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王玉辉 《吉林师范大学学报》2001,(6):15-17
自首的成立需具备两个条件,即自动投案和如实供述自己的罪行;被采取强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和正在服刑的罪犯,如实供述司法机关还未掌握的本人其他罪行的,以自首论;广义的坦白包括自首,狭义的坦白不包括自首,二者各具质的规定性;自首从宽是我国刑法规定的一项重要刑罚制度,也是惩办与宽大结合政策的具体体现之一. 相似文献
我国外贸代理制度的法律冲突及其消解 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国《合同法》第402条和第403条引入的英美法上的代理制度,在逻辑上软化了我国《对外贸易法》中关于国营贸易经营权的强制性规定,破坏了仲裁条款的相对性原则,架空了行纪合同制度。所以,在实践中需要采用利益衡量的方法、体系解释的方法、目的解释的方法和历史解释的方法等来化解这些冲突与矛盾,从而符合立法本意。 相似文献
由于家族成员在家族企业中的特殊角色和地位,家族企业的信息透明度问题引起了学者们的关注。为了检验家族企业中家族成员持股、董事会的独立性对自愿性信息披露的影响,采用家族上市公司作为研究样本进行实证检验。研究发现家族持股比例与自愿性信息披露水平之间存在着显著的“倒U型”曲线关系,过高的家族成员持股不利于改善家族企业的自愿性信息披露状况;更加独立的董事长对于增强公司的信息透明度具有积极的作用,而董事会中独立董事的比例并没有表现出对家族上市公司自愿性信息披露的显著贡献。 相似文献
张璐云 《河南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,8(2):69-72
分析了研究生涉外志愿服务中存在的一系列问题,如选拔方式的局限性、志愿者培训不够专业和系统、缺乏统一规范的管理、缺乏法制的保障等。针对这些问题,提出了相应的对策与建议。 相似文献
20世纪末,西方福利理论界开始认识到,原本在克服福利提供中政府失灵和市场失灵方面具有独特优势的第三部门也存在失灵问题.残疾人是一个特殊的社会利益群体,生活上大多需要专人照料.我国党和政府历来重视保障残疾人的生活和权益,近年来,更是将构建残疾人托养服务体系提上重要日程.理论上,第三部门可以广泛发动志愿者为残疾人提供服务,但作为当前我国开展残疾人托养服务重要力量的第三部门也存在失灵问题.因此,加强政府引导,以机构能力建设为关键,以居家服务为基础,才是构建我国残疾人托养服务体系的有效途径. 相似文献
志愿服务评价体系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
方轻 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2011,24(3):45-46,100
对志愿服务进行系统的评估是完善、监督志愿服务的重要举措。志愿服务的评估不仅有其特有的要素、模式和流程,而且还形成一个由交叉的评价主、客体组成并且方向性明确的立体评价体系。 相似文献
Burt Eleanor Taylor John 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2001,12(4):313-326
Advanced networked technologies have the potential to support deep strategic and operational transformation within voluntary organizations as they seek to respond to shifts in the social, economic, and political spheres in which they operate. Evidence form our study of U.K. voluntary organizations demonstrates relatively low uptake of the core networking technologies and applications essential to support such transformation. Friends of the Earth and The Samaritans are exceptions to this trend. Case studies of these organizations demonstrate that they are using advanced networked technologies to reconfigure key information flows and relationships, in support of enhanced campaigning and more effective user services. The extent to which these organizations are able to exploit the transformational potential that the technologies present is tempered by historically institutionalized relationships and values by which they are characterized. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to define the organizational characteristics of voluntary associations and grass-roots organizations (NPO) in Japan by a quantitative survey and by clarifying their organizational structures. First, with respect to formalization of the organization, it appears that the differences in the scale of the organization are greater than the fields and forms of the activities. If the scale is related to the degree of formalization, we can consider that the "invisibility" which describes the present situation of voluntary associations as a result of being small. However, if we look at the changes in the organizational structure and their activities, one will know such a result is not always true. Over 80% of the organizations have begun new activities. As the structures of the organizations change, we cannot conclude that the voluntary associations are merely immature. More likely, the action of the formalizing process depending on the organizational scale competes with the action of changing the definition of formalization. Second, when we analyzed the actual situation of the innovation, we discovered that the emergence of the new activities was related to whether and how strongly they related externally. Particularly, in the case of providing human and social welfare services, the stronger the relationship with the caretaker (client) is, the more new activities emerge. If so, this leads to the next hypothesis, that the origins of the innovation in these organizations are demanded by what the external relationship should be. 相似文献
邓斌 《吉林大学社会科学学报》2003,(2):53-57
不作为犯理论一直被两大问题纠缠:不作为与作为的界限;不作为犯的因果关系。不作为与作为的界限植根于规范,即违反命令规范还是禁止规范,而命令规范同禁止规范的分野则应从立法意图及选择可能的角度进行考察,不能仅着眼于规范表述。刑法的因果关系属于社会的因果关系,不同于自然或哲学的因果关系,因此不作为犯的因果关系具有规范性,在判断时需结合假定消去法与假定肯定法。 相似文献
吴永科 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》2001,24(6):84-87
法学界对于我国《合同法》第 4条确立的“合同自愿”原则 ,一直有较多的争论。本文就《合同法》中“合同自愿”原则与“合同自由”原则争论的缘起及“合同自愿”原则的过渡性特征进行了分析 ,并提出随着我国社会主义市场经济体系的完善 ,未来中国的《合同法》(或《民法典》)中确立“合同自由”原则是必然的趋势。 相似文献