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农业剩余劳动力的转移问题是发展经济学的重要研究课题。文章认为 ,乡镇企业布局要适度集中 ,通过乡镇工业小区的建设和小商品市场建设 ,大力发展小城镇 ,特别是高层次小城镇 ,提高现有小城镇对农业劳动力的吸纳能力。要转换城市机制 ,完善城市经济结构 ,用市场法则取代行政原则 ,促进人力资源的合理配置与城乡协调发展  相似文献   
卢万青 《统计研究》2010,27(4):63-70
 当前研究认为我国贸易顺差来源于国内实际因素,至于是何种实际因素却存在分歧。本文建立的贸易收支决定模型认为,本国供给相对上升,本国需求相对下降,本国供给相对于本国需求过剩,是我国贸易顺差形成的根本原因。根据模型还可知,全球经济危机虽然导致我国进出口大幅下降,但对我国贸易顺差的作用相对较小;人民币升值对本国相对需求影响较小,但是对本国相对供给影响较大,如果人民币大幅度升值,我国大部分劳动密集型产业则会丧失比较优势,我国贸易顺差因此而出现拐点。  相似文献   

A grain surplus and the grain trade are closely related to the urbanization of developing countries. However, existing literature has not given adequate attention to this issue. Our paper develops a theoretical model to explain the mechanisms whereby changes in the grain surplus constrain the level of urbanization in a closed economy context and the grain trade affects the level of urbanization by acting on the grain surplus in an open economy context. A test of the theoretical model applied to some developing countries in Asia during the period 1993-2010 shows that international trade is generally negatively correlated with level of urbanization. However, cereal and non-cereal trade vary in terms of their relation to urbanization: whereas the former is positively correlated with level of urbanization, the latter is negatively correlated with it. Since the net import of cereals relaxes the constraint imposed on the level of urbanization by the domestic grain surplus, it can have a marked positive effect on the course of urbanization. Our research findings show that provided grain production or grain security is guaranteed, developing countries may adopt a policy of importing an appropriate amount of grain to increase their level of urbanization.  相似文献   
In 1987, 4 per cent of girls were adopted within China. Why? Unlike infanticide, abandonment rids parents of daughters while preserving the supply of potential brides. In fact, an erstwhile tradition common in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces had parents of sons adopting an infant girl to serve as a future daughter-in-law and household help. Analysing a nationally representative 1992 survey of children, we found that: (1) girl adoptions were concentrated in the above-mentioned provinces; (2) girls were predominantly adopted by families with sons; (3) adopted girls faced substantial disadvantage as measured by school attendance at ages 8–13. In the 1990s, as the sex ratio at birth climbed, were girls aborted rather than abandoned? Observing that in the 2000 census too many girls appear in families with older sons, we estimated that at least 1/25 girls were abandoned in the 1990s, a proportion that in Fujian and Jiangxi may have peaked at 1/10 in 1994.  相似文献   
试论马克思哲学的科学精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学精神遵循客观性原则,反映人对客观现实世界的服从或符合,强调主客体关系中的客观性,追求社会现象的实然性、必然性。马克思哲学具备了这样的品格,表现在它在批判改造黑格尔唯心主义哲学和费尔巴哈人本主义学说的基础上创立了唯物史观和剩余价值理论,对社会规律作出了自己的解释,具有科学真理性。  相似文献   
我国农村人力资源开发的目标就是要对农村人力资源进行合理配置,培养职业农民,限制农业劳动力规模,转移农村剩余劳动力。目前,我国农村人力资源开发存在的现实难题是农村教育体制不利于人力资源开发,政府对农村人力资源开发的职能严重弱化,农村人口生育质量亟待提高,农村人力资源开发成本和收益不成正比。  相似文献   
王凡恩 《宿州学院学报》2009,24(4):12-14,43
劳动力转移的情感成本是转移者和家人对情感的极大需求与彼此在空间上脱离的矛盾所产生的成本,它具有涉及人群多、数量大、内隐性强、易忽视、时间的边际递增和诱发相关成本高等特点。情感成本可以在假设本地存在一个与外地一样企业、并不计旅费的前提下,用人们愿意放弃情感享受而得到的工资增量来衡量。通过加强农村富余劳动力的就地转移、提高农民工的待遇、做好留守人员的安抚工作、落实休假和带薪休假制度、做好农民工探亲的交通工作等来降低情感成本。  相似文献   
农村富余劳动力的大规模转移,是我国工业化和现代化进程中必然出现的社会经济现象.引导其有序转移,是我国社会经济发展工作的一个重要问题.回顾20多年来农村富余劳动力的转移历程,制约其顺畅转移和合理流动的因素很多,但其中最主要的因素是现行的一些管理制度.本文从我国现行的户口管理制度、农村土地管理制度、农村劳动力就业培训制度、农村社会保障制度对农村劳动力向城镇聚集、向非农产业转移的制约进行分析,阐述目前我国农村富余劳动力转移的各种制度性障碍,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   
特殊的经济、制度、历史背景造就我国上市公司盈余管理有别于西方发达国家,发展成为会计造假。为消除其负面影响,限制其泛滥,本文从会计准则存在缺陷、公司制下的委托——代理契约存在“漏洞”以及信息不对称等方面分析我国上市公司盈余管理的深层原因,为防范和控制盈余管理提供参考。  相似文献   
政府主导推进农业剩余劳动力的转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
积极推进农业过剩劳动力的转移 ,解决农民就业 ,是我国当前现代化建设中带有根本性的问题。充分发挥政府在这项工作中的主导作用 ,改革户籍制度 ,发展农村教育 ,提高农民把握就业机会的能力 ,帮助农民实现向非农业的转移  相似文献   
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