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As important members of research teams, statisticians bear an ethical responsibility to analyze, interpret, and report data honestly and objectively. One way of reinforcing ethical responsibilities is through required courses covering a variety of ethics-related topics at the graduate level. We assessed ethics requirements for graduate-level statistics training programs in the United States for the 2013–2014 academic year using the websites of 88 universities, examining 103 biostatistics programs, and 136 statistics degree programs. We categorized programs’ ethics training requirements as required or not required. Thirty-one (35.1%) universities required an ethics course for at least some degree students. Sixty-two (25.5%) degree programs required an ethics course for at least some students. The majority (77.4%) of required courses were worth 0 or 1 credit. Of the 177 programs without an ethics requirement, 19 (10.7%) listed an ethics elective. Although a single ethics course is insufficient for instilling an ethical approach to science, degree programs that model expectations through coursework point to the value of ethics in science. More training programs should prepare statisticians to consider the ethical dimensions of their work through required coursework. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
澳大利亚与现代主义的结合深长而又曲折,这个过程锻造了澳大利亚当代文学的民族铿锵之声,使之响彻世界文化之林,促进了澳大利亚国际化的进程。在这变革中,以怀特为代表的澳大利亚当代小说家和一批文学批评家做出卓越的贡献。他们奋斗的历程与成就对当今中国的文学发展具有重要的借鉴意义。从现代主义与澳大利亚当代文学如何结合谈起,由分析澳大利亚当代小说入手,探讨澳大利亚当代文学发展历程对当今中国文学发展的启示。  相似文献   
地方台必须将视角放远,充分考虑地方的实际情况和自身条件,用战略的眼光规划和设计自己的特色栏目,以提高电视特色栏目的市场占有率。一个成功的电视特色栏目从其命名、制作、播出,直到退出电视节目市场,有着特色栏目的市场生命周期。所以,任何电视特色栏目的生命力都在于发展,是一个动态的过程,必须用发展的方式去经营电视特色栏目,才可能获得成功。  相似文献   
The death, in Sydney, of Oliver Lancaster marks the end of an era in the histories of the Statistical Society of Australia, which (in its previous existence as the Statistical Society of New South Wales) he helped found in 1947, and of the Australian Journal of Statistics of which he was founding editor (1959–1971). Oliver Lancaster was Foundation Professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of Sydney (1959–1978), where he spent his life as student and academic. During his academic career, he achieved scholarly distinction in at least four fields: mathematical statistics, medical and public health statistics, the history of medicine and of statistics, and statistical bibliography. With E.J.G. Pitman (1897–1993), M.H. Belz (1897–1975), E.A. Cornish (1909–1973) and P.A.P. Moran (1917–1988) he was part of a cohort of renowned Australian mathematical statisticians who laid the foundation of the glory days of Australian mathematical statistics. This obituary and tribute focuses on some of these aspects, within a broader historical picture.  相似文献   
湖南是原始拜火教的发源地和稻作农业的诞生地,也是炎帝族中心聚落的所在地,湖南才是炎帝文化的母体。中华炎黄研究会认为山西高平是炎帝故里的说法缺乏关键证据支持,因而难以成立。  相似文献   
船舶出口企业结算风险防范研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际贸易中,国际结算在发挥巨大作用的同时,也因其风险可能会给交易双方带来巨大的损失。三种常用的结算方式为汇付、托收和信用证,我国船舶出口企业使用结算方式有其独特的特点和成因,应注意防范结算风险。在人民币不断升值的压力下,船舶出口企业要将多种结算方式结合使用,并大胆采用新型国际结算工具———福费廷和国际保理,以此更好地规避结算风险,提高企业在国际市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   
目前,我国失地农民利益受损、土地资源流失严重。究其原因,现象上,在于不合理的失地补偿安置制度,而本质上,则在于农民土地所有权主体地位的缺失。因而确立农民对土地的所有权主体地位,并以此对补偿安置制度进行系统改革,才是保护农民利益、保障土地资源的关键。  相似文献   
基于信任的供应链伙伴关系维系管理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在契约的基础上进行基于信任的伙伴关系维系管理是保证节点企业间融洽合作关系的有效策略之一.本文首先分析了供应链伙伴关系管理实践中需要注意的问题以及信任与供应链伙伴关系的内在联系;在供应商开发程序的基础上融入信任诊断、协商沟通和改进供应链伙伴关系提高绩效的过程,提出了一种基于信任诊断的供应链伙伴关系开发程序进行多层伙伴关系维系的方法,包括基于信任的伙伴关系诊断层、伙伴关系协商沟通层和伙伴关系修正层.最后给出了支持该方法不同组成元素的企业实际运作例证.  相似文献   
As flood risks grow worldwide, a well‐designed insurance program engaging various stakeholders becomes a vital instrument in flood risk management. The main challenge concerns the applicability of standard approaches for calculating insurance premiums of rare catastrophic losses. This article focuses on the design of a flood‐loss‐sharing program involving private insurance based on location‐specific exposures. The analysis is guided by a developed integrated catastrophe risk management (ICRM) model consisting of a GIS‐based flood model and a stochastic optimization procedure with respect to location‐specific risk exposures. To achieve the stability and robustness of the program towards floods with various recurrences, the ICRM uses stochastic optimization procedure, which relies on quantile‐related risk functions of a systemic insolvency involving overpayments and underpayments of the stakeholders. Two alternative ways of calculating insurance premiums are compared: the robust derived with the ICRM and the traditional average annual loss approach. The applicability of the proposed model is illustrated in a case study of a Rotterdam area outside the main flood protection system in the Netherlands. Our numerical experiments demonstrate essential advantages of the robust premiums, namely, that they: (1) guarantee the program's solvency under all relevant flood scenarios rather than one average event; (2) establish a tradeoff between the security of the program and the welfare of locations; and (3) decrease the need for other risk transfer and risk reduction measures.  相似文献   
西安事变的和平解决成为国共两党由内战到合作杭日时局转换的枢纽,促成西安事变和平解决的主要因素有:一、中国共产党以民族大计为重,从中协调。二、蒋介石被迫反省,改弦更张。三、张学良、杨虎城两位将军无私无畏,肝胆相照。四、宋氏兄妹从中斡旋,入情入理。西安事变得以和平解决是诸多因素促成的结果,缺少任何一个方面,西安事变的和平解决都是不可能的。  相似文献   
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