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Laura S. Brown, PhD, is a clinical and forensic psychologist in independent practice in Seattle, Washington. The bulk of her scholarly work has been in the fields of feminist therapy theory, trauma treatment, lesbian and gay issues, assessment and diagnosis, ethics and standards of care in psychotherapy, and cultural competence. She has authored or edited ten professional books, including the award-winning Subversive Dialogues: Theory in Feminist Therapy, as well as more than 140 other professional publications. She has also recently published her first book for general audiences, Your turn for care: Surviving the aging and death of the adults who harmed you. Laura has been featured in five psychotherapy training videos produced by the American Psychological Association. She was President of American Psychological Association Divisions 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), 44 (Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues), and 56 (Trauma Psychology). Laura was also President of the Washington State Psychological Association. She is the founder and Director of the Fremont Community Therapy Project, a low-fee psychotherapy training clinic in Seattle. In the fall of 2000, she was the on-site psychologist for the reality show Survivor: The Australian Outback. In 1987, Laura lost her voice and was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia. In 1988, she found her voice again.  相似文献   
BackgroundDisrespect and abuse during childbirth can result in fear of childbirth. Consequently, women may be discouraged to seek care, increasing the likelihood for women to choose elective cesarean section in order to avoid humiliation, postnatal depression and even maternal mortality. This study investigates the causes underlying mistreatment of women during childbirth by health care providers in India, where evidence of disrespect and abuse has been reported.MethodsQualitative research was undertaken involving 34 in-depth interviews with midwifery and nursing leaders from India who represent administration, advocacy, education, regulation, research and service provision at state and national levels. Data are analysed thematically with NVivo12. The analysis added value by bringing an international perspective from interviews with midwifery leaders from Switzerland and the United Kingdom.FindingsThe factors leading to disrespect and abuse of women relate to characteristics of both women and their midwives. Relevant woman-related attributes include her age, gender, physical appearance and education, extending to the social environment including her social status, family support, culture of abuse, myths around childbirth and sex-based discrimination. Midwife-related factors include gender, workload, medical hierarchy, bullying and powerlessness.DiscussionThe intersectionality of factors associated with mistreatment during childbirth operate at individual, infrastructural, social and policy levels for both the women and nurse-midwives, and these factors could exacerbate existing gender-based inequalities. Maternal health policies should address the complex interplay of these factors to ensure a positive birthing experience for women in India.ConclusionMaternal health interventions could improve by integrating women-centred protocols and monitoring measures to ensure respectful and dignified care during childbirth.  相似文献   
园长的家园合作领导力是实现幼儿园良性家园互动合作的关键,也是幼儿园管理走向现代化的决定性要素。本研究基于《幼儿园园长专业标准》,聚焦园长的家园合作理念,随机抽取来自全国各地区的98名园长进行问卷调查,发现园长家园合作的理念不同程度上存在着理解片面、意识缺失等问题。因此,园长要提升家园合作领导力。从价值领导出发,强化公共服务意识,建立家园合作共同愿景,营造互动合作氛围;从结构领导出发,完善园内家园合作的体制机制,指引幼儿园由家园互动走向家园社联动;同时,园长还应促进教师家园合作能力的提升。  相似文献   
论大学生网络意见领袖的理论依据、特征及管理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意见领袖从现实生活延伸到虚拟社区,对于高校舆论而言,该群体不仅仅是补充和辅助更是重要组成部分.大学生网络意见领袖具有在学业、兴趣、创新创业等方面突出,关注公共事件、有独立观点并愿意分享等五个特征.高校对于该群体的管理包括识别、培养、监管以及对话四个方面.  相似文献   
We examine the competition between a group of Internet retailers who operate in an environment where a price search engine plays a dominant role. We show that for some products in this environment, the easy price search makes demand tremendously price‐sensitive. Retailers, though, engage in obfuscation—practices that frustrate consumer search or make it less damaging to firms—resulting in much less price sensitivity on some other products. We discuss several models of obfuscation and examine its effects on demand and markups empirically.  相似文献   
基于社会网络分析的意见领袖网结构   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
微博中的意见领袖主导了大量的信息流动,通过分析他们之间的关系,可以理解微博平台的传播结构。用两阶聚类分析法对新浪微博中的数据进行分析,识别出具有社交网络特征的意见领袖群体,再用社会网络分析方法将识别出来的群体构建成意见领袖网,分析该网络在中心度、密度等方面的特征。实证分析表明:网络中的成员连接关系紧密度不高,网络中没有直接关系的成员要建立联系的平均距离较近,网络中位于核心位置的成员中心化程度不高。  相似文献   
我党第一代领导人毛泽东提出的“双百方针”,是我党对文化建设内在规律的把握;我党第二代领导人邓小平提出的“科学技术是第一生产力”与“两手抓,两手都要硬”,是我党对文化建设历史地位的认识;我党第三代领导人江泽民提出“三个代表”与“积极进行文化创新”,标志着我党找到了社会主义文化建设永葆生机和活力的必由之路,有助于中国文化建设与世界开展文明对话,确保中国特色社会主义文化立足于世界文化之林。  相似文献   
社会主义社会基本矛盾是社会发展的基本动力,而社会主要矛盾是社会发展的直接动力,社会发展动力影响着社会主义发展观的选择。作者从社会发展动力角度研究了中国共产党三代领导人的社会主义发展观的历史脉络,概括了三种发展观的本质特征,认为三种发展观在中国特色社会主义实践中是一脉相承的体系。正确理解和认识三种发展观的形成和发展,对于贯彻落实科学发展观具有重大的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
刘翠芬 《阴山学刊》2004,17(3):72-76
加强党的思想建设是我党历来常抓不懈的工作,中共三代领导人进行了有益的探索,并做出了巨大的理论贡献。新世纪之初,面对国际国内各种因素的影响,对加强党的思想建设提出了迫切要求,我们仍要高度重视党的思想建设,并要采取切实有效的应对措施。  相似文献   
在青马工程视阈内探究高校学生干部的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,浙江省内部分高校在推进青马工程的过程中有成效,也有不足。从青马工程推进的时代要求和团中央对学生骨干的培养要求来看,高校在学生干部的理论培养内容上、形式上、氛围上以及制度保障上还显不足。通过大力扶持理论社团、开展学生干部挂职锻炼、课题申报制度、改进传统学生干部培养的内容和方法等途径,能有效培养高校学生干部。  相似文献   
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