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Studies examining the relationship between globalisation and the welfare state tend to focus on the effects of economic dimensions of globalisation, the extent to which a country is part of the world market. Globalisation also has social and political dimensions and the effects of these on welfare states – in terms of social security transfers and generosity – are studied in this article. Data from the KOF Index of Globalisation , the OECD Historical Statistics and the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset are used to analyse the effects of social and political openness on the welfare states of 18 countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development between 1970 and 2000. The analyses show that social security transfers and generosity have increased less in countries with the highest increase in social openness and that the welfare state is not affected by political openness.  相似文献   
The liberalization of international financial flows and foreign direct investment has induced countries to use diverse measures to attract inflow of foreign capital and foreign direct investment, which is expected to have a positive effect on the growth of GDP and thus a positive effect on social welfare. Tax exemption, reduction of tax rate, tax holiday, or diverse subsidies are some of the most important measures used. In this paper we study international tax cooperation, i.e., countries change and especially reduce tax rate for corporate income or for asset revenues to attract inflow of foreign direct investment. Both theoretical and empirical studies have shown the sensibility of foreign direct investment decision with respect to tax rate differences between home countries and host countries. In general, more inflow of foreign direct investment can be expected if the tax rate of the home country is lower than that of foreign countries. This is the main reason for international tax cooperation. In this paper we propose a simple model to prove the sub-optimal Nash non cooperative solution in a two-country tax-competition game. The model shows that international tax cooperation can improve welfare of the participating countries. How to reach a cooperative solution for an international tax competition game (ITCG) is therefore an important issue for further discussions and studies. International institutions can play a crucial role to reach international tax cooperation or international tax harmonization.  相似文献   
Summary. Possible health hazards from mobile phones arise from the use of the phones themselves and via the base stations that relay signals. Except for an increase in traffic accidents induced by the use of mobile phones in cars the evidence for a health hazard is at most indirect, but it cannot be entirely dismissed; the phones have not been widely used for sufficiently long for direct epidemiological studies to have high sensitivity for detecting any induced incidence of cancer, for example. The background and evidence are briefly reviewed and the steps taken in the UK to make information widely available described.  相似文献   
实际工况中的管道缺陷是非常复杂的,用物理试验的方法研究各种缺陷漏磁场的变化规律有一定的难度。该文针对油气管道常用的钢管缺陷产生的漏磁场建立了三维有限元模型,采用有限元方法计算了几种相邻缺陷的漏磁场模型,给出了计算结果,并分析了各种相邻缺陷对漏磁场信号的影响。结果表明当相邻缺陷的中心线与磁场方向平行时,对缺陷漏磁信号的影响最小;组合型的缺陷对漏磁信号的影响最大。  相似文献   
从审美的角度看,张岱的小品文卸去了“文以载道”的传统,以普通人的视角再现明亡之前其亲历的生活,多方面表现了大众风情,具有鲜明的世俗性:把在传统文人看来俗之又俗的生活素材诉诸笔端;牵引市民化的人物走进小品文;尤其小说化语言的运用,使得作品富于生活气息。究其成因,首先是文艺思潮世俗化的时代洪流。涌溢各处、不断浸淫;其次是当时市民阶层爱好并喜做小品文的风气甚炽,使得张岱需要考虑读者的趣味;再次是张岱家世生平的坎坷,使他处于文化边缘的写作境地,用饱含深情的笔墨展现市民形貌、礼赞世俗人生。  相似文献   
给出了四元数体Q上n×n分块矩阵为亚(半)正定自共轭矩阵的一个充要条件,进而给出了Q上矩阵方程XAnm=Bnm有亚(半)正定自共轭四元数矩阵解的充要条件及解集合的显式表示,从而推广改进了数城上线性方程组的反问题及矩阵反问题的相应结果.  相似文献   
我国国家公务员社会保障制度推行十多年来,对稳定公务员队伍,提高政府的工作效能发挥了重要作用.但随着经济体制改革和政府人事制度改革的不断深化,这一制度在运行过程中也出现了一些需要急待解决的问题.通过对现有关于公务员社会保障制度研究的文献资料进行整理和分析,提出了公务员社会保障制度研究需要进一步深化的几个问题.  相似文献   
中国社会是伦理社会,这是对中国社会性质的一种界定与基本认识。这种认识与界定既是对传统中国的反思,又是对中国现实的把握。现代深深地嵌入在传统之中,中国人直接或间接地受传统伦理的影响和支配。伦理场域是中国人开展社会行动的依托,行动者在伦理场域中占有位置、施展策略、获取资源。因此,伦理场域是理解中国现实国情和中国人行动逻辑的关键。  相似文献   
变形的 "文本"--梭戛生态博物馆的人类学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年10月31日,贵州六枝梭戛生态博物馆作为中国第一座生态博物馆正式建成并对外开放,该馆是中国和挪威两国合作的文化建设项目之一,其目的旨在保护濒临灭绝的长角苗传统文化艺术。2000年7月间,笔者来到梭戛进行为期一周的田野考察,发现该博物馆在建设过程中存在着一些带有普遍意义的矛盾现象。4年之后,笔者再访梭戛,看到当年的矛盾现象不但没有得到化解,反而更加激化和突出,进而走向“变形”。对梭戛生态博物馆运作过程中存在矛盾作人类学的观察和总结,分析和探讨当今传统艺术保护的理论问题,具有十分普遍的现实意义。  相似文献   
本文以2009—2018年间中央及地方(以北京市等四个地区为例)颁布的263项新能源汽车产业政策为研究样本,从实施领域角度,将产业政策分为财税支持、行业规范、规划引导、监督保障、其他措施等五类,经政策分解,将政策片段与新能源汽车产业链五个环节进行匹配;在此基础上,测度不同时期产业政策央地总体协同度与政策实施领域间的协同度,并通过逐步回归法,确定影响政策协同的各政策效力指标灵敏度。研究表明:"中央-北京"和"中央-深圳"的政策措施协同趋势基本一致,产业价值链各环节发展较均衡,而"中央-上海"和"中央-江苏"的政策措施协同趋势基本一致,存在"重使用、轻研发、轻市场"等失调现象;四地区与中央政策措施的协同差异主要体现在研发、生产和回收环节,提升"政策引导"和"保障措施"指标的政策效力有助于提升央地协同水平。根据政策分析,未来政策制定需从优化中央政策推广方式和加强监管保障等政策措施着手,根据产业链不同环节状况适时调整政策措施。  相似文献   
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