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随着经济的发展、社会的进步、科技和信息化水平的提高以及全球资源和环境问题的日益突出,电网发展面临新课题和新挑战。利用智能配电网技术彻底改造现有的能源利用体系,最大限度地开发电网体系的能源效率是未来智能电网发展的方向。本文针对配电网智能化的要求,给出了智能配电网的定义和特征,提出了功能要求。重点探讨了实现智能配电网的几个关键技术,包括配电网自愈控制、配电网快速仿真与模拟技术、AMI技术、分布式发电与微网技术,为我国智能配电网的进一步研究及实现提供参考。  相似文献   
后现代理论家鲍曼认为,后现代性就是流动的现代性,后现代社会是一个消费社会,消费的性质和消费态度发生了根本性的变化,人们的自由依赖于其消费能力,符号消费成为消费社会的特点,社会控制模式以诱惑取代镇压,消费者被难以逾越的消费欲望的霸权所统治。因此,在后现代的消费社会,欲望是一切流动性和不确定的根本原因。流动的后现代性中的消费方式并没有带来安全和满足,而是越来越大的困惑与焦虑,传统的价值观和美德也逐渐消失殆尽。在后现代的消费社会中,消费者只有通过寻求个人的解决方案,才能获得自由与解放和个体身份的构建。  相似文献   
A high prevalence of youth is overweight or obese, and a frequent lack of monitoring of their weight control strategies is observed. Consequently, this paper compares the eating habits and physical activities of male and female dieters and non-dieters. Data are obtained from the large cross-national WHO collaborative study “Health Behavior in School-aged Children 2010”. The current sample consists of 9,444 students aged 11, 13 and 15 years from England and Spain. Participants are asked about dieting, vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, breakfast frequency and fruit, vegetable, sweet and soft drink consumption. A logistic regression is used to examine the differences between dieters and non-dieters with regard to the aforementioned eating and physical activity habits. Differences between genders, countries, and those associated with BMI (body mass index) are also considered. The results suggest that the reality of weight control differs from the major health promotion recommendations during adolescence.  相似文献   
Science affects multiple basic sectors of society. Therefore, the findings made in science impact what takes place at a commercial level. More specifically, errors in the literature, incorrect findings, fraudulent data, poorly written scientific reports, or studies that cannot be reproduced not only serve as a burden on tax-payers’ money, but they also serve to diminish public trust in science and its findings. Therefore, there is every need to fortify the validity of data that exists in the science literature, not only to build trust among peers, and to sustain that trust, but to reestablish trust in the public and private academic sectors that are witnessing a veritable battle-ground in the world of science publishing, in some ways spurred by the rapid evolution of the open access (OA) movement. Even though many science journals, traditional and OA, claim to be peer reviewed, the truth is that different levels of peer review occur, and in some cases no, insufficient, or pseudo-peer review takes place. This ultimately leads to the erosion of quality and importance of science, allowing essentially anything to become published, provided that an outlet can be found. In some cases, predatory OA journals serve this purpose, allowing papers to be published, often without any peer review or quality control. In the light of an explosion of such cases in predatory OA publishing, and in severe inefficiencies and possible bias in the peer review of even respectable science journals, as evidenced by the increasing attention given to retractions, there is an urgent need to reform the way in which authors, editors, and publishers conduct the first line of quality control, the peer review. One way to address the problem is through post-publication peer review (PPPR), an efficient complement to traditional peer-review that allows for the continuous improvement and strengthening of the quality of science publishing. PPPR may also serve as a way to renew trust in scientific findings by correcting the literature. This article explores what is broadly being said about PPPR in the literature, so as to establish awareness and a possible first-tier prototype for the sciences for which such a system is undeveloped or weak.  相似文献   
