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Despite the indispensable importance of the sexual relationship to the family dynamics, there has never been a study on remarried Iranian women in blended families. For the purpose of this study, 52 divorced women, who married for the second time, were interviewed. The data were codified line by line using thematic content analysis. Six main themes were identified from the interviews: (a) intrapersonal effects, (b) interpersonal effects, (c) attachment-based sexual relationships, (d) a new start, (e) family-related stress, and (f) pregnancy-related issues. Many of these women reported they were still thinking about their previous relationship and were influenced especially by how their ex-husband evaluated their body image. These findings presented a relatively clear image of the impact of remarriage on the sexuality of Iranian remarried women in blended families. These findings suffer from some constraints, such as generalizing of the data due to the small sample size.  相似文献   
Men are more likely to repartner than women. This pattern might reflect gender disparities in barriers to repartnering. When rates of cohabitation increase, the gender disparity might shrink, as cohabitation is a less institutionalized form of coresidential partnership and therefore has lower entry barriers in comparison to marriage. Using event-history models applied to Czech data from the Generations and Gender Survey, we show that the odds of repartnering were indeed higher among men than among women in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. No significant change in the gender effect, however, was found. Similarly, the analysis revealed no change in the effect of gender on the odds of entering cohabitation rather than marriage.  相似文献   
This article reviews areas of advancement over the past decade in our understanding of remarriage and stepfamilies and suggests promising new directions for future work. Profound shifts in the demographic context of family life motivate central themes in recent scholarship on remarriage and stepfamilies, including the diversity and complexity of stepfamily structures and processes, the consequences of multiple partnerships for adults and children, and potential selectivity in the characteristics of individuals entering remarried families and stepfamilies. Despite challenges to further progress, I argue that remarriage and stepfamilies offer strategic opportunities to investigate many core concerns of family scholars.  相似文献   
对黑水城出土的一件婚姻文书的考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年和1984年在内蒙古额济纳旗出土的文书中,编号为F13:W130是涉及一件婚姻的文书,保存较为完整,人物关系也清楚,在民间文书中最为珍贵。本文试图对其进行考释的同时,对元代再婚问题作一初步探讨。  相似文献   
配偶以外无过错方的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国近年来对离婚产生的精神损害赔偿问题的研究主要集中在无过错配偶方的请求权上,文章通过对重婚、事实婚姻、非法同居以及有配偶者与他人同居等概念的辨析,指出了我国现行法律中对前三种关系中的第三人保护不足,并对如何保护该关系中第三人的财产权以及精神损害赔偿请求权提出建议。  相似文献   
中国的男孩偏好和婚姻挤压——初婚与再婚市场的综合分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
中国强烈的男孩偏好和对女性的歧视导致了婚姻市场上严重的男性婚姻挤压。本文使用中国2000年普查数据和所预测的2001~2050年人口数据,结合初婚和再婚市场设计了度量婚姻挤压的指标,测度了2001~2050年中国的婚姻挤压程度,考察了男孩偏好和再婚因素对中国未来婚姻挤压的影响。结果表明未来中国婚姻市场每年有10%~15%男性过剩人口,达到120万人。男孩偏好导致的高出生性别比显著影响未来婚姻市场,而再婚人口对婚姻市场上过剩人口也有显著影响。  相似文献   
女性婚姻自由与否,是衡量一个社会文明进步程度的重要指标,寡妇可否再嫁是衡量中国社会儒家伦理思想观念是否牢固的一块试金石.相关内容的元杂剧透露出的文化信息可以窥见蒙元社会草原文化对中原儒家文化的冲击之一斑.  相似文献   
从墓志看唐代妇女的贞节观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
]唐代社会虽不以再嫁为耻 ,但唐代妇女的再嫁并不普遍 ,贞节观仍然是保守的 ,这可从大量的墓志中得到证实。上层宗室贵族深受胡族婚俗的影响 ,形成了与下层妇女截然相反的贞节观念 ,但这并不是社会的主流。唐代社会妇女保守的贞节观 ,成为后世妇女贞节观念的滥觞  相似文献   
This study describes the efforts to develop and validate the Revised Questionnaire for Couples in Stepfamilies (RQCS). Utilizing exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic techniques, a 22-item scale is presented. Concurrent validity between the original and revised instruments is assessed with a measure of marital instability. Two independent samples, from different regions of the United States, are used to cross-validate the findings. Results suggest that relative to the original instrument, the RQCS can be used to assess 4 domains of stepfamily difficulties without significant loss of measurement precision.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between joint and sole physical custody arrangements and parental hostility, conflict, and communication in divorced families. Data from both self-report and clinical ratings from 121 families were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression in order to determine predictors of parental hostility, conflict, and communication 2-3 years after the separation. Family structures variables such as ages and numbers of children, as well as SES differences between parents were included in the model. Results show that where both parents have more frequent access to their children, they communicate with each other more frequently, but also experience greater hostility and conflict in their relationship. A second result indicates that extreme levels of parental verbal or physical abuse is predicted by extreme abuse during the marital years and is not related to custody or visitation arrangements, nor to family structure variables 2-3 years post-separation.  相似文献   
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