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The Children Future Education and the Development Accounts (CFEDAs) are the first anti-poverty policy in Taiwan developed to provide incentives for the poor to accumulate assets for their future. Using CFEDAs as an example, this article analyses the process of developing and implementing an asset-based policy. It begins with an introduction to the policy structure. It then reviews the history of how the innovative idea of building assets for the poor became a policy proposal before presenting the convergence of three policy streams driving the prioritisation of CFEDAs in Taiwan’s policy agenda. It concludes with challenges facing the policy implementation.  相似文献   
中国共产党第三代领导集体的民族理论,继承和发展了马克思主义民族理论,是马克思主义民族理论在中国发展的新阶段.本文主要论述了关于少数民族地区经济发展和改革开放的理论、关于培养少数民族干部和民族工作理论、关于少数民族地区社会事业发展理论等方面的继承和发展.  相似文献   
中国共产党第三代领导集体关于民族干部的理论和政策的基本观点包括努力造就一支宏大的德才兼备的少数民族干部队伍,是做好民族工作和解决民族问题的关键;培养选择少数民族干部是一件关系全局、具有战略意义的事;少数民族干部队伍状况是衡量一个民族发展的重要标志;培养少数民族干部,既要有计划地扩大数量,更要提高素质、改善结构;要注意培养少数民族中高级干部和各种科技管理人才.  相似文献   
泰傣民族起源研究是学术界的热点。本文梳理了泰傣民族起源研究从"南迁说"到"土著说",再到"西迁说"的演变过程,并就相关问题作了评论。  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenges of outsidership faced by multinational companies (MNCs) accessing emerging economies. The paper departs from popular conceptualisations of culture drawing instead on social identity theory as part of an institutions-based view, to explain how employing a singularities approach can allow the identification of commonalities of Indianness and Australianness that can be leveraged to ameliorate negative socially embedded business norms that pose a challenge to MNC success in emerging economies. This study shows that despite recognised formal (regulatory) and informal (cultural) differences, managers of Australian MNCs operating in India were able to innovatively identify and exploit cultural commonalties/singularities to ease cultural adjustment and mitigate intergroup conflict, allowing them to achieve an innovative institutional fit. The paper discusses how, using this approach, sole-venture MNCs can access many of the benefits provided by collaborative entry modes while preserving MNC identity. We further propose that the singularities approach can provide a valuable starting point to develop culturally appropriate competence training initiatives.  相似文献   
胡锦涛同志在中央民族工作会议上的讲话,是新世纪新阶段我国民族工作的纲领性文件,是对党和国家的民族理论和政策一个新的丰富和发展,也是对马克思主义民族理论的新发展.  相似文献   
目的/意义 互联网的迅速发展使分享经济成为一种新型商业模式,分享经济增长的潜力在于参与者的增长。拥有物质资源的消费者作为提供者参与分享经济,对经营分享经济的企业发展,提高资源利用率、减少浪费及环境可持续发展等有重要意义。 设计/方法 基于社会交换理论,构建了消费者物质主义对提供资源参与分享经济的关系假设模型,并通过问卷收集数据,运用结构方程对模型及假设进行分析与检验。 结论/发现 (1)经济价值、社会价值及情感价值在消费者物质主义与参与分享经济的关系具有中介作用。(2)不同的物质主义对参与分享经济意愿的作用机制存在差异:工具性物质主义通过经济价值、社会价值及情感价值的完全中介作用,对参与分享意愿产生显著的正向影响;而终极性物质主义对分享意愿有显著的负向直接效应,但通过经济、社会及情感价值的遮掩效应,对参与分享经济意愿产生正向的增强作用。  相似文献   


This study examines how the effect of CEO duality on firm performance is affected by two internal governance forces – namely other executives in the top management team and blockholding outside directors. Results based on a longitudinal dataset from the U.S. computer industry were consistent with my hypotheses. Specifically, I found that the effect of CEO duality was negative when the CEO had dominant power relative to other executives and when the board had a blockholding outside director, but was nonsignificant otherwise. This study enriches our understanding of the effect of CEO duality, and helps reinforce the call for the nonduality structure as the default choice and put the burden of proof on those who wish to justify otherwise on special grounds.  相似文献   
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