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中国拥有广阔海疆,历来就是海洋国家。先秦早有相关活动,沿海一些诸侯国已经具有海权意识之萌芽。秦汉率先确定包括南海在内之海疆,并进行管理巡视。三国时期东吴孙权积极推动海上发现,提倡航海事业。西汉以来开辟之"海上丝绸之路",经唐、宋、元历代继承并发扬光大,对外贸易与造船业等均居世界领先地位。明初郑和七次下西洋发展至巅峰,揭开15世纪之"世界航海世纪"之序幕。惜乎明清海禁,致使中国逐渐落后于西方海上强国,乃有近代饱受欺凌之痛。但是中国仍旧拥有包括南海诸岛在内之神圣主权,不容外人轻易觊觎。  相似文献   
Recent years have seen the emergence of the European dimension to the territorial planning conducted at lower scales, in a process described as the ‘Europeanization’ of spatial planning. Given that, to date, this phenomenon has received little attention as it affects Spain, this article seeks to analyse the impact of Europeanization on Spanish spatial planning, focused on an examination of its regional territorial plans. The results show that Spain has been no exception in the application of these European directives but, at the same time, its unique administrative organization means that the process of Europeanization remains slow and heterogeneous in its application.  相似文献   
Nora McKeon 《Globalizations》2017,14(4):487-503
This article reports on a dialogic symposium that brought academics from a wide range of disciplines together with practitioners and activists. The purpose was to discuss key issues conditioning the possibility of establishing global governance mechanisms which could promote transition paths toward a more equitable and sustainable world. Following the structure of the symposium, the article is divided into four thematic sections. The first contextualizes the discussions by looking at the characteristics and challenges of global governance today. The second addresses power relations in global governance with a focus on the corporate and financial sectors. It discusses practices of multistakeholder governance and public–private partnerships, the unhealthy levels of corporate influence on the UN system, and the dominant discourse that naturalizes corporate power, ‘free’ trade, and corresponding definitions of ideas such as knowledge, efficiency, and development. The third section turns to sites and forms of countervailing power and practice with particular attention to transcalar approaches and social movement actors. It highlights the potential of multi-level, territorial approaches for breaking out of hierarchical and nation state-based frames and building alternative forms of democracy. It illustrates the relevance of bioregions and ecosystems as meaningful arenas for thinking about and organizing social and economic life and for managing common pool resources. It invokes the imperative of protecting the human rights framework from the multiple challenges it faces. Finally, it explores alternative ways of generating and sharing knowledge and of challenging narrowly defined ‘evidence-based’ policy by assembling legitimate, qualitative evidence rooted in lived realities. The concluding section raises the question of whether—and on what conditions—intergovernmental multilateralism can be seen as a locus for transformation, and suggests some avenues of future research.  相似文献   
本文以国际法的基本理论为基础论述了国家豁免在国家从事侵权行为中的适用,阐述了与国家豁免有关的侵权行为的认定、外国侵权行为与法院地国之间的领土联系与国家豁免的关系以及在征收中如何适用国家豁免,结论是:外国国家在法院地国境内的行为造成了人身伤害时,不论其行为的性质是“主权”的还是“商业”的,该法院地国的属地管辖权可以延伸到对此类案件的管辖,但是,这一管辖权是以严格的管辖联系为前提的,如果不顾此类行为的性质,对发生在外国境内的类似行为实施域外管辖就构成了对外国国家本身管辖权的干涉。  相似文献   
唐宋时期文人的漫游和宦游现象对人文山水名胜的形成具有不可忽视的意义 ,其形成因素主要有 :第一 ,文人的题诗咏叹 ;第二 ,文人的石刻墨宝 ;第三 ,文人的游历故事与传说 ;第四 ,文人的寓居之地。唐宋时期之所以成为人文山水名胜形成的重要时期 ,其原因有 :第一 ,唐宋时期是中国文化的最辉煌时期 ,各个艺术门类都达到了极高的地位 ;第二 ,文人有艺术审美的眼光 ,善于发现自然的美 ;第三 ,文人在漫游和宦游中体验的自然往往浸润着自己的主观感受 ,这就使自然山水具有了人文的内涵 ;第四 ,著名文人有明星效应 ,引领众人去模仿体验  相似文献   
Two categories of ethnic minority – Moro and Lumad – are indigenous to the Philippine island of Mindanao, with Muslim Moros outnumbering largely animist Lumads. Both have been profoundly displaced by the post-World War II influx of Christian Filipino settlers from other islands, leading to armed conflict with the national government over land and political control. Due to their political and demographic inferiority to Moros, Lumads have regularly resorted to the accommodation and assimilation of Moro priorities, including throwing their support behind the latters’ decades-long struggle for territorial autonomy. Thanks to wide public support among the Lumad and other Mindanao sectors, the latest peace talks between the government and Moro leaders has led to the signing of a major peace deal involving the creation of a new autonomous Bangsamoro homeland. Despite this, the legitimate needs of Lumad stakeholders have been ignored, and in some cases deliberately undermined, by Moros and the national government. This article analyses the post-conflict status of the Lumad who, as second-order minorities in the future Bangsamoro homeland, have been doubly marginalized in daily life and in the peace process. It concludes that denying Lumad concerns now will render Bangsamoro more vulnerable to legal and constitutional challenges, as well as jeopardize the unique ‘tri-people’ ethos that has made this the most firmly grounded peace process to date.  相似文献   
在三亚附近水域进行了将实验前期筛选到的具有生物催化硒化作用的各类功能菌株进行共培养实验,并将其引入养殖水体,完成近海养殖池塘生物增长量的实验。在浮游植物总体上,其数量平均每天增长26.53%,而其生物量乎均每天仅仅增长8.20%。该结果表明,微生物的施入,使浮游植物群落小型化,使浮游植物多样性发生改变,调整优化了浮游植物的种群结构。有利于建立硒转化生物模型。  相似文献   
以帝王之女献祭,是中国特定历史时期的重要文化现象。为抗击洪水干旱,可敬的帝女将她们柔弱美丽的身躯投入滔滔江河之中、熊熊烈火之上、酷暑烈日之下,用悲壮的方式作出生命的承担。对帝王之女献祭的风俗、源流、成因以及原型意义的探讨,具有文化人类学方面的重要意义。  相似文献   
近年来,对于中国海洋权益的法律保障日益成为学界研究的热点和重点问题。从研究现状来看,研究成果主要集中在对海洋权益的法律定义、我国管辖范围内海洋权益法律保障机制、我国和周边国家海域划界及岛屿归属相关法律问题等领域。但是从总体上讲,过于偏重于我国的既有权益和有争议权益,对于海洋事务新兴领域关注不够,其中比较有代表性的是极地法律问题研究。在这些领域,很多理论问题有待明晰,各国相关权益均属待定状态,中国在法律及其他海洋事务上有较大的发展空间,因此,今后以极地问题为代表的国家管辖范围外海洋权益的界定与拓展应当成为我国海洋战略研究的核心问题之一。  相似文献   
根据领海的自然属性及国际法对领海管辖权的有关规定,分析对领海内船舶上犯罪的刑事管辖权问题,得出在领海内“仅侵害船舶内部秩序的船舶上犯罪”由船旗国行使管辖权;沿海国只能对不是处于无害通过领海的船舶上的犯罪行为和处于无害通过领海的船舶上发生的“四种情况的犯罪”行使属地管辖权的结论,最后论述对在通过领海以前外国船舶上实施的犯罪,除在特定条件下的危害海洋环境的犯罪以外,沿海国不能在领海内对其行使管辖权的问题。  相似文献   
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