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中国少数民族众多,各民族在发展过程中都形成了与自身相适应的乡土性、生活性和稳定性极强的习惯法,这些习惯法与我国现行刑法产生了一系列的矛盾和冲突。在两种社会调控机制将长期并存的情况下,如何调适刑法和少数民族习惯法的冲突,增强民族地区刑事司法的可操作性就成了一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
政治的变革、经济的不断进步和文化教育的发展对苗族习惯法提出了各种新的要求,为习惯法向村规民约的演变提供了必要的社会条件。因为习惯法向成文法发展是一种客观的必然趋势,国家制定法调整的范围有限,亟需具备一定效力的村规民约加以弥补,村规民约与当地文化语言相通可解决制定法的语言表达晦涩难懂的问题,国家司法机关能力有限又希望通过村规民约发挥补充作用。村规民约具有规范、补充和自治的特殊功能。  相似文献   
This article is about the strategic use of adat arguments in the politics of large-scale land acquisition. While customary (adat) communities are commonly depicted as small local minorities living in the forests and being guardians of the environment, in many situations such communities occupy a majority position within the district. Majority adat communities are internally differentiated into categories of actors with varying and conflicting interests. This article focuses on Sumba in eastern Indonesia, where state and adat powers are not opposed but historically aligned. We analyse how five common ways of framing adat in Sumba are currently being deployed in land-acquisition politics, in situations supporting plantation land acquisition or protesting against farmers’ land dispossession. We draw attention to what we call ‘strategic adat framing’ as a political activity. The article calls for analysing the historical and social context of local deployments of adat for understanding the impact of current government pro-adat policies.  相似文献   
俄罗斯选择了市场经济体制作为改革的目标模式,加强财产利用已经成为不可忽视的趋势。民法典和土地法典对土地的永久使用权、终生继承占有权、对他人土地的限制使用权的规定,较完整地构成了俄罗斯的现代土地他物权制度,也体现出俄罗斯根据本国的需要对土地他物权的立法所作的必要调整。  相似文献   
国家制定的环境与资源法体系由于移植制定法的缺陷、立法与实践脱节、环境保护的地域性等诸多原因,实践中存在若干困境。通过对四川省宜宾市四个苗族乡环境与资源习惯法的实证研究及其与国家法的对照,可以看出习惯法是对国家法的有益补充。在分析习惯法运行机制的基础上,提出了借鉴汲取精华、下放民族地区立法权、人员和财政支持等若干建议,以构建一个习惯法与国家法良性互动的可能路径,以期为苗族地区环境与资源可持续发展提供有益的参照。  相似文献   
The conversion of customary land into leasehold tenure has sparked intense debates in Zambia and beyond. Growing interest in land in the last decade and half has led to a spike in demand for land across Africa, especially land adjacent to major cities, towns and developed infrastructure. This growing demand for land is gradually being directed at customary land, which well-resourced urban and local elites, as well as foreign investors, are converting from customary to private tenure, raising serious questions about the future of customary land in Africa. This paper discusses the emerging dynamics around customary land conversion drawing from a case study conducted in Chongwe and Chibombo districts in Zambia. Evidence gathered in this study suggest that while the conversion of customary land to leasehold tenure is generating opportunities for the urban elite, a few traditional leaders and international investors, it is, at the same time, creating serious challenges for the majority of the people in the local communities.  相似文献   
在中国特色社会主义法治建设的大背景下,随着民族习惯法研究的深入,习惯法的理论逐步完善,司法实践也从民商事领域跨步到刑事领域。从可诉性、无害性和合理性角度分析少数民族习惯法,并在分析“互补型”和“冲突型”两种少数民族习惯法相关案例的基础上,通过合理采纳、变通适用、坚决取缔等方式为少数民族习惯法在司法领域寻求可操作性和合法性,进而提升法官在审判实践中的民族法意识,为司法实践提供有力保障。  相似文献   
社会转型与权力支配:民族国家构建视野下的习惯法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
习惯法是构建乡土秩序的基础,它大致分为“公”、“私”两类。以往的习惯法研究往往注重于“私”习惯法,而文章则着重考察建立在乡村权威基础上的公共习惯法。20世纪中国巨大的变迁可以看作民族国家建立的过程,国家权力开始渗透并控制乡村,它摧毁了旧有的乡土秩序,建立普遍规则统治,而习惯法作为一种旧封建陋习被清除。当今民间权威的重建,习惯法呈一种复苏态势,有效地影响了法的运行。但20世纪80年代以后,随着现代化在乡村的广泛深入,习惯法的影响成为一个不能确定的问题。  相似文献   
For the colonist the native is declared insensitive to ethics: he represents not only the absence of values but also the negation of values. He is, let us dare to admit, the enemy of values, and in this sense he is the absolute evil (Frantz Fanon, The wretched of the earth).  相似文献   
现代法治社会是一个以成文法为主流的社会,国家法制统一内在地要求法律对社会生活的控制是全方位的。然而,由于历史和现实的原因,以及彝族习惯法自身的因素等原因,目前,彝族习惯法在凉山仍然存在和有效运行。并且由于彝族习惯法代表和满足了凉山彝族地区、彝族社会关系网络中彝族成员的需要,因此,有它生存的特定社会空间,同时也就有了其存在的意义。  相似文献   
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