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Motivational interviewing (MI), an evidence-based approach with empathy as a key principle, effectively addresses client concerns found in the child welfare population. Training social workers in MI, and to be empathic, would increase the likelihood of better service delivery. Live supervision (LS) is a form of training that provides real-time feedback by clinical supervisors. This randomized comparison trial compared the effectiveness of LS or Teaching as Usual (TAU) on empathy in 54 MSW and BSW social work students. TAU involved students receiving online modules and assigned readings. Data were collected at baseline, after the interventions, and at five months follow-up. Differences in perceived empathy and empathic behaviors were measured by the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) and Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ). The study also assessed whether demographic variables or perceived empathy (TEQ) predicted empathic behaviors (MITI). Results indicate that, while both groups improved on empathy as measured by the MITI and TEQ, the LS group demonstrated more improvement. Demographic variables had no impact on empathy. The TEQ and MITI also did not demonstrate predictability suggesting the complexity of measuring empathy. The implications for social work education and future training are discussed.  相似文献   
Innovation in social services and social policies in the European welfare systems is an evolving phenomenon stimulated by socio-demographic, cultural and economic changes. Many social service innovations are linked to disruptive technologies, especially the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT). To discuss the effects of disruptive technologies on health and social services, this article first proposes a framework consistent with the social innovation paradigm. Secondly, based on case-studies, it investigates different models of social and health service innovation driven by technology. The article shows advantages and disadvantages of service innovation driven by technology, and offers some final remarks about future challenges for ICT in health and social services. More evidences of effectiveness and efficiency are necessary to promote public and private investment to implement solutions on a wider scale. However, the impacts of technology-based solutions cannot be measured only in terms of economic aspects but also taking into account whether new technologies really provide the opportunity for citizens to have a better life and advocacy for their rights.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of how volunteerism can neutralize impulses for mobilization. An ethnographic case study of shelter animal advocates, or individuals promoting shelter reform to ensure that companion animals impounded at animal shelters receive proper medical and behavioral care and are given opportunity for adoption, illuminates a specific set of mechanisms that explain why they have not engaged in collective action such as protest. The findings speak to the complex debate about the relationship between volunteerism, political engagement, and social change by identifying five processes that undercut shelter animal advocates’ capacity to act collectively in protest of how the shelter is run: (1) periods of grievance interruption; (2) exposure to the target’s institutional narratives; (3) relational ties to the target; (4) conflict avoidance; and (5) maintenance of identity as volunteers.  相似文献   
供养服务机构是推动农村基本养老服务可及的重要载体,但存在福利排斥和福利内卷化问题。从嵌入视角出发,建构空间嵌入—要素嵌入—结构嵌入—认知嵌入—服务嵌入五维分析框架,基于安徽L镇的田野调查,分析农村供养服务机构转型实现嵌入式养老服务供给的机制及其治理效能。研究发现,供养服务机构以空间嵌入为基础,多元主体协作养老资源整合推进要素嵌入,建构养老服务枢纽促进在地化养老服务生产实现结构嵌入,促使养老伦理向新家庭本位与公共本位并存转变,推进农村养老服务下沉和“多养融合”嵌入式生活场域供给服务。供养服务机构转向发展探索新型嵌入式养老利于以嵌入式建构镇域养老共同体打破养老服务区隔,促进养老服务转介衔接提高养老服务效益以及生产赋能家庭养老次生公共价值,从而提高福利治理效能。未来还需从挖掘本土服务资源提高嵌入可持续性、加强嵌入后福利治理风险管理以及提升以需求为导向的服务嵌入精准性等方面推进其养老服务长效嵌入式供给。  相似文献   
As a result of government budgetary limits and rapid market growth, many public service systems—such as health care—are characterized by extensive customer wait times that have become a serious problem. This problem might be solved by allowing private firms to enter these markets, which would provide customers with a choice between a free (governmental) public service provider (SP) and a fee‐charging (or “toll”) private SP. In such a two‐tier service system, the two SPs are differentiated by service quality and cost efficiency. This study focuses on the competition and coordination issues for two‐tier service systems with customers who are sensitive to both service quality and delay. The free system attempts to maximize its expected total customer utility with limited capacity, whereas the toll system attempts to maximize its profit. Neither goal is aligned with the social welfare