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文学史的核心价值与古今演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重分析在过去的文学史研究中古代与现代相互隔绝的成因与弊病 ,提出从重新阐释中国文学的历史与传统入手 ,沟通古今文学 ,研究其演变的过程 ;提出文学史的核心价值是文学与人性发展的关系、文学在此发展过程中的作用 ,并主张以此核心价值为主线来研究古今文学之演变。  相似文献   
随着我国企业改革的不断深化,全国各地不断涌现一大批下岗待业人员和为数众多的失业者。如若得不到妥善安置,势必影响企业深化改革的顺利进行和社会的稳定。再就业工程为一项旨在帮助下岗和失业职工重返工作岗位的宠大工程,已引起社会各界的重视。再就业工程在实施的两年多时间里,取得了一定成效,但也面临许多问题,要顺利解决这些问题,必须要有新的思路和对策  相似文献   
A driving force behind the establishment of a qualitative data archive in the United Kingdom has been the oral historian, Paul Thompson. He has complained that there is a ‘strange silence’ among qualitative sociologists on re‐analysis, and that many have been reluctant to deposit data. The first part of the paper suggests that the common ethical and practical objections can be overcome in establishing an archive in Australia. However, there is a more serious underlying ideological objection: that archiving promotes and institutionalises a narrow empiricist version of qualitative research. The rest of the paper makes this case by examining teaching materials on a British website, by reviewing Thompson's arguments, and by considering some examples of re‐analysis by sociologists. It is argued that qualitative researchers should respond critically, but that it is possible to address and overcome these problems when developing an Australian archive.  相似文献   
王韶是北宋神宗朝开拓熙河而立下赫赫战功的大军事家、政治家.其<平戎策>提出了恩信招抚、汉法教化、平等相待、杂居互学、发展经济等处理民族关系的原则,在今天仍具有借鉴意义.另为<全宋文>补辑王韶文五篇.  相似文献   
企业职工大规模下岗是我国转型期特有的经济社会现象.从社会学视角看,下岗实质上是失业,必然产生多重社会效应.再就业工程作为政府动员社会资源解决下岗失业问题的应急措施,不可能长期搞下去,必须着眼于劳动力市场的发育和完善,寻找市场、政府和社会三方面的结合点,这是解决下岗失业问题的治本之策.  相似文献   
行政改革中的价值重塑与制度重塑   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新中国成立以来,中央政府进行了多次行政改革,然而都始终跳不出"精简--膨胀--再精简--再膨胀"的怪圈.不合理的行政价值取向和无效的制度安排从根本上制约着政府行政改革的进程,这亦是行政改革的难点所在.因此,只有进行行政价值重塑和制度重塑,政府行政改革才能真正取得实效.  相似文献   
本文仅从科学体和艺术体定中结构的语义的限制和修饰、语义的同一与矛盾和重复、辞格的语义比较、繁复定语的排列顺序的语义比较四个方面进行语义的比较。科学体定中结构的定语多为限制性定语,艺术体定中结构的定语多为修饰性定语;科学体定中结构的定语和中心语之间的语义具有同一性,艺术体定中结构的定语和中心语之间的语义具有矛盾性和重复性;科学体定中结构中常见的只有比喻式辞格,艺术体定中结构中包含多种辞格;艺术体或科学体定中结构繁复定语排列时所遵循的规律不同。  相似文献   
作为一位在哲学史上跨时代的哲学大家,尼采以其特有的睿智、敏感、热情和勇气对人生价值和道德问题给予了极其严肃的关注:重估一切价值,成了尼采为之奋斗一生的目标;进行道德重估,则构成了尼采重估一切价值尝试中最为恢宏的工程。在道德领域,他所提出的一系列问题,成为20世纪哲学家们不得不面对的问题,由此也奠定了他作为当代最重要的道德哲学家的地位。  相似文献   
Les auteurs examinent la différence entre fuites et alertes, ou dénonciations, notamment quant à la protection de leurs initiateurs. A ce propos, ils étudient les dispositions des conventions internationales sur les droits de l'homme et la corruption, ainsi que les textes en vigueur en Allemagne, aux Etats‐Unis, en France et au Royaume‐Uni. Leurs résultats mettent en évidence la complexité et les contradictions des questions en jeu: intérêt général et intérêts individuels, commerciaux et financiers; abus de pouvoir; sécurité et confidentialité face à la communication électronique; place de l'individu dans l'application de la loi; relations d'emploi.  相似文献   
Interdisciplinary scholarship on neoliberal urban governmentality has been attentive to the knowledges and techniques of government currently emerging at the interface of local state politics and invested claims of voluntary private actors such as corporate partners and philanthropic agencies. This article draws attention to the workings of the aesthetic as an epistemological grounding for the rationalization of urban rule. Specifically, I explore a Toronto, Canada-based philanthropic agency’s reliance on a mise-en-scene of urban terror to animate its own self-validated knowledges about targeted inner-suburban subjects and spaces. In their circulation and demand for public address, the agency’s graphic public service announcements, launched in 2007, herald what I argue is a moralized set of knowledges about municipal renewal that has its own normative orientations grounded in a neoliberal political rationality, and tangentially, in racialized security imperatives. I detail various dimensions of the social life of a video associated with this public service campaign targeting ‘youth at risk’, considering the ethical, political and economic valences it was expected to convey; its semiotic exchange with other images and representations of disenfranchised spaces, subjects and communities; and the publics it attempted to interpellate. Importantly, given the agency’s current standing as a prominent player in Canadian urban policy arenas, I pay analytical attention to the visual campaign as a site for the production of knowledges about proper urban citizenship and social governance, and as such, a strategic-orienting device for urban policy interventions and directives.  相似文献   
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