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生态文明和社会文明同为中国特色社会主义建设的重要内容。志愿服务作为社会文明的标志之一,与生态文明建设发生交集即为环保志工。充分了解环保志工的特性,将有助于我国合理运用这一人力资源,利于生态环保领域公共事业的发展。以我国台湾地区太鲁阁、阳明山国家公园为例,对其环保志工进行问卷调查,用 SPSS 软件处理数据,分析志工的参与动机、工作满意度及组织承诺,并探究不同社经背景者在此3方面的差异,最后针对环保志工的有效管理和长足发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Interactive television has potential merit as a medium for reaching rural audiences. The Blandin Foundation has recently explored the use of ITV for its workshops for leadership training in rural Minnesota communities. This paper presents the findings of a formative evaluation of a pilot ITV workshop on “Attracting and Sustaining Community Volunteers,” in terms of its technical aspects, acceptability to participants, learning impacts, and accessibility. Criteria for selecting distance learning modalities and ITV networks and providers are suggested.  相似文献   
本文以国际关系学院社区为主要研究对象,通过对该社区"服务自助超市"运作情况的分析,总结其志愿服务发展的特点和经验,并就"服务自助超市"社区志愿服务新模式的意义进行了深入阐发。  相似文献   
九一八事变后,张学良在公开执行“不抵抗”政策的同时,对东北义勇军的抗战,一直坚持暗中支持援助的方针,对义勇军的兴起起到了关键性作用。但这一方针的实行,不具政府行为的支持,力度极为有限,才导致了义勇军的最后失败。既要公开执行“不抵抗”的政策,又暗中实行支持义勇军的方针,使张学良在九一八事变后一直处于两难境地的尴尬状态中。总体上看,张学良对东北抗日义勇军的支持行为没能改变其“不抵抗”政策的本质。  相似文献   
Abstract  This paper examines Japanese voluntarism from a historical perspective, through which it can be seen that it is not volunteerism and volunteer activity per se which is emerging in contemporary Japanese society, but instead an emerging consciousness of volunteerism and an associated emerging terminology of volunteerism. This emerging consciousness is in part a function of social evolution, and in part due to an administrative generated movement to generate a volunteer spirit in Japan, the borantiu-katsudo movement. This emerging consciousness has on the one hand benefitted existing categories of volunteerism by increasing their visibility and expanding their dimensional character and relevance. On the other hand, this emerging consciousness has also generated some unforeseen forms of contemporary volunteerism.  相似文献   
In preparation for Pope Francis's visit to Philadelphia and the 2015 World Meeting of Families, organizers looked for thousands of volunteers to help carry out these events. This is common for many one‐time and episodic events, such as large sporting events (from marathons to Special Olympics), arts and cultural events (such as festivals and concerts), and fundraising events. After the pope's visit, volunteers were asked to respond to a questionnaire about their experiences and the volunteer management of the event; 2,408 responded (34.4 percent). Data on motivation, who volunteered, recruitment, training, assignment, supervision, communication, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement were elicited. We focused on episodic volunteering at a religious event and on a broad spectrum of issues pertaining to management of episodic volunteers. Our findings add to the knowledge regarding volunteer management and also add to conceptual understanding of the distinction between ongoing and episodic volunteers.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of help received from home care workers and volunteers to the life satisfaction of community-dwelling older adults is vital but uncharted. To address the effectiveness, this study aims to optimize the use of social resources for the older adults’ life quality. The study thus surveyed 398 community-dwelling older adults in a city of China about the help and life satisfaction. Results showed a significant positive effect of help from home care workers, but not that from volunteers, on the older adult’s life satisfaction. Moreover, the effect of help from volunteers was significantly greater when the older adult had higher education or lower family income. These effects are explicable with resource theory and need fulfillment theory. They imply the worth of promoting help from home care workers generally and volunteers conditionally to champion older adults’ life satisfaction.  相似文献   
从当前人口老龄化以及居家养老服务推行的背景出发,以南宁居家养老服务大学生联合组织为例,指出志愿者组织管理制度缺乏有效的约束力、志愿服务内容与老人的实际需求脱轨、活动经费保障能力不足、志愿服务对象难觅及社会力量的参与不到位、志愿服务活动影响力不明显等问题,提出了进一步完善志愿者管理制度、志愿服务内容应与老年人的需求接轨、建立多方位的"居家养老"志愿服务活动经费保障体系、加大"居家养老"的宣传力度及推动全社会力量的广泛参与等措施,以期推动"居家养老服务"志愿者活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   
志愿组织参与城市管理既是现代民主政治发展和复杂社会治理的现实需求,也是志愿组织行使社会权力的重要表现。在大力倡导社会管理和社会建设的背景下,宁波市城管义工协会以“政府关注、社会急需”为出发点开展形式各异的志愿活动,在城市管理和社会公众之间搭建了一座互动的桥梁,为探索公众参与社会管理提供了一个鲜活的样本。本文以宁波市城管义工协会为个案,从领导架构、组织网络、岗位设置、会员管理、财务管理等方面剖析城管义工协会的运作模式,考察城管义工协会的运行成效,进而反思其蕴含的问题;最后从强化志愿者的权利意识、拓宽公共参与渠道、健全志愿组织培训机制、推进志愿组织内部建设以及加大政府政策扶持力度等维度提出促进志愿组织参与城市管理的构架和思路。  相似文献   
当前大学生志愿服务运作模式在运用新媒体上主要存在几个问题:新媒体运用的满意度较低,舆论宣传和项目运作的机制不健全,人员招募和培训指导的自主性不强,激励管理和评价考核手段的创新性不够及新媒体运用空间有待进一步拓展等问题,其原因主要是资金扶助和技术支持力度不够、平台搭建与内容供给明显不足、师资力量与组织保障严重缺乏。因此,当前大学生志愿服务运用新媒体的具体方略可以从综合施策,打造大学生志愿服务的新媒体平台体系;协同互动,创新新媒体与传统媒体有效衔接的工作方式;注重实效,构建运用新媒体的常态化工作机制等三个方面入手。  相似文献   
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