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理论创新是社会发展和变革的先导,只有不断推进理论创新,才能促进社会的不断发展进步,推进理论创新,必须贯彻“三个代表”要求,重视总结实践经验,努力提高创新能力。  相似文献   
“大跃进”时期的河南农村公共食堂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村公共食堂是“大跃进”时期人民公社化的产物。公共食堂严重脱离20世纪50年代末中国社会生产力水平,因而不是经济发展的结果,而是靠政治压力强迫农民建立起来的。河南省是全国人民公社化运动的发源地,农村公共食堂的数量和比例均居全国首位。河南农村公共食堂出现了种种问题,它的解散是必然的,但却经历了一个曲折的过程,付出了血的代价。农村公共食堂问题上血的历史教训,是值得深思和记取的。  相似文献   
中共十六大报告首次提出确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产素按贡献参与分配的原则,其重大的创新意义在于表述更科学,导向更加明确。按贡献分配原则运用的关键在于,劳动、资本、技术和管理要素贡献大小的度量,应采取市场化的办法解决。按贡献分配必须与按劳分配为主、多种分配方式并存的基本分配制度结合,在结合中要特别强调公有制企业充分考虑非劳动要素贡献分配,非公有制企业充分考虑劳动贡献要素分配。  相似文献   
Three topics are addressed: (1) measurement issues (e.g., the reliability and validity of neurobehavioral test scores), (2) general principles of assessment, including test selection, and (3) interpretation of scores. Psychological tests generally perform as well as medical tests in terms of reliability and validity. Test manuals, assessment textbooks, and psychologists are useful resources to the risk assessor. The variety of different tests employed in neurobehavioral studies complicates interstudy comparisons. In addition, tests that ostensibly assess the same general domain of function might assess somewhat different abilities within that domain. Although a uniform battery for use in all studies seems desirable, the battery appropriate for a specific study depends on study goals, knowledge about the mechanism(s) of neurotoxicity, nature of the study population, and pattern of exposure. Exposure-related neurobehavioral deficits are generally indicators of "altered function" rather than of "clinical disease." Limiting concern to end points corresponding to clinical disease might not be appropriate. Many neurobehavioral diagnoses are phenomenological and a neurotoxicant might cause a unique pattern of deficits for which no label has been created. The concern that a small shift in the central tendency of a distribution of test scores has no significance for the individual should be reexamined in light of the prevention paradox, formulated on the basis of epidemiologic studies of chronic disease. Poor performance on a neurobehavioral test does not necessarily map clearly onto underlying behavioral or neural substrate. The absence of such linkages, given current knowledge about brain-behavior relationships, should not reduce confidence in neurobehavioral end points. Use of neurobehavioral test scores involves considerations that differ little from those that the risk assessor routinely addresses in using end points commonly used in research on other topics in environmental epidemiology.  相似文献   
张平小说写作的方向、价值简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张平小说的一个明显的特征是它的强烈的关注现实的情怀、实实在在的生活的“含金量”和近距离的“纪实品格”。其《法撼汾西》、《天网》、《孤儿泪》、《抉择》、《十面埋伏》、《对面的女孩》都直接取材于现实生活 ,都有大量的现实素材做基础。张平的小说又不同于一般的“社会问题小说” ,它不仅仅限于提出问题 ,而是要积极地干预现实 ,尤其重视对社会正面力量的褒扬和歌颂 ,充满了正面的激情 ,散射出积极的理想主义光彩。张平小说其实正代表着一种文学传统 :为人民代言 ,为老百姓鼓呼。这是中国文学史上的一个优秀的、源远流长的写作传统 ,如儒家的“文以载道”论 ,以《诗经》为开端的现实主义传统 ,屈原的“哀民生之多艰” ,杜甫的“三吏、三别” ,白居易的“惟歌生民病” ,鲁迅的“俯首甘为孺子牛” ,赵树理的全心全意为农民写作、甘当“文摊作家” ,当然 ,还有毛泽东的“文艺为工农兵服务”和我们党后来的一系列类似的文艺政策等等。张平的小说创作正是这一优秀传统的继承和发扬光大。它的出现、成功 ,无疑是对文学领域那种远离“大众生活”的私人化倾向的有力针砭和拨正。代言传统小说 ,过去曾经步入公式化、概念化和庸俗政治化的歧途 ,而张平却未落窠臼 ,他的小说写作已有了一些新的变化 ,如自?  相似文献   
存在与意识的关系问题,是一个关于唯物主义与唯心主义之对立的老问题,并且被恩格斯表述为哲学的基本问题,这就是说,它是一个在存在论上的基本立场问题.但是,在西方近代存在论的形而上学方式中,由意识的内在性所建立的人的主体性,在根本上导致了脱离人的感性生存的抽象的意识与抽象的存在之间的对峙,后者实际上是被前者的内在性规定出来的,因此才产生了一个关于"自在之物"的难题.海德格尔认为,马克思是用"物质生产等于人的自身生产"来确立存在对于意识的优先性的,并且由于马克思的生产概念与黑格尔的生产概念没有原则区别,故而马克思仍在意识的内在性原理中.这表明他对马克思的哲学变革缺乏真正的了解.本文从马克思关于意识概念的存在论阐发入手,证明马克思的生产概念并非来自对黑格尔的生产概念的形而上学倒转,而是把物质生产理解为"勾连着"存在本身的人的对象性存在的自我实现.这正是马克思的"新唯物主义"思想的要义所在,它构成了马克思对于资本主义的存在论批判.  相似文献   
经济全球化是市场经济和科技发展的必然产物。它前所未有地推动了全球经济的大发展;同时也具有负面效应.甚至会带来灾难。它为发展中国家提供了发展的机遇也提出了严峻的挑战。21世纪,我国唯一正确的选择是:积极参与经济全球化;正确认识、灵活运用经济全球化的“游戏规则”;加强与国外跨国公司的合作,加快发展我国的跨国经营。  相似文献   
In this paper, the maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayes, by using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), methods are considered to estimate the parameters of three-parameter modified Weibull distribution (MWD(β, τ, λ)) based on a right censored sample of generalized order statistics (gos). Simulation experiments are conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Some comparisons are carried out between the ML and Bayes methods by computing the mean squared errors (MSEs), Akaike's information criteria (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC) of the estimates to illustrate the paper. Three real data sets from Weibull(α, β) distribution are introduced and analyzed using the MWD(β, τ, λ) and also using the Weibull(α, β) distribution. A comparison is carried out between the mentioned models based on the corresponding Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test statistic, {AIC and BIC} to emphasize that the MWD(β, τ, λ) fits the data better than the other distribution. All parameters are estimated based on type-II censored sample, censored upper record values and progressively type-II censored sample which are generated from the real data sets.  相似文献   
《Home Cultures》2013,10(3):267-286
This article discusses the development and initial validation of a scale designed to assess parents’ concerns upon their learning about their children's gay or lesbian sexual orientations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the scale's items resulted in a three-factor solution distinguishing among parental concerns about (1) their children's physical, psychological, and social well-being, (2) themselves as parents of gay or lesbian children, and (3) being rejected by loved ones.  相似文献   
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