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French mothers are still more often economically active than their German counterparts and birth rates in France remain higher than in West Germany. By comparing two countries with many similarities in their family policies, I try to demonstrate that the differences between state policies per se should not be overestimated in explaining the persistent gap in their fertility level. As far as women's attitudes towards child care outside of the home are concerned, there is a strong divide between France and West Germany. In the Old Länder in Germany there is some congruence between attitudes and beliefs towards child care and the shortage of child care provision, especially for toddlers. As a product of the interaction between shortage of child care provision, women's attitudes regarding child care and mothers' low labour force participation rate, German family policy reinforces these attitudes. Conversely, there is slow impetus for policy makers to really develop a comprehensive public child care system. Against this cultural and institutional background, an increasing number of women give priority to their job or to their career. In France, by contrast, norms in respect of education of toddlers and young children have evolved in tandem with the change in attitudes of women towards employment. A majority of French women feel legitimised to be in employment on a full-time basis and to have their children cared for outside the home. Their attitudes are in tune with the premises of family policy which has integrated the model of 'the employed mother'. Les Francaises continuent àavoir plus d'enfants que les Allemandes de l'Ouest alors que les différences entre les taux d'activité des mères se sont progressivement atténuées. La proportion de femmes qui n'ont pas d'enfants, en particulier, est beaucoup plus importante en Allemagne de l'Ouest. En comparant deux pays dont les politiques sociales et familiales présentent des similarités, on se propose d'aller au delà des explications les plus couramment admises. En France, contrairement à l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, les normes régissant l'éducation des jeunes enfants ont évolué en phase avec les changements qui ont affectéles comportements des femmes sur le marché du travail. Il est devenu légitime socialement pour les Francaises de travailler à plein temps tout en faisant garder son enfant à l'extérieur du domicile. Les Allemandes de l'Ouest, par contre, intériorisent toujours fortement la norme selon laquelle l'éducation d'un jeune enfant nécessite la présence permanente de sa mère. Mais de plus en plus éduquées, elles sont amenées à accorder la priorité à leur maintien dans l'emploi et à renoncer à la maternité. Pour mieux comprendre les différences de fácondité entre les deux pays, il semble donc fructueux de se focaliser sur les interactions à l'aeuvre entre leurs politiques familiales, les valeurs auxquelles adhèrent la majorité des couples concernant l'éducation des jeunes enfants et les attitudes des femmes face au travail rémunéré.  相似文献   
文艺复兴与天主教   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资产阶级的新文化运动文艺复兴与封建主义意识形态的主要代表天主教之间 ,由于社会现实的巨大变化和诸多的文化因素 ,不仅有对立和抗争 ,而且有传承乃至合作 ,不仅有变异而且有遗传 ,不仅有本质差别 ,而且有血脉相连  相似文献   
The sociological intervention is a research method developed in France by Alain Touraine in 1976 to explore social movement action. Since then it has undergone significant development, both in terms of the type of social experience explored and the broader research program framing it. Despite its importance, the intervention remains little known and virtually untested within English-language sociology. This article examines key dimensions of this research method through discussing several examples, and argues that the intervention has much to offer English-language sociologists concerned with questions of agency and reflexivity, relationship, narrative and experience.  相似文献   
This paper describes the theoretical foundations, empirical findings, and practical and philosophical implications of the Boston Area Diary Study (BADS), a study of the caring behavior of 44 participants over one calendar year. In particular, the paper presents an identification theory of care and discusses how it shaped the conceptualization, collection, and analysis of the data in a year-long diary study of daily voluntary assistance. The findings from the BADS (1) theoretically confirm the identification theory of care; (2) methodologically capture how individuals perceive and carry out caring behavior as a unity; and (3rpar; empirically document the existence of a moral citizenship in America that is substantially more vigorous than is implied by the usual indicators of civic and political citizenship.  相似文献   
瓦尔登湖畔的圣贤:梭罗与孔孟之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国“超验主义”作家梭罗生前一直很少为人所知 ,2 0世纪 90年代中国读者才真正开始对他关注和推崇 ;梭罗简单而馥郁的一生 ,尤其是他在瓦尔登湖进行简化生活 ,回归自然的人生实验赢得了人们的尊敬和向往 ,在他的身上不仅洋溢着美国精神 ,还闪烁着中国古老文明的异彩 ,他的精神源泉可以追溯到孔子、颜回那里 ;梭罗、瓦尔登湖和孔孟之道的奇妙相融 ,很象是一个神话 ,一个美丽的传说 ,它将在中美文化交流的史册上永远流传  相似文献   
我国各民族之间的差异、民族区域自治制度及其自治权的存在是我国区域刑事法律冲突产生的基本原因,而通过制定顾全大局、兼顾特别的变通性、补充性刑法规范,可缓解这一冲突;通过加快少数民族地区的发展步伐,逐步消除民族之间的政治、经济、文化上的差距,进而达到彻底消除这一冲突,实现法制统一的良好局面。  相似文献   
Annual concentrations of toxic air contaminants are of primary concern from the perspective of chronic human exposure assessment and risk analysis. Despite recent advances in air quality monitoring technology, resource and technical constraints often impose limitations on the availability of a sufficient number of ambient concentration measurements for performing environmental risk analysis. Therefore, sample size limitations, representativeness of data, and uncertainties in the estimated annual mean concentration must be examined before performing quantitative risk analysis. In this paper, we discuss several factors that need to be considered in designing field-sampling programs for toxic air contaminants and in verifying compliance with environmental regulations. Specifically, we examine the behavior of SO2, TSP, and CO data as surrogates for toxic air contaminants and as examples of point source, area source, and line source-dominated pollutants, respectively, from the standpoint of sampling design. We demonstrate the use of bootstrap resampling method and normal theory in estimating the annual mean concentration and its 95% confidence bounds from limited sampling data, and illustrate the application of operating characteristic (OC) curves to determine optimum sample size and other sampling strategies. We also outline a statistical procedure, based on a one-sided t-test, that utilizes the sampled concentration data for evaluating whether a sampling site is compliance with relevant ambient guideline concentrations for toxic air contaminants.  相似文献   
改革开放的每一重大战略部署和伟大实践,都包含着党的建设的新举措和党的建设理论的新探索。党的建设的实践和理论的每一创新发展,也反过来推进和保证了中国特色社会主义经济、政治、文化、社会建设和各个领域的改革。中国共产党对历史方位转变和执政党建设理论的认识,已经达到了新的高度,提出要“深化对共产党执政规律的认识”这一命题,本身就是中国共产党在30年党的建设理论创新过程中,获得的一个重要成果。我们研究具有中国特色的马克思主义执政党建设理论。从根本上说,就是要认识执政规律,尊重执政规律,努力按照执政规律加强执政党建设,加强和改善党对中国特色社会主义事业的领导,完成党肩负的伟大历史使命。  相似文献   
明嘉靖万历时浙江绍兴府余姚地区的社会风俗变化很大,并深刻影响到生活方式以及人们的观念。嘉靖时徐天泽将风俗的变化归结为人们的"物欲",在讲求"义"的伦理政治下,"物欲"表现出的"利"对于社会的冲击无疑是巨大的。人们不再安分守己,以满足欲望为追求。余姚江南徐氏在明代由于科举人才辈出,引人注目。地方志从批判的角度记载风俗奢靡,编纂者号召人们移风易俗,反映了地方官的意志以及地方绅士的主张。最值得注意的是,士大夫通过宗族建设来移风易俗,维护社会秩序,造成宗族乡约化,进而组织化。  相似文献   
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