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This article addresses the issue of policy change and its consequences on the organizational field and institutional context, looking at the role of an instrument transfer process. We adopt a political sociology approach to policy instruments to account for the impact that the introduction of a securitarian instrument, the mayoral order, had on the implementation process of a social policy. Through a genealogy of the instrument we identify a constitutive, normative and cognitive dimension. Our aim is to explain the interaction between these institutional dimensions, the re‐definition of the organizational field of the policy, and the dynamics of metropolitan politics. Following a synthesis of the policy process and the institutional arrangements where the policy is implemented, we show how the instrument transfer triggered a division within the organizational field, and the rise of institutional tensions amongst local authorities. In the conclusion, we identify the institutional dimensions of the instruments and the policy implementation scale as elements that are to interact with public‐private relationships and institutional arrangements, and that have an impact on implementation process and policy outcome.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare specific work related-factors (personal factor: length of work experience; structural factors: personal subjection to violence and fear of being subjected to violence; and psychological factors: professional quality of life—compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue) between welfare social workers (SWs) (n = 200) and health care and community SWs (n = 173). Furthermore, since the issue of turnover among SWs has important implications for the provision and programming of social services, the study also aimed to assess the relationship between these factors and SW intention to leave the profession. For the purpose of this study, online questionnaires were distributed to SWs working at social agencies and services. The findings suggest that the two categories of SWs showed a similarity with regard to the association between the personal and structural factors and intention to leave the profession. However, with regard to the psychological factors, the components of professional quality of life were found to operate differently in each category of SWs. It is suggested that future research examine other work-related factors and explore the intention to leave the profession among other social work specializations and employment sectors.  相似文献   
影响大学生就业观的因素探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从目前大学生就业观念中存在着许多不能适应社会变化所带来的就业问题入手,对于影响和制约这些问题的社会、学校、家庭和学生个人等方面的原因进行深入探究、思考分析,提出有益于大学生就业的对策。  相似文献   
由于农地经济功能的弱化和社会功能的强化,以保障基本生活为目的的福利田产生,与之相对的是以获取最大经济效益为目的的效率田。通过对福利田的经济分析,我们可以明确看到,福利田导致了农地的低效利用,制约了农业效益的提高,同时影响到农民工的非农化进程,阻碍了我国产业结构升级。  相似文献   
建立健全农民工社会保障体系关系到我国和谐社会构建的成败。但目前我国农民工社会保障的法制建设落后,社会保险、社会救助和社会福利缺失。要加快农民工社会保障法律制度建设,降低农民工缴纳社会保险费的标准,建立与农民工收入水平联动的缴费标准机制,构建科学的农民工社会保险关系转移制度,加大国家对农民工社会保障建设的资金投入力度。  相似文献   
孙中山的社会福利思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨琪 《晋阳学刊》2009,(4):87-89
孙中山的社会福利观一方面继承了中国社会福利思想的传统,又受到资产阶级民主革命和西方福利思想的影响,形成他颇具特色的社会福利观,成为其民生主义的重要内容。孙中山关注社会弱势群体,认为为国民提供社会福利是政府的责任,倡导社会福利的制度化和法治化建设。孙中山的社会福利思想对民国的社会福利实践产生了重要影响,在中国社会思想史上占有重要的地位。  相似文献   
明清之际的回族伊斯兰教汉文译著家在阐述伊斯兰教思想时,阐述了他们对佛教、道教和儒家思想的看法,并且对各种思想作出了不同的评价。他们坚定伊斯兰教信仰,尊崇儒家思想,批判佛教和道教,在比较中提高伊斯兰教在中国的社会地位。  相似文献   
《点石斋画报》是晚清时期重要的城市通俗读物,它不仅反映了晚清现实生活,同时传播了新的思想和观念,扩大了时人的思想视野。画报中出现的许多儿童形象,描绘了当时儿童生活的众多方面,体现了时人的儿童观念,对近代儿童观的形成既有显著的推动力量,也有不可忽视的负面作用。  相似文献   
解析伊斯兰法中的婚姻观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
婚姻制度是伊斯兰法的核心内容之一.其很多规定体现出了伊斯兰法相比于同时期其他法系相关制度具有的独特性和优越性.因此,本文通过对伊斯兰法婚姻制度所体现和倡导的婚姻自主、夫妻平等;反对独身禁欲;严禁近亲、同性婚姻等婚姻观进行必要的梳理、展示和分析,以期人们能够从价值合理性的视角认识、了解和关注伊斯兰婚姻制度.  相似文献   
Existing research demonstrates that parent and child gender may influence important aspects of family relationships; however, most research in this area has been conducted with non‐clinical samples. As clinicians, it is important to consider how gender impacts family relationships, particularly among vulnerable families. This study examined the intersections of gender role attitudes and parenting practices among 34 parents involved with the child welfare system and referred for clinical intervention. Using a mixed methods design, themes regarding gender role beliefs and parenting practices were found through qualitative interviews with parents. Findings suggested that fathers felt responsible for financially providing for their families and expressed challenges in communicating with mothers, and mothers described challenges they face because of a lack of father involvement. Parents also discussed a perceived need to monitor daughters closely while fostering the independence of their sons. Results of the qualitative analyses were supported by quantitative findings indicating significant differences in harsh and inconsistent discipline practices and clear expectations for girls compared to boys. The discussion addresses implications for clinicians, including how a feminist family therapy perspective may help promote client influence over traditional gender norms by questioning gender role attitudes and exploring alternate narratives that may impact family dynamics.  相似文献   
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