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A few studies examine what types of health information people seek online, yet we know little about how this varies by health status. To examine this question we used data collected from a random sample of 2,038 adults for the Pew Internet and American Life Project, which asked respondents in the United States whether they searched for 16 different types of information. These 16 topics were grouped into three broad areas, including medical conditions and treatments, health issues (e.g. diet and smoking cessation), and providers and payment (e.g. a particular hospital). To build on prior literature, two measures of health status were used: a self-report and the presence of a medical condition. The data suggest that health status impacts the types of health or medical information people seek on the Internet. Self-reported health status was not significantly related to any of the topics; however, respondents diagnosed with a disability or chronic disease were more likely to seek medical information on 13 of the 16 topics addressed. These include specific diseases or medical conditions, medical treatments or procedures, experimental treatments or medicines, alternative treatments or medicines, pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs, diet, immunizations, smoking cessation, depression, sexual health, environmental health hazards, a particular physician or hospital, and Medicaid/Medicare (governmental health programs in the United States for the poor and elderly). These results suggest that individuals in the United States who have a medical condition are more likely than healthy individuals to research most health topics online. The Internet can provide consumers with a wealth of information on issues of health and illness, yet healthcare providers need to educate consumers to be cautious given the range in quality.  相似文献   
At the end of May 2005, UNMIK head Jessen-Petersen addressed the UN Security Council presenting a generally positive picture of the situation in Kosovo. Now, a special envoy of the UN Secretary General will prepare a full-length report by September 2005 that addresses whether the most important human rights and democratic standards in Kosovo have been fulfilled. It is expected that this report will ascertain that the necessary progress has been made so that, as early as autumn of 2005, the UN Security Council can give the green light for starting negotiations on Kosovo's final status. Whether the carrot of EU membership can be dangled as the most enticing political incentive for Belgrade and Prishtina is questionable in light of the increasing weariness within the EU over expansion.  相似文献   
魏玛共和国是德国历史上政治教育制度化的最早时期。政治教育制度的制订吸纳了不同学者的进步思想。本文归纳了以李特、施普朗格和凯兴斯泰纳为代表的教育思想家的主要观点,从政治教育的目标和任务的角度,深入阐述了公民、政党、国家三者之间的关系;从政治教育的方法和途径的角度,提出了“为国家服务”和通过职业技能教育培养“国家有用的公民”等思想。这些思想符合魏玛政府巩固政权、缓和国内外局势、积极重建和发展国民经济的需要,受到当局的高度重视。因此,这些思想被吸纳到《魏玛宪法》中,赋予最高的法律地位。魏玛政府据此制订了比较完善的学校政治教育体系和制度,开创了德国历史上政治教育制度化的历史先河。同时,这些包含资产阶级民主进步观念的思想为当代德国民主政治教育的发展提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
在我党反腐倡廉史册上 ,江泽民反腐倡廉思想具有鲜明的理论特色和重要的历史地位 ,它对于我们党在新世纪开展反腐倡廉工作有着重要的指导意义 ;是江泽民党建理论的重要组成部分 ,是一个科学的理论体系 ;是马克思列宁主义和毛泽东、邓小平党建思想的继承和发展 ;是对我们党反腐倡廉新经验进行科学总结的重要成果。  相似文献   
论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对中国现代文学史上与无产阶级思潮几成并峙之势的资产阶级自由主义思潮 ,在摒弃简单片面的非科学研究倾向的同时 ,应从历史主义和辨证分析的角度 ,对思潮的形成、流变、基本特征和历史地位进行深入梳理与整体把握 ,以推动具体研究走向深化  相似文献   
多校区办学模式下师生交往的现状调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多校区办学模式中大学生对当前师生人际关系总体满意程度不高,任课老师、班主任、辅导员主动与学生交流的程度存在显著性差异,且任课老师主动与学生交流情况明显不如班主任、辅导员做得好。面对当前师生交往现状,教师应深入学生,全面关心、爱护学生,做学生的良师益友;改革学校内部的管理体制和运行机制;学生应积极转变观念,变被动为主动。  相似文献   
唐代的婚姻方式主要承袭前代的包办婚姻,其主要类型有承袭前代的门第婚、财婚、和亲,也有反映本时代特点的才婚、皇室与藩镇、藩镇之间的政治婚姻。五代以后,门第婚、和亲、公主出嫁藩镇及藩镇联姻逐渐消亡,只有婚姻论财这一陋习一直延续不衰,而且有愈演愈烈之势。  相似文献   
晚明文学中妇女不再只是配角,她们敢于冲破传统礼教,显示出鲜明个性,但是妇女解放的程度有限, 思想没有理性的觉醒,在文学作品中多以悲剧角色出现。  相似文献   
线性代数教育是大学数学的基础教育。本文系统地介绍了第二次世界大战以来,日本线性代数教育的发展,当今线性代数教育的研究内容、教学要求及存在的不足之处,并由此引起了对中国线性代数教育的思考。  相似文献   
职工思想政治工作在国有企业的重要地位是不容置疑,这关系到企业的改革、稳定,关系到企业的未来和社会的稳定。在新的历史条件下,如何做好思想政治工作,为我们的企业打造一支思想政治素质好、业务素质高的职工队伍,文章从四个方面探讨了如何实现思想政治工作的新途径。  相似文献   
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