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制度作为影响金融发展的重要动因受到广泛关注,但众多资料集中在正式制度(法律、政治、产权)方面,鲜有从宗教学、民族学、社会学、人类学的非正式制度视角综合论述其与金融发展的关系。本文在梳理总结国内外文献的基础上,创新性地从多学科交叉的角度出发,以我国西部普遍存在的多元化宗教信仰和多样化民族传统为研究对象,试图阐明其对金融发展的作用机制,并在此基础上指出重视宗教信仰、民族传统对于我国经济金融协调发展,对于维护民族团结和社会稳定的重大意义。  相似文献   
对于世界许多民族国家来说,史诗无疑是一个重要文类.另一方面,世界范围内通行着非常狭隘的史诗观念,这种观念是以古希腊史诗为范例的.问题集中在什么是史诗、什么不是史诗.中国史诗体量巨大、类型多样,至少在形式上是多样的、演述是多样的、受众是多样的、社会功能是多样的.我们要根据多元的史诗传统,树立多重选择的研究视域,为世界史诗研究提供新的范例.  相似文献   
自2006年CCTV青年歌手大奖赛设立"原生态唱法"以来,"原生态民歌"在全国大受欢迎,并同时引发了关于"原生态民歌"的热烈讨论.无论是根据语言发生学、音乐社会学的原理,还是分析"原生态民歌"提法的发生过程、厘定"原生态民歌"概念及其定义,仍然聚讼纷纭,莫衷一是.然而,对"原生态民歌"的真正文化内涵和当代经济意义的理性深入的思考,以及对"原生态民歌"的抢救保护和传承发展,则是我们音乐工作者义不容辞的使命.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期各家体制不同的历史著述,纷呈迭出,形成了我国古代史学著述的一个高峰期。和史学的发达一起到来的是传记文学的繁荣,别传又是魏晋时期传记创作的重要形式之一。别传之所以在魏晋时期创作如此繁盛,史官文化传统、九品中正的选官制度等是其主要的原因。  相似文献   
In this article I argue that generation is a relatively neglected concept for thinking about both the social and the sexual, and that symbolic interactionism has much to offer in developing our understanding of this idea. Using both personal experience and the wide‐ranging literature on sexualities, I explore the role of synchronic and diachronic time in organizing both the flow of sexual lives and the hierarchy of age‐sexual orders. The core organizing concepts are those of generational sexualities and subterranean traditions; the approach is seen to provide a further complication to standpoint, queer, and intersectionality theory. The core of the article suggests an array of sensitizing concepts and research areas that might sharpen future analyses. Schematic and exploratory, the article draws from a wide range of examples. Careful the things you say, Careful the tale you tell, Children will listen. Stephen Sondheim, Into the Woods (1986) Reality exists in a present … we look forward with vivid interest to the reconstruction, in the world that will be, of the world that has been for we realize that the world that will be cannot differ from the world that is without rewriting the past to which we now look back. George Herbert Mead, The Philosophy of the Present (1932) Generations are in a constant state of interaction. Karl Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge (1997) How long is a man's life, finally? A thousand days or only one? One week or a few centuries? How long does a man's death last? And what do we mean when we say, “gone forever”? Brian Patten, “So Many Different Lengths of Time,” Selected Poems (2007) To study social life one must confront the ghostly aspects of it. Avery Gordon, Ghostly Matters (1997)  相似文献   
移风易俗,是延安时期中国共产党解决民生问题的一项重大任务,它上承陕甘边苏维埃政府时期的“六劝”活动,贯穿延安13年,开启了新中国移风易俗实践的崭新历程.这一时期的移风易俗实践内容丰富,涉及生活方式、社会风气、风俗习惯、道德观念等社会、民生层面的内容,直指群众生存需求,群众参与积极性很高,效果明显.因此,考察延安时期的移风易俗运动,总结历史经验,具有重要借鉴意义.  相似文献   
智慧是一切哲学与宗教传统的中心,本文是对早期儒家和犹太-基督教传统中的智慧观比较研究的一种思考,通过分析两种传统中智慧观的同中之异和异中之同来把握智慧的本质和价值,力图从比较的框架来审视智慧的哲学含义、伦理蕴涵和宗教层面,进而理解早期儒家和犹太—基督教传统中智慧观在文化、政治和哲学上的分歧之处。  相似文献   
中国文学人类学学界创造性地提出"重估大传统",重新反思文化"大传统",以求达到对现有文明历史框架的超越与拓展。四重证据法作为"重估大传统"的方法论之一,在叶舒宪等人的一系列学术探索中起了积极的作用。四重证据法作为本土的人文科学方法论,一方面表明了中国学者为突破西方现代学科建制所作的努力,同时也在反思人文与科学之间对立的世界性思潮中,为弥补人文与科学的割裂做出了有益的探索。文章将结合实例,着重讨论多重证据法之第三重证据和第四重证据的性质及运用,透视其在方法论的维度上如何融合实证与阐释两种理路,从而有效地调和了人文阐释与科学实证之间的尖锐对立。  相似文献   
The paper analyses the common sentiment created around the so-called Arab spring, upon the basis of a narrative developed and disseminated by the mass media as well as in the specialist literature with regard to these complex, varied, and consequential events. It concerns a vision which gathers and promotes an awakening of social dignity through actions of popular revolt and protest, a demand for political change which has cost the peace and lives of too many people, of entire societies.  相似文献   

The cumulative alienation sexual minorities experience from American mainline religious groups may leave them feeling disillusioned and even hostile toward the religious organizations that have historically rejected them. However, research to date has not explored sexual minorities’ perceptions of religious traditions in the United States. The current study examines the variations between lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults’ (LGB) perceptions of whether religious traditions are friendly/neutral or unfriendly toward the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) population. Using data from the Pew Research Center 2013 Survey of LGBT Adults, the author conducts separate binary logistic regression analyses examining whether four religious traditions—evangelical Protestantism, the Catholic Church, the Jewish religion, and mainline Protestantism—are generally perceived as friendly/neutral or unfriendly toward LGBT people. The findings from this study offer rare insight on sexual minorities’ perceptions of major religious traditions and illustrates that sexual minorities have a complex relationship with religion.  相似文献   
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