 :自发性气胸发生于对侧的 70例 ,同侧的 34例 ,两者有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :肺结核并自发性气胸对侧多于同侧 ,发生在对侧时症状多较重 ,易形成高压性气胸 ,需积极减压治疗 ,且容易复发 ;同侧的症状较轻 ,但易形成脓气胸 ,治愈时间明显延长 ,需积极综合治疗。  相似文献   
从单一制和联邦制的“自生秩序”问题分析入手,可以找到单一制下地方政府研究的新的视角:寻找单一制环境下,出现在中地关系和地方政府思路下“自生秩序”的生长点,并着力促进这些“自生秩序”的产生和生长,研究联邦制和单一制作为第一层级秩序其交叉点和交叉区域的本身的特征以及使第二层级的秩序具有共同属性的特点的来源、存在和演进。  相似文献   
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