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Based on in‐depth interviews, we explore how people who do not identify exclusively or consistently as either women or men (i.e., nonbinary people) navigate a culture that bifurcates people into women or men. Using an interactionist approach, we first analyze how interviewees employ discourse (e.g., names, identity labels, and pronouns) and the body (e.g., expressions, decoration, and transformation) to present themselves as nonbinary, which we conceptualize as ungendering social selves. Second, we examine the emotional benefits (e.g., authenticity, pride, liberation) and burdens (e.g., fear, rejection, exhaustion) of ungendering. Third, we uncover the emotional, social, and structural conditions under which our nonbinary‐identified participants sometimes present themselves as binarily gendered, which we conceptualize as gendering social selves. We conclude with discussing empirical and theoretical contributions.  相似文献   
For social work education in the Netherlands, the rapid transition towards superdiversity means that its capacity to adapt to this new reality and to adjust to diverse students’ backgrounds is fiercely challenged. The key aim of this article is to discuss how social work educators are dealing with the unsettling challenges of increasing diversity, based on the research outcomes of an explorative study amongst Turkish–Dutch and Moroccan–Dutch female professionals. Two different groups of educators were asked to comment on the outcomes of this study. One of the dilemmas for educators is to determine what can be considered supportive and inclusive and as reducing inequality in education. The authors used two key theoretical concepts, ‘superdiversity’ and ‘the capability approach’. These theoretical perspectives were used to deconstruct the rather massive concepts of diversity and social justice, by emphasising contextual approaches. Both perspectives stress the urgent need to involve students as ‘active agents of change’, by building a social work community to stimulate and facilitate an on-going dialogue. To successfully fulfil a pivotal role in the upward mobility or emancipation of ethnic minority students, social work education needs to be adjusted to accommodate diverse student groups.  相似文献   

The migration of the Chinese community to Malacca in the 16th century has enabled the process of cross culturing and culinary acculturation, producing a unique mixture of Baba Nyonya food. Even though Baba Nyonya food is pretty much has been localised (Malay), its Chinese representation cannot be denied. This study aims to assess how the acculturation of the Baba Nyonya community affects Malacca food identity. A quantitative methodology is employed in this study. This study classifies Baba Nyonya food acculturation through (1) types of food; (2) methods of cooking; (3) ingredients; and (4) eating decorum. From the regression analysis, this study found that Baba Nyonya cultural polarity explains significant variation in the formation of Malacca food identity. This study then elaborates on the importance of Baba Nyonya food in Malacca destination branding.  相似文献   
As Latinx teachers are recruited to work in U.S. schools, a continued agenda to understand their experiences is warranted. This multiple case study considers the storytelling of six Latinx teachers in a new Latinx diaspora community. It documents both their racial literacy (the ability to resolve racially stressful issues) and their experiences with (un)masking (literal and figurative ways to cover or embrace racial markers). This study reveals the tensions that arise when Latinx teachers attempt to define their identity in social spaces where their languages, bodies, and names, among other markers, are racialized when read by others. Implications for teacher education include a call to include storytelling as a pedagogical tool to develop Latinx teachers’ racial literacy skills. By experiencing storytelling in their own schooling, Latinx teachers are more likely to model such racial literacy skills in their schooling communities; thereby, empowering a generation of students to enact more humanizing behaviors.  相似文献   
Each generation of immigrants has its own challenges; for example, how to maintain already constructed identities among first generation immigrants and how to construct identities of the second generation of immigrants. Numerous literature suggests that the previous studies on these topics have been conducted within larger cities such as London, Glasgow or Edinburgh. This article examines how Muslim immigrants in a small city maintain and modify some aspects of their religious and cultural identities. The data consist of 30 interviews conducted with first and second generation of Muslim immigrants in Scotland, analysis of which suggests the size of the city does not appear to affect daily Muslim practices nor their ability to maintain Muslim identity. Rather, access to shared spaces, such as Inverness Masjid and the local halal meat shop, become critical to how Muslim's maintain and modify their identity in a new place.  相似文献   
美国国家认同由盎格鲁—撒克逊新教徒(WASP)文化和"美国信念"等观点构成,主要反映了WASP文化和欧洲移民的历史认知。20世纪60年代兴起的多元文化主义,对美国国家认同构成了严峻挑战,在20世纪末的美国学术界引发了一场"文化冷战":文化保守主义者认为美国国家认同的核心是WASP文化,指责多元文化主义可能导致美国的分裂,而多元文化主义者更强调美国文化的多样性。受美国保守主义崛起和"9.11"事件的影响,多元文化主义转为低潮,但围绕美国国家认同的争论不会消失。从长远来看,"和而不同"的理念,即对多元文化的尊重和对"美国信念"的共识,也许是对美国国家认同的最好诠释。  相似文献   
李斯颖 《创新》2013,(3):99-104
神话是人类精神的宝贵财富。在当代社会中,神话并非日益僵化、消亡与不合时宜的。芒飞节(Bun Bangfai)起源神话及其异文在泰国东北部、老挝和越南不同族群之间的传承与扩散,印证了神话在仪式中扮演的特殊角色,再现出神话对不同层次认同的铸就功能。这种认同包括了文化认同、族群认同、国家认同与宗教认同等。神话至今仍发挥着巨大的力量。  相似文献   
日本近代的文体变革与民族国家的转型是相辅相成的。从明治维新开始,日本迈向了民族国家的征程。在国家意识的支配下,日本以东京话为标准建立“国语”来统合全体国民。随着民族主义的盛行,日本知识界在书面语系统着意削减汉字、增加假名,建构与“汉文脉”不同的“言文一致体”。通过报纸杂志的传播、学校教育的推广,以及自由民权运动的政治动员和战争报道的大量应用,最终形成了一种与口语密切结合、并适用于所有国民的新型文体。  相似文献   
在美国,随着近年来"亚裔研究"、"中国研究"等学科的发展,美国华裔的文学和文化成为研究热点。而身份问题更是族裔研究的重点。身份不仅是一个学术研究课题,也是少数族裔非常关心的现实问题。身份表示一个人的归属,因此身份也是美国华裔文学的重要主题之一。以美国当代华裔女作家谭恩美小说《喜福会》为例,探讨美国华裔的身份变化,揭示身份中文化、族裔和社会因素的互动关系。  相似文献   
曾静 《学术探索》2013,(10):130-134
“少数民族电影”命题包含了世界电影、民族电影及少数民族电影的自我定位,也隐含了少数民族电影在当今电影产业结构中的边缘存在,及其自我表述的立足点,它是电影研究中一个不可或缺的维度.“少数民族电影”的发展,须借助“深描”式的电影作品和不断积淀、创新的理论分析系统来持续建构,以获得世界和社会的普遍认同,从而彰显出其揭示具象的、多样的人类存在的价值和意义.  相似文献   
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