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浪漫是湖南现代话剧作家创作的一大风格,该风格的产生与湖湘地域文化有着紧密的关联。在奇山秀水以及浓厚巫傩风尚的滋养与孕育下,湖南现代话剧作家或将丰富想象力投注于作品,通过非常态情节的叙述令其呈现出浓郁的传奇色彩;或借助爱情故事和为了爱情不顾一切痴情男女形象的描绘,表达崇情尚性的情爱观。受时代风气的影响,湖南现代话剧作家笔下的浪漫还表现出集融地域文化与时代风雨的别样形貌特征,如直白抒发情爱欲望,表现主体精神自由“灵”与社会现实“肉”间的分裂与矛盾等。  相似文献   
刘庆邦着眼于我国城乡社会结构的变迁,多年来坚持书写农村题材和普通矿工的平凡生活,新世纪以来创作的“保姆在北京”系列小说则将创作视点转移至进城打工的保姆群体,不变的是他对底层百姓的人道主义关怀及对人性问题的深入思索。不论是城乡交叉地带的煤矿叙事所呈现出的物理空间、心理空间和社会空间,还是“保姆在北京”系列小说中空间权力对进城乡下女性的规约与限制,都表现出刘庆邦小说明显的空间意识,也体现了他小说创作的独特价值。  相似文献   
新《课程要求》下大学英语写作教学的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语写作是非英语专业大学生最薄弱的环节之一,也是教学难点之一。从教育部最新下达的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)的写作标准出发,分析了影响英语写作水平的主、客观因素,提出了一系列的解决对策,旨在探讨写作的教学方法和提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   
吴昕孺是一位实力派诗人,也是“好诗主义”的提倡者、践行者之一。他的长诗《原野》堪称长篇巨制,既走出了新乡土诗派的阴影,又避免了掉入当前粗陋化写作的陷阱,且能别开生面,以现代性突进作为书写技法和叙述方向。吴昕孺以自己独立、清醒的价值观和文学观,以自己的探索和坚守,形成了一种颇具个性化的“书生写作”现象。  相似文献   
土家族作家孙健忠,后期创作了一系列具有神秘巫性色彩的小说,其致力于原始信仰的诗意表达和自然生命力的彰显,人神合一、人与动物神秘互渗、野性生命、本真人性、生殖崇拜等种种土家族巫文化元素渗透于作品之中,其巫性思维下的叙事方法则带给读者神秘的阅读体验。  相似文献   
语言是随着经济、社会、文化的发展而不断发展的。我们所处的时代瞬息万变,汉语新词语不断涌现。对此,学界存在着或否定或欢迎等不同态度。我们认为,吐故纳新是汉语的一大特性,我们应坚持开放宽容而又积极规范的态度,一方面大胆包容新词语不断出现的现象,一方面采取一定的措施加强语言的规范管理,处理好语言共性与个性的关系,使汉语发展既保持稳定性又富于创造性。  相似文献   
Despite considerable research investigating the role of influence tactics on work-related outcomes in organizations, consensus on the effectiveness of influence tactics has been elusive. Specifically, there is a lack of integration concerning the relationships between proactive influence tactics and their outcomes. We investigate the effectiveness of 11 influence tactics from a comprehensive perspective using meta-analytic techniques. In particular, the current study focuses on relationships between each of the 11 influence tactics (i.e., rational persuasion, exchange, inspirational appeal, legitimating, apprising, pressure, collaboration, ingratiation, consultation, personal appeals, and coalition) and task- and relations-oriented outcomes. In addition, we investigate the moderating effects of the direction of influence tactics, measurement of influence tactics, singular influence tactic (versus use of a combination of influence tactics), independence of data sources, and study setting involved in the study. Regardless of task- and relations-oriented outcomes, based on 49 independent samples (N = 8987), our results show positive relationships between outcomes and rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, apprising, collaboration, ingratiation, consultation, and a negative relationship between pressure and outcomes. Rational persuasion is the only tactic which held stable positive relationships with both categories of outcomes regardless of moderating factors. Implications and directions for future research in the area of influence tactics are discussed.  相似文献   
The notion that body modification occurs when one undertakes practices like tattooing, piercing or scarification, engenders discourses in which: (i) body modifiers endorse such practices as self‐constructive, distancing their practitioners from social regulation and a deterministic biology, whereas; (ii) critics condemn their seemingly violent, corporeal interference. However, in suspecting that such analysis should be attentive to the concurrent individual and social co‐constitution of behaviours, a sociological and post‐structural interrogation of this characterization of body modification as a “sovereign, denaturalizing” endeavour is demanded. An engagement with the originary violence of Derridian deconstruction will duly re‐conceive body modification practice as not something which introduces violence to corporeality. Rather, violence will present as a primordial differentiating process which bodies always already condition, and by which they are conditioned/produced/modified. The second issue at stake in this article will thus develop as a contestation to the characterization of “body modification” as an exclusive category of practice. Such practices do not arrive, pre‐existing, but rather manifest as the originary violence/differentiation of bodies‐as‐modifications‐which‐modify. This re‐defines modification from something that agentive subjects introduce to bodies, to something that subjects‐as‐bodies cannot help but be. Consequently, individual agency is not divorced from behaviour, but emerges as a corporeal, social production.  相似文献   
Through a close reading of Three Days to Walk, a memoir of disability by Chinese writer Zhang Yuncheng, this paper develops a new understanding of self-narrated life writing and its intersection with disability consciousness in the contemporary Chinese context. It examines the changing nature of disability life writing since the end of the early 1980s, a time when the images and voices of disabled began to emerge from effective cultural invisibility and silence. In a move away from state-sponsored ‘triumph over tragedy’ biographical narratives typical of the immediate post-Cultural Revolution period, Three Days to Walk is characteristic of a new popular trend to publish self-narrated life stories that reveal unique and intimate histories of disability experience both imbued with and propelled by a burgeoning sense of disability consciousness in the Chinese context.  相似文献   
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