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通过比较元散曲中妓女所作之曲与男性所作青楼之曲,论证了前者更真实地反映了她们的从良愿望、凸现了她们的文学才华,审美品位也更高尚.论述了为何元妓人数倍多于唐宋妓,而有文学才华的却最少.从元代重武轻文、统治者不通文墨、元妓普遍文化水平低下三方面探索了原因.以<青楼集>等文献和元杂剧妓女戏为据,论证了元妓比唐宋妓更有自觉争取人权的抗争意识,并达到前所未有的高度.  相似文献   
北平辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,在北平沦陷之后弦歌不辍,讲诵如恒,并得以发展。学校师生与日伪周旋,抗敌不屈,延续民族文化生命,抵制日伪奴化教育,因此赢得了"抗日大本营"的赞誉。  相似文献   
我国学界长期以来关于债权让与通知的传统观点有检讨的必要.让与通知并非是债权让与合同的生效要件,而是对债务人产生拘束力的要件.让与通知是使债权实际发生移转的事实行为,而非准法律行为.在债权让与对债务人生效要件这一问题上,所谓的"自由主义"实际上是对德国法相关规定的误解.债权让与中的"对抗"只能是针对交易第三人;对债务人只存在是否发生效力的问题.因此,我国学界长期存在的"债权让与合同有效成立,债权让与即生效只是不能对抗债务人"的说法应予以纠正.  相似文献   
In order to engage mothers who are victims of domestic abuse, the child welfare worker needs to be challenged to develop an intentional practice response that includes knowledge and skill concerning the complexities of domestic violence, as well as the process of change. Developing a supportive relationship, understanding the stages of change (SOC) and engaging mothers as leaders in the change process are essential to successful child protection outcomes. Within the context of the SOC model, this practice‐based paper focuses on the importance of engaging mothers who are victims of domestic violence in conversations about their own unique dilemmas, challenges and barriers regarding change. Through the inclusion of engagement strategies such as signs of safety, active listening and cost/benefit analysis, in concert with the SOC theory, the child welfare worker would be equipped with an approach to successfully assist mothers through their change journey, ultimately keeping children safe.  相似文献   
论述了杨万里在庆元竞争时期的政治命运及其心态变化,揭示其内心徘徊于"仕"与""隐"间的矛盾苦闷心境.  相似文献   
颜中军 《学术界》2012,(3):78-84,284
长期以来,逻辑知识被赋予一种特殊的认识论地位,把它视为先验有效、不证自明的真理。这种观点被称之为"逻辑绝对主义"。哈克继承了蒯因、普特南、皮尔士等人的思想,主张更加彻底的实用主义逻辑观,严厉批判各种逻辑绝对主义,为逻辑可错论和可修正论扫除了认识论障碍。  相似文献   
辛亥革命的重大内容之一就是以政党政治的议会道路去反对专制统治,国民党宋教仁发起的颇具声势的政党政治奋斗就是其中的典型。中国民主同盟(简称民盟)早期领导人经历了这次大革命政党政治的洗礼,民主政党政治的议会道路对中国民主同盟的诞生和发展产生了深刻的历史影响。为了实现民主政党政治,民盟与中国共产党联合起来共同反对国民党的独裁统治,最后却遭到了国民党的镇压和解散。历史证明,西式政党政治的议会道路在中国行不通,必须结合中国国情,走有中国特色的民主政治道路。  相似文献   
第一次柏林危机是美苏冷战的产物,也是冷战起源问题研究中的重要课题。尽管苏联封锁柏林的行动直接挑起了危机对抗,但从战后国际格局转换的整体视角看,危机的缘起与战后初期美苏关系的变化和两国对德政策的演进之间存在着密切的逻辑关联。可以说,这次危机是战后初期美苏两国从盟友向对手转变过程中,围绕着如何处置德国问题而产生矛盾冲突的必然结果。  相似文献   

Employing Grossman and Helpman’s “protection for sale” model, this article uses data on anti-dumping actions from 1999 to 2009 to perform a quantitative analysis of factors influencing India’s determinations of anti-dumping duties against China, and reveals the micro-formation mechanism of economic conflicts between China and India. We find that the political power of India’s anti-dumping plaintiffs markedly increases the tariff level of its final determinations and that the relationship between the import penetration ratio and duty rates depends upon whether the plaintiffs are politically organized. Further, there is a significant positive correlation between India’s anti-dumping duty rates and its unfavorable trade balance with China. This indicates that in determining anti-dumping duties, Indian authorities are clearly influenced by the political clout of their domestic interest groups. They are also motivated by the desire to keep down China and gain the upper hand in the face-off between the “dragon and the elephant.”  相似文献   
解放战争后期,美国为了应付国民党垮台后的局面,决定从中国内战中"脱身",逐渐远离国民党;而国民党蒋介石为挽救失败的命运,同美国进行了反"脱身"的斗争.  相似文献   
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