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流行病学与全科医学有共同的研究对象即以人群为基础和共同的研究目的即防治疾病、促进健康等.宏观(群体)、对比、概率统计、多病因论、分级预防及预防为主的流行病学思维方式与观点能够有力地指导全科医疗研究与实践.文章通过分析流行病学思维方式及其在全科医学中的应用及重要性,指出对于全科医学专业学生的流行病学教学首先应培养其流行病学思维方式,其次才是在思维方式指导下学习流行病学研究方法.  相似文献   
根据全日制兽医专业硕士学位的培养目标,以及目前全日制兽医硕士专业学位课程设置,指出了当前课程体系存在的实践课程比重偏小、选修课局限性太强和课程设置过于死板等问题,并结合兽医专业硕士的自身特点和培养原则从专业课程、选修课程、实践课程三方面提出了课程体系的理论性与专业性、广泛性与实用性、技术性与前沿性相结合等优化原则,以及如何实现兽医专业硕士课程体系的合理化、多元化和专业化的三大途径。  相似文献   
深化兽医专业课堂教学改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兽医课堂教学是我国兽医各级各类学校教学的主要形式。如何以全新的教育理念指导教学,实现兽医专业课堂教学新模式的构建,是我们这一代兽医教育工作者必须认真思考的重大课题。本文就兽医专业课堂教学改革的理念和方法进行探讨。  相似文献   
中国高等兽医人才培养的核心是如何提升专业人士的思想观念和用人理念,在有限学时资源下,体现以主干课程为主线,强调求精、归纳、梳理、重点、典型化讲授,依据官方兽医和执业兽医资格考试与就业能力和创新能力的培养目的设计课程,注重学生个性化实习及其实际调查、分析、判断、决策、行动和具体解决问题的能力培养;编写具有启发性并能反映当时热点问题、工作中常见问题、地域差别、今后趋势等内容的教材;培养学生专业文献应用、资料搜集、整理和撰写能力,形成具有中国特色并选择性吸纳国外优点的培养方案。  相似文献   
新教传教士初到中朝时,都采用了医学传教的间接传教方法。由于他们入国的方式和行为不同,中朝两国统治者分别实行了禁、驰的政策,基督教迫于清廷的严禁和防范而借助本国武力和不平等条约的保护,为日后华人诟病;而在朝鲜宽容的环境下,基督教很好地融合到了朝鲜民族的历史命运中,获得了快速的发展。  相似文献   
Based on a survey and interviews, this article presents and analyses Israeli public opinion toward black‐market medicine (BMM) and the welfare state. In addition to providing quantitative and qualitative evidence of the existence of under‐the‐table payments in Israel, we suggest various insights into this phenomenon. While most citizens admit that they would consider making under‐the‐table payments in order to receive preferential medical treatment, when the questions mention words such as ‘illegal’ or ‘bribe’, respondents tend to be less tolerant of such activities. We find that, first, there is a basic willingness among Israeli citizens to use BMM. Second, despite this predilection, Israeli citizens are reluctant to articulate their willingness to engage in such illegal activities. This reluctance implies the existence of a moral barrier among the population as far as identifying themselves with illegal behaviour is concerned. We may infer the existence of a gap between declared attitudes and behaviour. Third, the fact that people's willingness to engage in BMM is greater than their willingness to adopt black‐market strategies in other areas signifies the special nature of health care. Finally, by connecting the phenomenon of BMM to public opinion regarding the welfare state, we point to a possible gap between normative attitudes and preferences produced by structural conditions.  相似文献   

A survey of a college student population indicates that physical abuse is prevalent in our society. The self-reported data were found to be similar to that occurring in the literature on parent-reported child abuse, documenting that approximately one-third of college students had a history of moderate abuse and 5 to 10% had a history of a severe abuse during their developmental years. Through an awareness of its high prevalence, the health care provider will question a history of physical violence when evaluating a student with a medical or psychosocial complaint and appropriately plan a management program including therapeutic counseling to decrease the effect of the prior or current physical abuse.  相似文献   
医学职业精神是以医学科学和人文科学为基础发生和发展的,具有很强的社会时代性.当前,市场竞争体制、医疗体制改革、医患关系紧张以及高负荷的工作量等对医学职业精神产生极大的冲击和挑战.文章从深刻认识医学职业精神的内涵和影响因素出发,结合医疗卫生实际,阐述新时期探索重建医学职业精神的路径.  相似文献   
文章对《口腔医学》2012年8月1日~2013年5月1日间391篇论文应用中国知网学术不端检测系统的检测结果进行分析,发现有14.58%的投稿文字复制比>30%.高复制比论文以临床研究为主,与同期投稿情况比较,综述、口腔正畸学论文出现高复制比的论文比例高于其他类型和学科的论文;复制来源于他人的期刊和学位论文较多,出现重合较多的部分主要是治疗或研究方法,以及讨论中的概念以及引证他人观点部分;其次是观察指标或者疗效评价标准.同时对学术不端的几个相关问题,如抄袭和合理引用、如何具体分析医学论文的复制部分、如何看待学位论文内容在期刊发表和一稿多投等进行了探讨.  相似文献   
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