goal of the public service. To achieve the social welfare goal, the government plays a crucial role in coordinating the two‐tier service system via the budget, the tradeoff of social members' goals, and tax‐subsidy policies. Using a mixed duopoly game, we establish Nash equilibrium strategies and identify the conditions for the existence of the two‐tier service system. We employ several interesting and counter‐intuitive managerial insights generated by the model to show that the public service can be delivered more efficiently via customer choice and SP competition. In addition, we show that a relatively low tax‐subsidy rate can almost perfectly coordinate the two SPs to achieve most of the maximum possible benefit of the two‐tier service system.  相似文献   
We examine the link between network neutrality (NN) and content innovation on the Internet by comparing the impact of NN and packet discrimination (PD) regimes on content innovation. We do this in the context of a two‐sided market model that simultaneously considers content provider (CP) and consumer decisions concerning market entry and participation while taking into account consumers’ response to network congestion. We find that content innovation flourishes under NN to a greater degree than under PD due to two effects we uncover: the generation of what we call a pro bono innovation zone in which CPs are able to enter the market without contributing to network provider profits; and the cross‐side congestion effect, a negative network externality wherein higher broadband market coverage levels result in greater congestion for CPs, and increased content results in greater congestion for consumers, taking into account consumers’ strategic response to network congestion. These results have important implications for current public policy debates regarding the Federal Communications Commission's Open Internet Rules.  相似文献   
Over the past 5 years, the UK Coalition and subsequent Conservative governments have sought to develop an agenda of localism. Recent research has evaluated how this has played out in practice. This article takes a different approach, interpreting how the language of community and place in English politics has been mobilized in reforms of the country’s planning system. We do this by tracing how conservative traditions of political thought and imagery of place were used to advance localism. This reveals a range of contradictions within the English localism agenda and highlights the wider political challenges raised by attempts to mobilize the affective and morally charged language of the local.  相似文献   
Land-use plans serve a dual function. On the one hand, they are programmes for future development, plans for action. On the other hand, they have a regulative function in relation to construction and land use. This paper investigates how the interplay between these functions is playing a role in the current debate about the new integrated Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) in the Netherlands. Initially, the government proposed abolishing local land-use plans and replacing them with a system of by-laws. However, this proposal did not survive the debate on this bill. This paper will shed light on the relationships between planning and regulation by analysing that debate.  相似文献   
科研人员薪酬分配制度改革是统筹推进教育、科技、人才事业发展的重要抓手。年薪制作为新时代人才激励的重要薪酬手段,强调目标和贡献导向,以信任为原则,具有权责匹配、激励与约束并重、面向未来、具有一定弹性等特点,可以改变传统的以片面量化评价人才的方式,有利于激发人才创新活力和吸引国际高层次人才,对于推动新质生产力发展具有重要意义。科研院所是人才队伍建设的重要基地和新质生产力发展的前沿阵地,可以作为推行年薪制的改革先行区。但目前来看,科研院所推行年薪制还面临观念尚未形成一致、年薪水平标准确定容易陷入传统考核评价的老路、政策落地受到岗位人事等其他政策制约、单位内部改革积极性不足等多个方面的挑战,不利于新质生产力的培育发展。通过对国内北生所PI年薪制和英国BBSRC多层级年薪制的经验做法的总结发现,科研院所推行年薪制普遍建立了符合科研特点、可以上下浮动的科研评价考核机制,同时对推行年薪制的人才制定了严格的选拔机制,对未来我国科研院所推行年薪制提供了重要参考。基于此,本文提出了整体推进与局部试点相结合、宏观统筹与微观探索相结合、薪酬改革与科研评价相结合的科研院所年薪制总体改革思路,并从推动树立科学人才观与现代薪酬观、明确年薪制要素、加快构建年薪制薪酬制度体系等方面提出了科研院所推行年薪制的改革路径,以期为新时期我国科研院所收入分配改革提供政策参考。具体而言,一是要推动科研院所进一步解放思想,明确树立人才是第一战略资源、创新是第一发展动力的思想观念;二是要明确年薪制适用范围,推动建立科学可比的年薪水平确立机制;三是要强化多部门协同,从总体思路、目标原则、具体举措等方面明确推进科研院所推行年薪制的具体意见和实施路径,同时建立负面清单机制、诚信约束制度和适用于年薪制的人才选拔制度。  相似文献   
城市化是工业化的重要支撑,也是现代化的重要支撑。在进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的背景下,“以人为本”的新型城镇化发展理念正给中国式现代化进程带来一场深刻变革。制度创新—体制创新—实践创新是党的二十届三中全会的核心精神要义,根本目的是通过改革加快形成同新质生产力更相适应的生产关系。党的二十届三中全会聚焦中国式现代化建设中的全面性、系统性、集成性改革需要,面对当前社会经济发展条件和客观环境的深刻变化,在进一步全面深化改革视阈下深入探讨新型城镇化亟待解决的区域经济平衡、公共产品均衡性、城乡治理融合性和城乡互动关系双向型等突出的体制性、机制性问题,系统论证新型城镇化背后发展逻辑和实施路径调整的必要性、合理性。以新型城镇化为载体的“二次城市化”从要素流动、公共服务、社会结构、制度潜能等方面进一步释放改革红利,强化改革动能,扩展改革空间。新型城镇化的进一步全面深化改革是一场体制机制的重塑与再造,顶层逻辑由激励式的城镇化转变为包容性的城镇化,对可能出现的城市运营和公共产品成本负担增大、城乡人口迁移市民化不充分、中小城市和县城综合承载能力弱化、产城一体化不融洽、不完全等风险与挑战进行分析研判、风险防范和对策应对,通过集成化的系统改革在公共产品、城乡互通、权益保障、国际竞争、区域经济均衡等领域取得新突破。这对于下一阶段完善城乡融合发展体制机制,促进城乡公共资源的高效利用,推进城市的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义,也有助于为发展中国家和地区的城市化、现代化建设提供理论指导、模式借鉴和政策指引。  相似文献   
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