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杜志浩 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,20(4):51-54
商标权的客体为相关公众所认知的商标与商标所标识的商品或服务之间的联系,以此为基础可以认定商标俗称的抢注构成对商标权的侵犯,同时,商标俗称可以被认定为近似商标的一种形式,从而适用《商标法》第52条的规定。此外,在商标俗称的问题上,不能适用法律对驰名商标的特殊保护。 相似文献
近年来,“无直接利益冲突”现象在我国似乎形成一种所谓“涟漪效应”,其产生的深层根源在于社会分配的不公平及与之相联系的群体异质不公平感的普遍存在;其次也与利益表达机制的不畅通有关。在其产生的过程中,事件触发与演化的关联性往往是通过驱动机制、认同机制、社会比较与自我展示机制和说服争辩机制交互作用表现出来的。在信息时代,“无直接利益冲突”的这些相关发生机制往往与网络极化效应直接相关,即“无直接利益冲突”极易导致网络极化效应的产生,而网络极化效应也促使了“无直接利益冲突”的扩散。而这种双向互动的过程,正是“无直接利益冲突”网络发生机制的作用过程。由此,应给予充分重视。 相似文献
张静 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,20(1):85-89,98
书序具有重要的传播作用,以北宋诗文集序为对象考察,书序作者在选择推动传播的因素时,对作品艺术性、知识性等文本因素的关注不如对作家身份、生平轶事等非文本因素普遍。其中原因,从书序作者的操作层面来看,是因为在书序中进行文艺批评是很难把握的;从面对读者的传播效果层面来分析,是因为非文本因素较之文本相关的评论因素可以产生显著的传播效果。于是,非文本因素在文学传播中变成了一位无形的操纵者,虽然它不是长远的传播之道,但却常常起着奇妙的传播作用,从而给书序这一文体增加活力。 相似文献
Harriet Namata Ziv Shkedy Christel Faes Marc Aerts Geert Molenberghs Heide Theeten Pierre Van Damme Philippe Beutels 《Journal of applied statistics》2007,34(8):923-939
Based on sero-prevalence data of rubella, mumps in the UK and varicella in Belgium, we show how the force of infection, the age-specific rate at which susceptible individuals contract infection, can be estimated using generalized linear mixed models (McCulloch & Searle, 2001). Modelling the dependency of the force of infection on age by penalized splines, which involve fixed and random effects, allows us to use generalized linear mixed models techniques to estimate both the cumulative probability of being infected before a given age and the force of infection. Moreover, these models permit an automatic selection of the smoothing parameter. The smoothness of the estimated force of infection can be influenced by the number of knots and the degree of the penalized spline used. To determine these, a different number of knots and different degrees are used and the results are compared to establish this sensitivity. Simulations with a different number of knots and polynomial spline bases of different degrees suggest - for estimating the force of infection from serological data - the use of a quadratic penalized spline based on about 10 knots. 相似文献
Bogumil Jewsiewicki 《Social Identities》2013,19(2):227-262
Abstract This article explores the relationship between secularization and commodification of culture on one hand, and national identity always represented as Christian mystery on the other. Focusing on three case studies, Poland, Quebec and Zaire, the author analyses the place of an ordinary object (commodity) as a vehicle of representation of people's affirmation of belonging to a ‘nation’. He stresses the disposable nature of such an affirmation of belonging which allows everyone to alter or cast off the symbols of belonging while changing their social or political contexts. 相似文献
Stephen D. Morris 《National Identities》2013,15(3):239-255
Heightened integration with the US coupled with the rise of an indigenous movement have challenged and strained long-held images regarding the US and the indigenous within Mexico. As a result, Mexico finds itself facing the difficult task of re-evaluating and reconstructing its national identity. This paper explores the traditional images of the US and the Indian shaping national identity in Mexico and the challenges posed today by neo-liberalism and neo-indigenismo. It sets out a range of current issues, explores the linkages and contradictions, and examines the state of national reform. Fundamentally, the paper strives to raise important theoretical questions and hence set the stage for further research into these issues. 相似文献
付春勤 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2004,2(4):149-150
国际 2 1世纪教育委员会的报告《教育———财富蕴藏其中》中提出面对未来社会的发展的 4种基本要求———学会认知、学会做事、学会共处、学会生存。这说明 ,在现代教育中 ,必须以学生发展为中心 ,开展研究性学习。我国实施的研究性学习就是改变我国传统的以教师为中心的教学模式 ,突出学生在学习中的主导地位。从贯彻素质教育的宗旨出发 ,在学科教学中渗透研究性学习 ,是培养学生综合能力的一种尝试和实践。 相似文献
杨忠泰 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》1992,(1)
本文通过对数学和自然科学发展史的考察,认为数学美在科学家的科学实践活动中,发挥着重要的动力作用和方法论功能。即数学美为科学探索提供持久的内在动力;为科学发现提供武器和导引;为科学成果提供选择和评价的标准。 相似文献