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以系统化思维高质量推进江苏全面深化改革,有利于江苏在全面深化改革中一体贯彻新发展理念、聚力培育发展新动能、统筹推进高质量发展。改革开放40年来,江苏锐意改革、大胆创新、勇立潮头。具体表现为:经济发展体制障碍不断突破,经济综合实力稳步提升;区域协调发展机制逐步构建,区域空间布局日渐优化;社会治理体制创新积极推进,社会治理水平明显提高;生态文明体制改革日益深化,“美丽江苏”建设成效初显。同时,江苏目前在发展方式转变、经济结构优化、增长动力转换等方面仍然存在不少问题和障碍。今后一段时间,江苏应站在更高起点系统谋划和推进各项改革。要着眼走在高质量发展前列,深化经济体制改革;要着眼提高保障和改善民生水平,创新社会治理格局;要着眼经济和社会事业发展全局,完善人才发展制度;要着眼人与大自然是生命共同体,推进生态文明建设。  相似文献   
中国股市的种种问题,主要可归因于其制度缺失,而要弥补和修正股市的制度缺失,首先必须对制度缺失产生的根源进行系统的梳理和剖析,唯有如此,才可能在实践中找到解决这一问题的起点和突破口。基于这一认识,本文从中国股市制度形成和发展的理论基础、制度的系统结构以及制度变迁方式等三个方面对中国股市制度缺失的成因进行了粗浅探讨,以期为股市尽快摆脱制度缺失困扰,逐步走上良性发展轨道提供一定的理论和实践的参考。  相似文献   
The use of the term ‘high conflict’ to describe a wide range of family dynamics after separation and divorce has increased significantly over the years. At the moment, no consensus on the definition of high conflict exists. Lack of definitional clarity hinders the ability for legal and mental health professionals to assess, identify, and effectively intervene with this population. Based on a rapid evidence assessment of 65 empirically based social science studies relevant to high conflict, this article positions high-conflict separation and divorce using an ecological transactional model to better understand risk factors and indicators associated with these families. Authors propose a more comprehensive definition that captures the complexity and interactions of various risk factors and indicators on multiple levels. Positioning high-conflict families using an ecological model identifies several points of intervention professionals can use and the fundamental need for collaboration among stakeholders for effective intervention.  相似文献   
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most common, complex, costly, and severely impairing personality disorders, affecting an estimated 2% to 9% of the general population and 40% to 44% of the inpatient psychiatric population. A review of the literature was conducted using a systematic methodology. By incorporating an ecological systems perspective, a holistic and comprehensive critique of the literature surrounding the etiology of BPD is presented. The findings reveal that the etiology of BPD is a complex integration of psychological, biological, and social factors. More specifically, however, this review found that: (1) the etiology of BPD is complex and has many factors, (2) the dominant discourse about the etiology of BPD is based primarily in the psychological and biological literature, and (3) the examination of BPD etiology has focused solely on the individual and microsystems levels, neglecting to consider systemic factors such as the impact of discriminatory health and mental healthcare practices. Findings and future directions are explored through the ecological systems theory lens.  相似文献   
While most body image research has focused on young female populations, evidence has shown that as few as 12% of older women are satisfied with their body size. Recent studies have also highlighted how anti-aging discourses are promoting unrealistic body norms, which have shown to contribute to poor body image and altered health behaviors. A systematic review of empirical studies focused on older women’s perspectives of health, body image, and the aging body is presented. Findings support that body image is a persistent, lifelong issue for women and should be considered when implementing healthy aging policies and practices.  相似文献   
乒乓球运动需要人才辈出。“塔基”式的人才培养是在众多的基层单位有组织管理的全民健身运动活动中形成和发展起来的。学校开展业余训练工作 ,需要在完成教学工作量的前提下 ,利用课余时间、两个假期以及双休日有目的地培养和发现有潜力的运动员人才。培训过程需要专业性、系统性和长期性 ,这样做有利于少儿运动员身心健康成长 ,有利于基本功形成专业化 ,并且能够活跃校园体育文化活动。同时 ,业余训练能够出成绩 ,能够参加各级各类比赛活动  相似文献   
吴宓先生是一位学识渊博的学者,他的学术研究领域宽阔,涉及范围很广,在诸如新人文主义、西方文化与西方文学的译介、中西文化和文学的比较研究、诗歌创作与鉴赏理论、外国诗学与诗歌翻译等多个方面,都给后人留下了一笔宝贵的遗产。对吴宓的学术性文章概况、文学创作概况、出版的专著概况及未刊文章等方面进行系统客观的分析与述评,无论对于吴宓学术还是对于中国的学术发展,都是一项极有价值和意义的工作。  相似文献   
分贷统还合同为政府通过合约统一贴息实现了扶贫资金的公司化运作,有效地发挥财政扶贫资金的整体效益,但也产生了合同法律性质认定争议大、合同履行易受政策变化影响;户贷企用导致贷款用途和资金安全存在风险,公司分红还款系统性违约等弊端,如公司经营不善,贷款亏空,一旦出现系统性违约,不仅影响农村社会稳定和政府公信力,司法机关亦将面临纠纷批量涌入的现实问题。为趋利避害,分贷统还合同有必要在综合衡量扶贫目的、公司盈利及扶贫责任和银行资金安全的基础上,调整户贷企用政策,甄别债权类型,考虑违约的具体情势,从实操层面化解分贷统还合同违约风险。  相似文献   
Despite the extensive literature suggesting that culture plays a key role in lean implementations, no previous review has focused on the topic. This study is a systematic review of the literature that synthesises over two decades of publications according to the levels of national culture (NC) and organisational culture (OC) and maps which cultural dimensions foster or hinder lean implementation. In terms of NC, this study shows that Japanese cultural traits might hinder lean, such as masculinity and power distance, hence avoiding the over simplification that lean is a country-specific management approach. In terms of OC, the literature review unveils a lack of consensus and underlines two paradoxes, namely the co-existence of both process and result-focused orientations and both normative and pragmatic approaches. This review ultimately offers a relevant agenda for lean research as well as a guide for managers who face the challenge of implementing and sustaining lean in their organisations.  相似文献   
绿色产品的开发和设计使生态环境与社会经济联结为一个协调发展的有机整体,促进社会实现可持续发展,成为当今产品生产的主导方向。通过探讨绿色产品开发的动力机制根源,从内部和外部两个方面分析企业绿色产品开发的动力因素,并阐述绿色产品开发的系统动力驱动机制,建立绿色产品开发的系统动力机制模型,分析其运行机制,以期为绿色产品开发决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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