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Drawing on a five-year qualitative study on the impacts of the Olympic Games on homeless and marginally housed youth in two host cities (Vancouver 2010 and London 2012), this paper explores the instances of ‘symbolic violence’ perpetuated by the institutional infrastructure associated with the Olympics. Following Pierre Bourdieu’s use of the term, symbolic violence refers to the manner in which the young people turned dominant notions of what the desirable Olympic city looks and feels like into a sense of their own non-belonging and/or inadequacy, experienced bodily and emotionally. Feeling pressured to vie for elusive Olympic jobs and volunteer positions, and to be less visible to the thousands of tourist-spectators for the Games, youth in both cities reported a defiant mix of frustrated indignation and resigned acceptance that they did not ‘fit’ the image of the global Olympic city that organizers were trying to convey. The paper argues that this social harm, difficult to measure yet real nonetheless, is an important though unintended legacy of the Olympic Games for homeless and marginally housed youth living in its shadows. The paper also calls for a more sustained engagement with Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence in youth studies as a discipline.  相似文献   
We propose an algorithm of multiple comparisons in two-factor testing of psychophysical thresholds. We use logistic regression combined with guessing rate and adopt the step-down procedure with Ryan–Einot–Gabriel–Welsch (REGW) significance levels for multiple test. We test hypotheses of main effects and interaction in two-factor problem by using the delta test statistics.  相似文献   
In the article, properties of the Bennett test and Miller test are analyzed. Assuming that the sample size is the same for each sample and considering the null hypothesis that the coefficients of variation for k populations are equal against the hypothesis that k ? 1 coefficients of variation are the same but differ from the coefficient of variation for the kth population, the empirical significance level and the power of the test are studied. Moreover, the dependence of the test statistic and the power of the test on the ratio of coefficients of variation are considered. The analyses are performed on simulated data.  相似文献   
This article examines the relationship between being a sexual woman and a good mother in The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park. Considering the sexual criticisms of women in the “Mommy Wars” which continue to be fought across the United States, we find that these three programs reproduce conservative assumptions about women's sexuality and motherhood. Through critical constructionist theories of humor and motherhood, mothers from each program are analyzed and the relationship between their sexuality and motherliness is examined in detail. We conclude with a discussion of the social constrictions of reality that humorous popular culture both exposes and reproduces.  相似文献   
近两年来,中俄战略协作伙伴关系有重大发展,两国领导人频繁互访,定期会晤;边界问题得到圆满解决,边境地区军事信任不断加强;经贸关系得到特别重视并有新的发展;双方在国际领域的磋商与合作明显加强.中俄战略协作伙伴关系的发展具有多方面的战略意义,它有利于改善和增强中俄两国的国际战略地位;促进世界力量平衡,制约一超独霸,推动世界向多极化发展;为冷战后国际关系尤其是大国关系提供了范例,推动了大国关系的良性互动;为国际社会创立了新型的边境及地区安全模式.  相似文献   
党的十七届四中全会以来,学术界开启了关于建设马克思主义学习型政党的研究热潮。学术界关于建设马克思主义学习型政党的研究,主要集中在对马克思主义学习型政党的科学内涵、时代意义、基本特征、基本经验、实现路径等方面。对这些研究情况进行梳理,有助于为建设马克思主义学习型政党提供借鉴。  相似文献   
"哲学王"是柏拉图的一个重要思想,人们往往只是从字面意义上来理解它,由此形成了各种片面的,甚至是错误的理解。通过阅读《理想国》的文本探讨"哲学王"的真正含义,可知"哲学王"就是拥有真理性知识之王,也是一种集理论智慧和实践智慧于一身的理想人格。这是一种理想的乌托邦,它对我国社会政治制度的建构具有范导意义。  相似文献   
社会主义荣辱观代表了先进文化的前进方向,体现了社会主义基本道德规范的本质要求,体现了依法治国与以德治国相结合的治国方略,是我们党关于社会主义道德建设思想的继承和发展,是进一步推进精神文明建设的重要指导方针。从理论角度来说,夯实制度根基需要社会主义荣辱观;从现实角度来说,实现宏伟目标呼唤社会主义荣辱观;从实践角度来说,要做到思想教育与自我内心修养相结合。  相似文献   
"戏剧最崇高和惟一有意义的功能便是对生活作诗的解释和富有象征的赞美,并把这种宗教传给人们。"在奥尼尔看来,戏剧不仅要给人以哲理性的启示,还应赋有诗意的美学价值。象征意象,是奥尼尔悲剧美学的载体,它对生活所作的诗的解释和富有象征的赞美使其悲剧洋溢着诗意的美感;分裂与对立,是构筑奥尼尔戏剧美学思想的内核与基因;奥尼尔对希腊英雄悲剧传统的继承,使悲剧回响着崇高美学的激越之音;而对处于现代荒原上的人类困境的绝望探索,使这位具有强烈现代意识的作家不可避免地遁入虚无的幻美之境。而奥尼尔的悲剧传达出的深邃的美学意蕴则是建立在其悲剧真实性基础之上的。  相似文献   
《蝇王》的象征意蕴及艺术特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戈尔丁寓言体小说《蝇王》构拟了一整套象征体系,不但人物有象征意蕴,所写的事物大多也有象征意蕴。象征意蕴是多义的,有时彼此相反。由于喻体和本体的相似点和关联点或源于西方传统文化,或源于事物的普通联系,并且作者循着孩子们在荒岛上的故事情节有机设置喻体,因此自然流畅,毫无雕琢痕迹。  相似文献   
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