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近年来房价上涨与居住福利的关系备受关注,虽然国内研究不如国外深入,但一些切合中国实际的研究应积极推进。综合来看,国内主要采用古典度量法、计量经济模型法和效用函数法来测度福利变化,其实证结论有三种倾向——不显著、正向或负向影响,但大多数文献认为高房价造成了居民福利损失,经济适用房政策有待改进。  相似文献   
基于城乡结合部老旧社区治理的嵌入性特征,将嵌入性理论视角与存量规划新常态下老旧社区的治理创新诉求相关联,从理论和实践双重维度研究阐述城乡结合部老旧社区嵌入式治理的生成背景、行动策略与创新路径。现阶段,多元治理主体在助力城乡结合部老旧社区治理与改造过程中,为满足老旧社区基础性改造需求、超越传统治理的行政化倾向、实现内源性发展目标,业已形成资源型嵌入、功能型嵌入和融合型嵌入三种行动策略,但受复杂的治理情境和滞后的治理后管理机制的影响易面临适应性挑战。应通过激发社区居民主体能动性、推进社会资本再组织化、完善治理后管理机制等具体路径,推进城乡结合部老旧社区嵌入式治理的可持续发展。  相似文献   
王国维受叔本华悲观主义哲学的影响,在《红楼梦评论》、《人间词话》和《宋元戏曲考》等著作中均体现了其悲剧思想对西学、佛学和老庄的熔铸性,开创中国美学研究之先河。王国维悲情思想主要体现在三方面:一是与叔本华悲剧精神的互通;二是认同佛家的涅槃,和叔本华倡导的解脱殊途同归;三是包涵老庄的"无为"、"无我"等传统底蕴。重新认识王国维的悲剧思想和悲情意识的源头,理解王国维对中西印等文化传统的沟通、合流、熔铸,才能理解和把握王国维在美学研究领域的大创制。  相似文献   
本文关注福利文化对社会养老制度和实践的影响,从文化视角审视中国现代社会养老项目的发展,揭示了老年社会福利模式与特定社会政策制定者对社会福利概念的理解和传统福利文化之间的关系。限定主义的价值观和公民权利意识的缺失阻碍着中国老年社会福利模式从剩余性到制度性的转变,抑制了社会福利在缩小老年群体内阶层差异方面的作用,促使了福利资源分配的不公。尽管人口老龄化和福利国家的文化扩散正在促使中国老年社会福利呈多元化发展趋势,多元福利体系的最终建立还有赖于社会公众和政策制定者对个人和国家关系的重新解读。  相似文献   
荣辱观是人们关于光荣与耻辱的一种道德评价标准。艰苦奋斗是劳动人民固有的优良道德品质,是我党的优良传统,然而由于多种原因,在少数党员、干部中,艰苦奋斗荣辱观被扭曲,他们视艰苦奋斗为耻,以奢侈浪费为荣,使艰苦奋斗淡化,奢侈浪费盛行。为了建设有中国特色社会主义这一我党、我国人民的根本利益,要吸取历史的经验教训,把被少数人扭曲了的艰苦奋斗荣辱观重新扭转过来。  相似文献   
从汇率谜团到汇率决定的社会福利平价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇率及汇率制度之争的根本在于真实汇率的确定,而众多的汇率理论及实证模型得出的结论难以统一,有的甚至背道而驰。汇率及汇率制度理论发展至今,仍然存在诸多谜团。总结汇率理论及理论、实证汇率模型的根本假设在于购买力平价、利率平价和生产力差异。从汇率形成原理和人类经济发展角度以及东西方文明的最高诉求而言,以其作为汇率及汇率制度理论的基本假设,都不甚合理。社会福利平价是我们提出的一个有关汇率及汇率制度的新的基本假设,在此基础上,可以从一个侧面更好地揭示汇率及汇率制度选择的本质,特别是关于新兴市场经济国家汇率确定及汇率制度选择的依据问题。  相似文献   
In this article we evaluate to what extent between-country differences in the probability of being ‘multidimensional’ poor can be explained by a range of ‘domain-specific’ indicators of welfare regime arrangements. To this end, a so-called micro-macro model is estimated, testing the ‘independent’ effect of institutions, as opposed to alternative explanations such as between-country differences in population composition and economic affluence. Although we conclude that institutional arrangements do influence the risk of multidimensional poverty in the expected direction, we also find that bringing the ‘economy’ back into the analyses has a non-trivial impact. Our results point at several avenues for further discussion and research. First, although the more elaborate welfare regimes generally do a better job in preventing poverty, the level of transfers is not always ‘proportional’ to the general standard of living in these countries. Second, we only find partial confirmation for the often cited ‘negative’ impact of labour market flexibility and the related equality-jobs trade-off. While stricter employment regulations do reduce the poverty risk (be it only after controlling for economic affluence), flexibility in terms of the availability of fixed-term labour seems to be preferable to unemployment, even if at the individual level, labour market flexibility increases the likelihood of being poor quite severely.
Caroline DewildeEmail:
Bringing together women and family in quality perspective bring about interesting discussions in this paper. By integrating previous studies and considering expert opinions, we determinate the variables and dimensions with respect to women’s existence regarding their roles both in the family and at work. Many activities carried out by women represent the consumer aspects of their role. Women undertake these activities to fulfill their needs, which can be classified in the order of preference using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Women success can be measured based on their ability to perform their roles successfully. We identify women’s performance by using quality approach of Personal Quality Maintenance (PQM), which is widely applied in many organizations in order to maintain the service delivery, which meets the customer satisfaction. The effort to enhance women’s satisfaction for their success in playing the multirole in the family and at work is our main consideration. This study may contribute a new point of view regarding for the women’s welfare and existence.  相似文献   
金元之际的郝经是一个思"大益于世"的儒士,他总结历史上君主统治的经验,认真分析当时的社会现实,提出了一系列有关君主的新见解,如君主如何以时进退、君主应"有志于天下"、君主要"以天下为度",等等。郝经的君主观念多数具有导君利民的作用,尤其是他对夷夏之辨的清理,是值得肯定的具有进步意义的思想成果。当然,他的正统思想也使他的君主观念带有一定的局限性。  相似文献   
This paper aims to present and discuss social change and social policy in Japan after the mid-20th century from a sociological viewpoint. Japanese social change and social policy from the mid-20th century onward can be categorized into three models in chronological order: escape from mass poverty by means of industrialization, improvement of the social security system to establish a welfare state, and parallel progress of aspiration for a welfare society and workfare. Defined concretely, these are (1) the period that established and improved social security, which started immediately after the end of World War II and ended in 1973, when Japan began to suffer from low growth after enjoying high growth; (2) the period in which finance for social security was adjusted, halfway through which the country experienced a bubble economy; and (3) the period after the 1990s, in which the structural reform of social security went hand-in-hand with labor policy and the advent of globalization. In each of the three periods, the direction of social policy was affected by factors that caused changes in such areas as industrial structure (the decline of agriculture), demographic structure (an aging society), and family structure and work pattern (the growing trend of nuclear families, single-person households, and irregular employment). In Japan, life security now attracts increasing attention, and employment security rather than social security has been the central issue. As it is greatly affected by globalization, employment security grows less conspicuous and makes the vulnerability of social security grow more conspicuous. Social policy has the potential to become an area with which to struggle for national integration and fissures between social groups.  相似文献   
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