美国“次债”危机对完善我国信贷资产证券化制度的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国"次债"危机缘于其个人住房信贷资产证券化过程中各个链条存在的一系列风险控制漏洞。在我国金融业已经开始信贷资产证券化业务试点及推广工作的现实情况下,分析总结美国此次"次债"危机的经验教训,对于完善我国信贷资产证券化法律制度,提高资产证券化实际运作中的风险控制能力,无疑具有重要的现实意义。本文通过对美国"次债"危机原因的分析,从"规范银行放贷程序"、"强化发行机构和受托机构信息披露不实的责任"、"改善信用评级机制"、"加强对资产证券化业务的监管"等几个方面,提出了完善我国信贷资产证券化法律制度的立法建议。  相似文献   
会计信息披露中的“洗大澡”现象之探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前证券市场普遍存在着信息失真现象,而资产减值准备对"洗大澡"现象有一定地推动作用,为此在会计准则的相关基础上就计提资产减值准备对会计数据的影响作了深入探讨。同时,结合相关上市公司的案例分析了舞弊企业如何利用计提资产减值准备操纵会计利润、粉饰会计报表以达到盈余管理的目的。此外,针对会计法规准则中的灵活性、不完善性,笔者指出其被操纵的可能性,并提出了相应的规避措施,为"洗大澡"的治理提供了一定参考价值。  相似文献   
在农村小产权房热销的同时,建设部作出了关于购买新建商品房的风险提示,国务院常务会议上也明确叫停小产权房的销售,农村小产权房争议再度升温,对于农村小产权房的合法化问题说法不一.文章基于风险与利益的博弈对农村小产权房的内质予以厘定,从利益驱动角度探究农村小产权房的成因,并通过农村小产权房的弊病分析得出其存在的风险,进而以民生利益为探究视角对农村小产权房的合法化进行检讨,最终在和谐语境下,从防治结合的探索进路提出分类规制的解决思路.  相似文献   
A note on the random yield from the perspective of the supply chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiang Li  Xiaoqiang Cai 《Omega》2012,40(5):601-610
Keren [The single-period inventory problem: extension to random yield from the perspective of the supply chain. Omega 2009;37:801-10] considers a supply chain in which the distributor faces a known demand and orders from the producer subject to a random production yield, and shows that the distributor may find it optimal to order more than what is needed due to supply uncertainty under a uniform distribution. However, Keren (2009) does not address the questions whether it is always optimal for the distributor to order more, or when to order more. In this note, we point out that ordering more is not always an optimal strategy and specify the condition under which this strategy becomes optimal. We also examine the profit losses of the supply chain members resulting from the random yield supply, which is another question not considered in Keren (2009). The producer is found to possibly benefit from this production yield uncertainty, although the performances of the distributor and of the entire supply chain are always undermined. Our results are obtained under a more generalized yield distribution, and can thus be applied to wider industrial domains.  相似文献   
We consider firms that feature their products on the Internet but take orders offline. Click and order data are disjoint on such non‐transactional websites, and their matching is error‐prone. Yet, their time separation may allow the firm to react and improve its tactical planning. We introduce a dynamic decision support model that augments the classic inventory planning model with additional clickstream state variables. Using a novel data set of matched online clickstream and offline purchasing data, we identify statistically significant clickstream variables and empirically investigate the value of clickstream tracking on non‐transactional websites to improve inventory management. We show that the noisy clickstream data is statistically significant to predict the propensity, amount, and timing of offline orders. A counterfactual analysis shows that using the demand information extracted from the clickstream data can reduce the inventory holding and backordering cost by 3% to 5% in our data set.  相似文献   
生命原理与人口控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原华荣 《西北人口》2001,(3):39-42,,38,
平衡原理、关联原理、生命伦理是以生存原则为前提的三大生命原理.生物种群、生物量与环境容量必须保持平衡的平衡原理及平衡原理贯彻的必然性和破坏性,提供了人口控制的必然性;生物数量、体形(质量)、寿命以环境容量空-时限定为背景的相互关联,和人类作为一个"生态学悖论"的存在,表现了人口控制的紧迫性;而生命伦理,则体现了人口控制对人类和生物的道德性.  相似文献   
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