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Recent computational sociolinguistic analyses of social media have emphasized the potential of using orthographic variation as a proxy for speech, thereby permitting macro‐level quantitative studies of regional and social variation (e.g. Eisenstein, 2015). However, the extent to which stylistic variation may affect these analyses remains largely unexplored. In this paper, I explore how authors use variant spellings stylistically to deploy personae and characterological figures (Agha, 2003), by examining the presence of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) features in a corpus of 15,804 tweets extracted from the timelines of 10 gay British men. I argue that the stylization of AAVE signals the development of a very specific persona—the “Sassy Queen”—which relies on an essentialized imagining of Black women as “fierce” and “sassy.” Concluding, I emphasize the value of micro‐level analyses in complementing quantitative analyses of linguistic variation in social media.  相似文献   
Focusing on online interactions among young adults in Bangladesh and Mongolia – two countries located politically, culturally and economically on the Asian periphery – this paper looks at how young adults use linguistic and cultural resources in their online interactions as part of a complex and emergent stylization of place. On the one hand, they appropriate the cultural and linguistic flows according to their locations and engage in a playful stylization and reconfiguration of what the local means. On the other hand, they engage in stylization and reflexive language use, often involving exaggerated linguistic variation, mixing, and other semiotic resources in order to produce and perform a range of social and cultural identities. The paper hence shows how the circulation and takeup of popular cultural flows around Asia can involve diverse processes of linguistic and cultural stylization.  相似文献   
Staged performance involves the overt, scheduled identification and elevation of one or more people to perform, with a clearly demarcated distinction between them and the audience. It involves the agentive use of language, building on the foundation of existing social meanings. Staged performances tend to be linguistically stylized, pushing the limits of language creativity. They have the potential to trigger significant sociolinguistic effects, circulating novel forms and contributing to language change. The paradigms used in this theme issue for approaching language performance include Bakhtin's notion of Stylization, Bell's Audience and Referee Design, Silverstein's Indexicality, Agha's Enregisterment, and Bauman's construct of Discursive Culture. Themes that run through the articles include: a concept of identity that is part product, part process; the centrality of the audience; the reflexivity of staged performance; and the importance of non‐linguistic modalities such as music and appearance. The language analysis in this collection of papers concentrates mainly on phonological features of varieties of English, finding instances of selectivity, mis‐realization, overshoot and undershoot in their performances of a range of targeted dialects.  相似文献   
对于唐隶历来褒贬不一,宋多肯定,清则尊汉卑唐。唐代确立了蔡邕隶书至尊的地位,把许多汉魏碑刻的书碑权判归蔡、钟,《石经》及曹魏碑刻成为唐人取法的主要对象。唐以前碑刻的书写为文史书佑之职责,蔡、钟书碑多附会,《石经》及曹魏碑刻具有程式化倾向。唐隶繁荣的背后也存在着明显的弊端。对传统取法的狭义性导致了书风的趋同性,传统基因的缺乏导致了气格的虚弱.唐人背负着沉重的历史包袱,走上了繁荣隶书之路。面对积弱已久的隶书,能够恢复元气,形成时代风格,其历史贡献也不可抹杀。  相似文献   
大学生思想政治教育生活化,是新时期高校思想政治教育发展的重要趋势,也是思想政治教育向理性回归的必然要求。要深刻认识和理解大学生思想政治教育生活化的内涵,了解新形势下大学生思想政治教育生活化的现状,有针对性的选择大学生思想政治教育生活化的有效路径,这样大学生思想政治教育才能取得良好的效果。  相似文献   
萨满舞蹈是满族萨满教祭祀仪式中最重要的组成部分之一。萨满祭祀仪式过程的程式化决定了萨满舞蹈的程式化。同时,在现场的即时表演中又会有即兴的“随意性”的舞蹈成分加入到原有的程式中。  相似文献   
徽剧是一门古老的剧种,徽剧的故事曲目、脸谱元素、服饰道具以及戏曲动作等元素为动画角色造型设计提供了丰富的角色资源.根据徽剧艺术元素进行动画艺术语言改编,重新整理和提炼徼剧经典角色造型,研究当下受众群体的审美观念,把徽剧中具有影响力的角色形象移植到动画角色设计中,借助现代艺术表现形式,创造出具有浓郁民族风、文化品位高、造型独特的动画角色设计,对加快建设创新型文化强省、提高安徽动漫制作水平、加强非物质文化遗产的保护、提升安徽经济文化软实力具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
文人创作与明代话本的文人化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅承洲 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):80-86
明中叶以后 ,随着文人走入话本创作领域 ,明代话本呈现出明显的文人化趋向。文人作家将科举考试、文人发迹、文人与官吏的冲突、才子佳人的恋情都写进了话本小说中。文人作家将话本体制改造得更加规范与典雅 ,题目均用工整的对偶 ,入话的功能发生了变化 ,正话中韵文大量删减 ,这些都渗透了文人的审美意识与文化素养。话本的文人化大体经历了三个阶段 :宋元时期 ,话本主要反映市民的生活与思想 ;“三言二拍”时期 ,文人题材与市民题材平分秋色 ,市民已打上文人烙印 ;“三言二拍”之后 ,话本主要反映文人的生活与思想。  相似文献   
中国传统建筑中的吉祥文化多以图案的形式呈现出来,成为中国传统装饰艺术中的重要部分。它装点着中国传统建筑,是传统建筑中璀璨的珠宝,也是民族文化的优秀遗产。吉祥图案以其深长的意味而具有独特的艺术表现力。从吉祥观念的产生、吉祥图案的类别及其吉祥图案的特征进行了阐述。  相似文献   
The ‘hip‐hop nation’ is a multiethnic, transnational community that originates from and privileges urban African American experiences. Scholars have explored ways that non‐African Americans worldwide use linguistic features of African American English (AAE) as a way of constructing hip‐hop affiliated identities. The current paper ties these strands together in a study of the linguistic patterns of white Australian rapper Iggy Azalea, who makes use of AAE in her music, but not in other public speech. Our study presents a variationist analysis of copula absence in her lyrics. Findings show that her rates of this hallmark feature of AAE are extremely high, when compared to similar analyses of other rappers. We argue that her overzealous application of AAE features in her music, in order to create a specific linguistic style, enables a success that rests ultimately on the appropriation of African American language and culture, and the privilege that whiteness affords.  相似文献   
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