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淮河流域自古就是旱涝、地震、火山等自然灾害的多发区,且因其南北过渡的地理位置,也是兵家必争之地,故淮河流域多灾多难。近年淮河流域相关县市虽未明确提出"灾难遗址旅游",但也进行了一些相关产品的开发尝试,但总体上淮河流域"灾难遗址旅游"还未成气候。对此,相关县市在进行旅游开发时须坚持以政府为投资主体、杜绝过度商业化、加强群众参与、适时适度开发等原则,采取多种旅游资源组合开发、充分运用高科技手段、通过灾难文学作品展现抗争精神、大力挖掘民间文化的开发方式,进行适宜灾难文化开发的市场营销,进一步打造灾难遗址旅游系统化品牌,以此谋求区域发展。  相似文献   
党风廉政建设责任制是我党预防腐败,推进党风廉政建设的一项重要措施。高等院校作为为国家建设培养人才的重要场所,党风廉政建设责任制落实的效果如何,将直接关系到国家未来的发展,关系到未来人才的素质,必须作为一项重要工作认真对待。高校尤其要注重党风廉政建设责任制配套制度的建设,并将其作为落实党风廉政建设责任制的基础性工作。  相似文献   
高校师生一体的党支部工作模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校党建的基础性工作是党支部建设.在学校的工作中,党支部工作模式对党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用的充分发挥会产生决定性影响.提出的师生一体的党支部工作模式在党的基层组织层面上实现了教师和学生的结合,能突出教师党员在基层党组织建设中的主导作用,增强党支部工作的针对性和有效性,有利于党更好地完成在高校的中心工作任务.  相似文献   
一些发达国家的发展历程表明,在工业化、城市化进程中,都有一个新农村建设的过程,也正是这个过程推动了其经济发展的再次跨越。我国提出的社会主义新农村建设这一历史性课题,是一项长期而又复杂的系统工程。县域作为承载农村发展的前沿,是实验者,更是直接推动者。近年来,胶州市始终坚持以城乡统筹为基本思路、以城乡一体化为目标方向,探索形成了健全工作推进面、找准突破切入点、夯实经济支撑点、强化城乡统筹点的“三点一面”新农村建设工作体系,创新性地确立了新农村建设百项评价指标体系,全面推进了新农村建设,并获得了许多宝贵经验。  相似文献   
我国城市土地物权制度的特殊结构决定了我国城市房屋拆迁模式必然异于发达的市场经济国家。在我国立法可以采取的三种城市房屋拆迁模式中,包含有四层复杂法律关系的政府主导型拆迁模式最适合我国国情。因此,我国未来城市房屋拆迁立法应以政府主导型拆迁模式为基础,并以协商型拆迁与折衷型拆迁模式为补充。  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产与学术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高小康 《河北学刊》2008,28(3):185-187
对非物质文化遗产的研究是从活态历史观的角度认识和研究传统文化,这不仅是一种文化考察和遗产保护的方法,同时也为传统人文学术研究的创新提供了新的思路和研究视野。对非物质文化遗产的研究首先是田野工作方法,即把研究工作从文本扩展到文化活动空间,进行文化活动过程的研究;其次是在田野工作基础上的体验,以"了解之同情"的态度深入探索研究对象的精神内蕴。  相似文献   
在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,确立管理对经济效益的决定作用,大刀阔斧地改革落后的管理模式是企业改革最迫切、最重要的任务,也是实行现代企业制度的重点.  相似文献   
Recent rapid economic growth in Ireland has been accompanied by a strong surge in the number of women in employment, and this has led to a significant increase in the proportion of dual‐earner families. These changes have brought the issue of reconciliation between work and care commitments to the fore. Flexible working arrangements in firms have been identified as one important means of balancing work and other commitments. In this article we investigate the relationship between four flexible working arrangements; flexitime, part‐time hours, working from home and job sharing, and two key employee outcomes; work pressure and work–life conflict, using data from the first national survey of employees in Ireland in 2003. Our results show that while part‐time work and flexitime tend to reduce work pressure and work–life conflict, working from home is associated with greater levels of both work pressure and work–life conflict. We conclude that it is important to distinguish between flexible working arrangements to discover their potential for reducing work pressure and work–life conflict.  相似文献   
Effective collaborative working between the different professions and agencies working to safeguard children is essential. Lack of knowledge of others' roles, perceived differences in status and expertise, and negative stereotypes are examples of why this can be difficult to achieve. A facilitated interprofessional learning (IPL) programme was implemented to assess if such an intervention could overcome some of the barriers to effective interprofessional and inter‐agency team working. Six teams based in primary and secondary care trusts took part with participants from health, education, police and social services. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from individual participants using a pre‐validated team climate inventory and reflective statements. Findings from this study demonstrate statistically significant changes in five out of six categories in the inventory. Reflective statements suggested that overall the programme offered a positive learning experience at both an individual and team level. The importance of outside facilitation to maintain the team's momentum was acknowledged, as was the difficulty of maintaining a good level of activity once the programme had ended. Nevertheless, the IPL programme provided a timely opportunity to reflect upon the interprofessional and inter‐agency team working needed within Children's Trusts and the implications for staff involved with regard to skills development. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
只有考古出土物上明确标着黄帝时期“字样”“图样”,或可通过别的旁证确认其为黄帝时期物件,否则,把西安杨官寨遗址与黄帝时期挂钩就是一种“比附”,这种看法并不科学,至少不了解哥德尔“不完备性定理”和阿罗“独裁定理”从形式系统角度对传统考古学局限性的揭示。杨官寨遗址出土的“镂空人面覆盆形器”(“倒扣花盆”),即史前作为“大巫”的黄帝(或其亲属近臣)之祭器,应属“国宝”级文物;“陶祖”则是史前龙山时期代替仰韶时期过程中“制度化祭祖”的证据,显示出当时男权社会取代女权的进步。作为5000年前的“黄帝故都”,杨官寨遗址发掘近10年,除《考古报告》外,少见有分量的考古研究成果。对此,中国考古学应当直面“中国文明起源多元论”的倡导者苏秉琦、张光直等前辈当时不知杨址等新发现的缺憾,否定“中国文明起源多元论”缺乏“中国文明起源‘花芯’论”补充表述的不足,走向“否定之否定”,确认中原地区在中国文明起源中具有“花芯”即文明带头作用。  相似文献   
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