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Carol Chan 《Mobilities》2018,13(3):325-336
This article presents narratives and tropes of transnational tourism from a less considered perspective: rural migrant-origin villagers of Central Java. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Cilacap and Yogyakarta, I analyze how and why some former temporary labor migrants depict their typically harsh experiences in terms of tourism and leisure. Addressing the tendency in current research to approach labor migration and tourism as mutually exclusive or unrelated class categories and experiences, I consider the ways in which former migrants and non-migrant villagers evaluate or identify labor migration in terms of gender, class, religious, and ethno-national subjectivities associated with ‘tourist’ and/or ‘migrant’ categories. Popular and commercial imaginations of leisure travel and tourism importantly shape the subjectivities and positionalities of precarious labor migrants. Foregrounding the relations between tourism and labor migration reveals the multi-scalar ways in which associated discourses and infrastructures of both mutually shape and constitute global socio-economic inequalities.  相似文献   
This article examines the interplay between local culture, the state, and economic actors' agency in producing variation across markets. I adopt a political-cultural approach to examining why life insurance has been far more popular in Taiwan than Hong Kong, despite the presence of a cultural taboo on the topic of premature death in both societies. Based on interview data and documentary references, the findings reveal that as an independent state, the Taiwanese government heavily protected domestic insurance firms during their emergence. These domestic firms adopted a market-share approach by re-defining the concept of life insurance to accommodate the local cultural taboo. The colonial Hong Kong government, on the other hand, adopted laissez-faire policies that essentially favoured foreign insurance firms. When faced with the tension between local adaptation and the profitability of the business, these foreign firms chose the latter. Their reluctance to accommodate local cultures, however, resulted in a smaller market. I argue that state actions mediate who the dominant economic players are and that the nature of the dominant players affects the extent of localization. Specifically, the presence of competitive domestic players alongside transnational corporations is more likely to produce varieties of capitalism.  相似文献   
波斯史学家拉施特丁的《史集》为研究蒙古人统治之前中央亚细亚草原上鞑靼人的历史提供了重要信息。拉施特丁认为,蒙古人统治之前中央亚细亚草原地区的居民以突厥部落为主,其组织"结构"为6个鞑靼人国家。本文以鄂尔浑和叶尼塞河流域突厥如尼文碑铭记载为依据,参照汉文史籍、敦煌和波斯手稿等的记载,探讨了9—12世纪在甘肃和新疆的广阔地域内活动的鞑靼人及其政权、9世纪上额尔齐斯河流域基马克人及其部落联盟的形成与鞑靼人之间的关系。  相似文献   
This paper documents the experience of developing and teaching a course on mental health for undergraduate social worker students during a semester in Vietnam. Social work is a profession at the early stages of development in Vietnam, requiring much curriculum development. There are over 40 universities with undergraduate social work education programs, but few of the faculty have had training or experience in practicing social work. The paper will summarize the main reasons for developing such a course given the current state of mental health need and services in a changing culture, as well as the current state of professional social work education and the newly established profession of social work. The author describes the contexts underlying the course—the status of social work and social work education in Vietnam, the context of mental health and mental illness in Vietnam, and curriculum adaptation to the cultural context. From this experience, the lessons learned about the role of cross-cultural critical thinking, cultural knowledge, and other strategies will be discussed about teaching a subject like mental health internationally.  相似文献   
中亚回族即东干族,是清末由中国西北地区迁移到中亚地区的一批回民及其后裔。中亚回族中至今流传有很多民间故事和民间谚语等。其民间文学丰富多彩,既保留有中国传统文化的色彩,也具有东干族的民族特征,充分表明了中亚回族人对中华文化的热爱与坚守。  相似文献   
赵海英 《河北学刊》2012,32(4):173-177
处于从传统向现代社会转型的后发展多民族国家的族际整合问题,是现代政治学面临的一个重要课题。独立后的东南亚国家在威权政治的国家建构方式中,实施相对合理有效的族际整合方略,在整合民族关系、维护国家统一和推进经济现代化方面为后发展国家提供了宝贵经验,同时为自身向现代民主政治转型创造了条件。  相似文献   
祭祀文化是儒家礼制文化最重要的内容之一,祭祀是书院教育的一个重要组成部分。中韩两国的书院都有祭祀的建筑以及相应的仪式空间。东亚书院祭祀建筑的布局有着严格的规矩,遵照传统礼制思想中的方位观念。因礼仪交往行为中的宾主位置关系形成了古代建筑(包括书院建筑)中的东西阶制度。  相似文献   
西南地区位于中国与东南亚地区的地理结合部,自古与东南亚地区有密切交往.新中国建立后,东亚国际政治和中国国内政策对西南地区与东南亚的经济交往与合作产生了重要影响.到20世纪90年代,西南地区与东南亚的经济交往与合作已经取得了重要进展.中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设将为西南地区与东南亚的合作提供难得的机遇.  相似文献   
中亚与我国西北边疆地区同源跨国民族问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,当今世界跨国民族问题引发的各种矛盾与冲突,往往受主体民族与母族文化的影响;对于跨国民族的发展需要始终关注两方面的问题:其一,是否促进所在国与客位国经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结;其二,是否影响所在国和客位国经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结。中亚与我国西北边疆同源跨国民族形成的原因是历史的变迁。当前,中亚与我国西北边疆跨国民族问题中一个突出的问题就是民族主义的泛滥,成为影响主位国和客位国社会稳定乃至边疆安全的一个现实问题。  相似文献   
牙买加体系具有内在的不稳定性、不平等性,区域货币合作是东亚国家化解不稳定性、减少不平等性的必由之路。通过影响东亚国家在区域货币合作博弈中的支付结构,牙买加体系的内生特征给东亚货币合作注入了持久的、外生的结构性激励,东亚货币合作由此得到维护和推进。东亚货币合作在受到牙买加体系力量塑造的同时,也对牙买加体系产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
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