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Since 2006, one of Indonesia’s biggest corporations operating in the cement industry has been trying to build a factory at Sukolilo village in Central Java, Indonesia. The potential for of environmental damage caused by mining and the construction of this new factory is the main source of conflict between the public and the giant corporation.The focus of this research was the communication strategy adopted by women in the community to reject the construction of the cement factory in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. This research used a qualitative method through a case study approach. Interviews, observations, and literature studies were used as data collection techniques for in this research.We found that the practices of the “Bakul Gendong” communication strategy were effective in developing women’s awareness of environmental issues based on the values they believe in. Through the women peddlers, women’s awareness of the risk of environmental damage caused by the cement factories was successfully developed. They also created female farmers’ group named “Simbar Wareh” to strengthen cooperation between them and to better-organize their resistance. The women’s movement to resist the cement factory was also conducted by building a network, meeting authorities, demonstrating, displaying traditional symbols during celebrations such as the “Agustusan” (independence day celebration) and Kartinian (women’s day) as their sites of resistance. The local government and PT. Semen Gresik tended to use technical and economical communicative approaches, while the people mainly refer to local know how PT. Semen Gresik did not use the right communication strategy to understand the conflict that arose and how to handle it, until after 10 years of trying to build a factory in Sukolilo.  相似文献   
民族高校学生突发事件一直以来都是民族高校管理中一个不容忽视的问题,由于民族高校突发事件的特殊性,使民族高校在突发事件应对方面存在诸多困境。从危机管理的角度进行思考和应对,对预防民族高校突发事件的发生有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
论团结抗日民族政策的历史作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了抗日图存,中国共产党制定了团结抗日的民族政策———建立抗日民族统一战线,主张民族平等和民族团结,各少数民族有自治之权,帮助少数民族发展经济文化,尊重其语言文字和宗教习惯的自由。陕甘宁边区和其他抗日根据地认真贯彻执行了党的民族政策,从而有力地推动了各少数民族的英勇抗战,赢得了抗日战争的最后胜利。  相似文献   
北平辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,在北平沦陷之后弦歌不辍,讲诵如恒,并得以发展。学校师生与日伪周旋,抗敌不屈,延续民族文化生命,抵制日伪奴化教育,因此赢得了"抗日大本营"的赞誉。  相似文献   
抗日战争进入到相持阶段后,刘少奇赴华中任华中局书记、华中部队总指挥部政治委员、新四军政治委员,对建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大华中军事力量卓有建树。他建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大新四军的韬略思想与湖湘文化的集大成者王船山的战争战略指导艺术有明显的学脉相承之处。  相似文献   
抗战初期,国共两党在抗日战争这一特定的历史条件下,实现了比较密切的合作。在山西,中国共产党和国民党地方实力派阎锡山在双方合作的基础上,形成了具有山西特色的特殊形式的统一战线,中国共产党实行正确的方针政策,使党能够利用这些合法组织,不断壮大抗日革命力量,争取和团结了一切可以团结的抗日进步势力,开创了山西抗战的新局面。  相似文献   
抗战时期粤西经济畸形发展,社会变动。当地妇女家庭地位提高,在婚姻关系中表现出较强的自主性,登报声明离婚、退婚、脱离关系者比比皆是;部分妇女诉诸法律,地方法院肯定了妇女的婚姻权益,婚姻自由观念和法律意识开始深入人心。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,海外华侨对祖国抗战的经济支援,这是他们对祖国抗战作出的最大贡献.华侨对祖国抗战经济支援的方式:捐款、购债、侨汇、投资和捐献物资.他们在祖国抗战中能作出如此重大经济贡献的主要原因:有强烈的爱国主义精神,有组织有领导地进行,爱国侨领起了重大作用和国共两党都对华侨抗日救国运动起了十分重要的指导作用.  相似文献   
抗战时期基督教夏令儿童会初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏令儿童会是近代在华诸差会为养成儿童“基督化人格”。为教会造就生力军而开展的一项涉及儿童的教会工作。随着抗日战争的到来,由中华全国基督教协进会发起倡导的夏令儿童会,在中华基督教宗教教育促进会的领导推动之下,迎难而上.除每年七八两月按时照例开办之外.并在一定程度上服务于战时难童救济工作。本文以中华全国基督教协进会月刊《中华归主》为主要资料来源,通过对其中有关夏令儿童会资料的梳理,探求国难时期协进会系统下夏令儿童会的历史真相。  相似文献   
Information technology is increasingly being used in the human services, but reports suggest that some professionals are resisting its introduction. Some accounts for this resistance emphasise the role of the technology's physical attributes. It may, however, be due more to mistaken assumptions by some professionals about the role of the technology in generating information in human service contexts. Information as a concept has different interpretations according to its usage. It is the author's contention that there has been a failure to differentiate between the use of the concept in different settings and this is a possible causal factor in producing resistance. This paper examines information as used in communication theory and the human services and emphasises the need for a thorough examination of the role of information in professional social work education and practice.  相似文献   
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