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《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(5):1038-1048
The Education Reform Act 1988 in England proposed by the Conservative Party caused over 1100 public schools to “opt out” of local school authority control by becoming autonomous grant-maintained schools. Using a regression discontinuity design, this paper finds a causal effect of party control on school autonomy with British local election dataset. That is, a Labour party (not a Conservative party) win would consequently stimulate a considerable increase in local schools opting for autonomy. This could be the first empirical evidence of a remarkable cross-party consensus in education policy, which has so far been stressed only on theoretical grounds. Our findings not only improve the understanding of current government education policy but also suggest the role that government would play in future policy-making process.  相似文献   
以三个村庄的公共品供给案例为分析对象,考察了在国家资源输入背景下,当村社作为资源支配的主体时,村级组织如何通过公共品供给来实现对村民的政治动员。研究发现,当村级组织可自主支配资源时,利益博弈逻辑会主导村庄的公共品供给,村民动员具有自发性;如果国家在输入资源的同时也输入了科层制的资源使用程序,村庄的公共品供给就会显示出较高的程序正义逻辑,村级组织对村民的动员也具有制度性的特征;与之对比,如果村集体经济收入的获取与村干部个人能力高度相关,村级组织对村民的动员主要依靠村干部的长官权威,这种动员形式可能是不稳定的。因此,村社主导的公共品供给可以重建利益博弈的政治空间,为村干部和村民打交道创造制度性的条件,避免政权的“悬浮”,同时可以激活村庄社会中的非正式权威,达成治理有效的目标。  相似文献   
Women have navigated the world with much less freedom than men—with restrictions particularly great for their solo, or independent, travel. Although much research documents women’s experiences of these constraints, less is known about travel media’s framing of women as solo travelers—with online media an especially neglected research area. Drawing on a leisure constraints perspective, our study examines differences in online travel articles (n = 100) targeting solo women versus men. Resonating with this perspective, as well as the findings of studies examining women’s actual travel experiences, our findings reveal a framing of women as “bounded explorers,” constrained in their solo travel by the emotional, social, and behavioral burdens imposed upon them, hinging on their perceived vulnerability and men’s perceived dangerousness. We find two processes through which women are constructed in online travel articles as bounded explorers—creating negative expectations and encouraging vigilant risk avoidance. As one of the first studies to examine cultural representations of solo travelers in online media, our research provides further evidence of gendered constraints in leisure by revealing the framing in travel articles of women as more bounded than men—a framing that may, in turn, have implications for women’s experiences in the realm of leisure and perhaps beyond.  相似文献   

Despite growing research on policy advice, little is known about how and why the nature of policy advice varies. We hypothesize that examining policy capacity and control within the policy advisory system (PAS) is useful in this regard. We examine how government capacity, think tank capacity, and think tank autonomy influence the content of policy advice in India. We code policy advice based on content analysis of 60 knowledge products from think tanks in India and estimate policy capacity of government departments and think tanks based on their respective staff strengths and budgets. We find that the nature of policy advice, specifically whether it is long-term or short-term, varies based on think tank capacity as well as government capacity; high capacity think tanks tend to provide more long-term advice to high capacity governments. As the PAS within developing countries have less capacity to generate strategic policy advice, variations can be expected in the kinds of policy advice supplied by the PAS in developing countries vis-à-vis OECD countries. Thus, the PAS literature can be extended to developing countries by studying the dynamics between the content of advice, capacity, and control.  相似文献   
民族区域自治是中国共产党解决我国民族问题的基本形式、基本政策,也是我国的基本政治制度之-.本文论述了中国共产党在几十年的新民主主义革命过程中,把马列主义民族理论与中国民族问题实际相结合,探索解决中国民族问题的道路和基本形式、基本政策--民族区域自治政策的过程,论述了新中国建立50年来民族区域自治制度的发展和完善过程.  相似文献   
残存宗族组织对村民自治建设的负面影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国正在全国范围内推行村民自治制度,而各民族残存的宗族组织必然对这一制度造成千差万别的正负面影响,对农村的社会稳定和政权建设带来严重的危害。本文以永顺县羊峰乡青龙村土家族社区为例,探讨村民自治组织与残存的宗族组织在并行延续形式下的种种社会现实。希望能对残存宗族组织对村民自治制度所引发的负面效应作出全面的归纳和总结,从中找出解决抑制宗族组织负面影响的对策  相似文献   
姚泽麟 《社会》2017,37(2):166-192
如何对医生的执业行为实施有效的社会控制是职业社会学的一个重要问题。本文通过对我国城市医生的执业环境与执业行为的分析,指出医生仍然依附于占据医疗服务市场垄断地位的公立医院,丧失法团自主性的他们无法与国家就收入与服务补偿进行协商。但也正是由于垄断地位,公立医院及其医生获得了对患者和医药厂商的双向支配地位,可以便利地将处方权转换为经济利益。但与此同时,医生对临床自主性的这种滥用意味着卫生行政部门的监管、职业规范内化后的自律等社会控制方式的失败。本文认为,医生这一职业群体在医疗卫生政策制定过程中的参与、逐步开放医生的执业自由以及给予非公立医疗机构平等的地位与待遇等措施会使这些问题得到改观。  相似文献   
在互联网时代,网络社区自治规则日益引起人们的关注和重视.根据对“新浪微博”自治规则的考察,网络平台基于网络秩序维护与管理的动力,积极发挥其技术能力建立社区自治规则.网络社区自治规则对当前网络立法和政府监管有着补充作用,为平台治理奠定了良好的规则基础,对充分彰显网络民主价值具有积极意义.但网络社区自治规则也蕴含其隐忧,建立以网络用户为中心的理念,提高网络社区自治规则构建的科学性,预防网络平台滥用权力带来的风险,是构建未来网络社区自治规则值得努力的方向.  相似文献   
秦和平 《民族学刊》2014,5(3):27-32,118-119
我国大陆地区数万公里的陆地边疆的治理绕不开民族区域自治。在国家建制及民族理论上,中国共产党历经了从“民族自决”到“民族自决”与“民族自治”混用,再到“民族自治”,最后确定“民族区域自治”的过程。然而,民族区域自治在实践过程中遇到了一系列问题,如“自治权利”有哪些内容,该如何行使等。尽管如此,民族区域自治已确定是“国家的基本政治制度”,边疆治理必须在此框架上开展。我国各边疆地区存在种种差异、发展不平衡,但边疆治理需要统一,应避免差别。民族自治区的“自治权利”的实现不能简化为“机关民族化”及“党员民族化”,毕竟汉族与少数民族是相互依存的。边疆治理需积极地、变通地发展经济,缩小甚至消除差距,化边区为内地,边疆才能长治久安。  相似文献   
蓝宇蕴 《城市观察》2014,(1):129-138
近年来,政府力推社区建设,大有社区建设非政府主导莫属之势。在此背景下系统梳理"政府主导型"的社区建设,具有特殊意义。政府垄断性地把持着所有关键社会资源,并能藉此营造社区发展的制度环境与支持系统,建构超越社区自身局限的发展条件。但政府社区建设中的强势介入,一定程度上亦成为社区发展的主要制约,可能造成对社区谋取自主发展空间的一种挤压。总体而言,我国目前的社区建设,暂时还难以离开政府的主导性参与,但需以发展社区自治为前提,需根据不同的社区发展阶段,适时进行职能调整,以求政府与社区关系的动态平衡。  相似文献   
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